The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2029: fruitful

The Sun Empire has been stolen from thousands of third-tier cities in a row. At the beginning, those people didn't dare to say that they were afraid of being punished by the above, because now is a special moment, and the Sun Empire is about to start a war with the outside world.

At this time, I reported to the above that their money had been stolen. The above will definitely not believe it. Even if they did, they would think that they were incompetent and punished them.

Over time, the city lords of these third-tier cities communicated with each other and found that they were all stolen.

Now it terrifies them.

The last time I asked, there were more than a thousand third-tier cities that were stolen, which is not a trivial matter.

So they reported it to the top.

This time the matter was handled by the fifth-tier cities in person. Generally speaking, the third-tier cities are managed by the fourth-tier cities, but this time there are too many third-tier cities, so the fifth-tier cities can only come forward in person. .

"City Lord, this time is not a small matter. Thousands of third-tier cities have all been stolen." An elder reported.

"Baga, a group of idiots, they were stolen at this time, and more than a thousand cities have been stolen, do they have no brains? And why has someone come to report this now?" The city owner of the fifth-tier city shouted angrily.

"In the beginning, those people were afraid of taking responsibility, so they didn't dare to report it. Later, they heard that they were all stolen, so they jointly reported it." The elder explained.

"Baga! Baga!" The city lord of the fifth-tier city scolded angrily: "What time is it? At the most critical moment of the war, they dare to hide such an important matter, do they know that this will bring the empire to the world? What a loss? If they had reported it earlier, then we could have informed the other third-tier cities as soon as possible and told other third-tier cities to step up their vigilance. Could such a thing still happen?"

"I have directly executed all the city lords of the ten third-level cities that were stolen at the beginning," the elder said.

"Ten? What's the use of ten? Kill a hundred for me, and I want them to know that no one can compare their own personal interests with the empire. Their lives belong to the empire." That fifth-level The lord of the city roared.

"Yes!" the elder said respectfully.

"Go, let me know, all the third-tier cities are on alert for me, step up the defense, let me guard the treasure house, and let me find out the modus operandi of that person, let them know together, and let those people give me I watched it. If another city is stolen, I will be executed directly on the spot. Also, this matter should not be publicized, and the ordinary people in the city should not know about it, otherwise people will be turbulent. Now is the most important thing. At the moment, I do not allow any mistakes." The city lord of the fifth-level city ordered.

"Yes! City Lord!" The elders said respectfully.

"Damn, damn, let all the cities below step up my practice, time is running out, they must master various combat skills, their lives belong to the empire, once the war begins, they will dedicate themselves to the empire Life, this is their glory." The city lord of the fifth-level city turned his head and left after speaking.

Now he is really angry.

At the same time, all the third-tier cities have received this notice.

But they seem to have forgotten to notify the fourth-tier cities.

Xia Xian has long despised those third-tier cities, and he has already started targeting fourth-tier cities.

Fourth-tier cities are different from third-tier cities. The wealth of fourth-tier cities is much greater than that of third-tier cities, and the city owners here generally have storage rings.

In order to move fast in the summer, naturally, I will not play the harmony of storage rings.

But the City Lord's Mansion must have weapons and equipment, medicine pill materials and spirit stones, etc. These things are the targets of Xia Xia.

Since it was the first time to attack a fourth-tier city, Xia Xia was not in a hurry, but started when it was dark. His hidden breath technique combined with his ability to dig holes can be said to be unparalleled in the world.

Nothing could stop him.

Especially this kind of fourth-tier city without any precautions.

Night falls.

"In such a good weather, if I don't take all of you, I'm really sorry for you." Xia Xia did not say that he stole it at this time, but took it.

Because every time he went to the other party's treasure trove, he took it openly, rather than stealing it.

He can take all the things inside, and then leave openly.

Very calm.

"There are ten largest families in this city, dozens of small families, and one city lord's mansion, so I will come one by one." Xia Xia started with the small family, then the big family, and finally the city lord's mansion.


His body quickly shuttled through the entire fourth-tier city.

It was very fast, and when he rode the teleportation array, he simply stunned the guards at the teleportation array, and then placed them there. It seemed to outsiders that they were asleep.

At dawn, Summer checked the spoils.

"It seems that this kind of small family can't go there in the future, it's too poor." Xia Xia discovered that there were only about 10 million spirit stones in each of those small families. Although there were materials, they were all available, and it was the big families who were powerful. , There are 300 million or 400 million low-grade spirit stones in a family, and there are a lot of materials.

This big family has more wealth than a city in those third-tier cities.

What excites him most is the City Lord's Mansion.

There are actually three billion luminous stones in the City Lord's Mansion, as well as a lot of weapons and equipment, plus materials and so on.

"Enjoyed!" Xia Xia said excitedly.

This time, the sum of his receipts has already exceeded 6 billion low-grade spirit stones, and the sum of those materials has even exceeded the value of more than 10 billion low-grade spirit stones.

A fourth-tier city has allowed him to harvest more than ten billion wealth, but there are thousands of fourth-tier cities in the Sun Empire.

In fact, fourth-tier cities are also divided into rich and non-rich ones. The robbery this summer is a rich fourth-tier city.


After stealing the things here in the summer, he took the teleportation array and left.

When he left, he also gave the guard ten low-grade spirit stones in a very large amount.

Those guards are all grateful for the The next morning, this fourth-tier city went crazy.

All the families found the City Lord's Mansion and reported the matter to the City Lord. As a result, the City Lord responded that the City Lord's Mansion had also been stolen. Finally, the ten major families sat down with the people of the City Lord's Mansion for a meeting.

"Tell me, what to do this time!" said the city lord of the fourth-tier city. At this time, he looked sad, and he looked more than ten years older than usual.

"City Lord, you must decide for us. We have lost billions of low-grade spirit stones this time."

"Yes, yes! That's all our liquidity, and it's all gone this time."

"City Lord, the murderer must be severely punished."

The patriarchs of those big families kept talking.

"Severe punishment!" The city lord gritted his teeth.


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