The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2030: Level 5 City Fury

The city lord's momentum suddenly became stronger, but then he sat back again.

"Hey, I also want to severely punish the murderer, but who is the murderer? Do you know?" The city lord looked at the ten people one by one, but they all shook their heads, and no one knew who did it. .

"City Lord, if you can't do it, report it." A family patriarch suggested.

"No, once it is reported, all of you and I will be punished, and may even be directly executed. The loss this time is too great, not to mention the current situation." The city owner directly refused.

"Well, it can't be said, otherwise we can't get rid of the relationship. Now the war will break out soon. Once it breaks out, our money will be prepared for the empire. We can only hide this matter. The most important thing now is to hurry up. Get some more money, and after the war, we can hand over the money, and then get some supplies to distribute, just tell the above, we have already used all the money to reward the soldiers." The patriarch of a big family suggested. .

"Okay, this is a good idea, so that the above will not only hold us accountable, but even praise us." The city lord's eyes suddenly lit up.

that's it.

This time, things were pressed down again.

In fact, the entire Sun Empire is the same. The reason why they are desperate after going out is because the laws of their country are very strict.

If you don't work hard, you will be punished even if you come back alive, even your family will be implicated, and you will become the laughing stock of others.

Because of this, all the people of the Sun Empire are not afraid of death.

They thought so, and so did the second quad city, and the third.

half year later!

It swept more than 300 Tier 4 cities in the summer.

A total of two trillion low-grade spirit stones and one trillion worth of materials were obtained.

One trillion is equal to one trillion, which means that a total of more than three trillion wealth was stolen in the summer.

It can be said that this time it is summer.

However, the good times did not last long, and in the summer after half a year, it seemed that these fourth-tier cities had all received orders, and the guards were very strict, and every treasure house was guarded by layers.

Although he succeeded in stealing the last treasure trove, he almost leaked it. After killing everyone, he fled.

He knew he must have caught the attention of those people.

In fact, he knew for a long time that he would attract the attention of these people one day, but he didn't expect to come so late, he thought he would be discovered long ago.

But the people here are worried that they will be punished by the above, so they all deliberately conceal this time.

Now that things are so big, they can't hide it.

This time, not only a fifth-level city knew about it, but all the fifth-level cities in the entire Sun Empire knew about it, and this time they were all angry.

However, in order to stabilize the morale of the army, they did not spread it out at this time.

At this time, in a huge room, all the city lords of all fifty fifth-level cities in the Sun Empire are sitting here, and it is no small matter to be able to gather such a large group of people.

Generally, only the convocation of the Empire of the Sun can bring them together, but it is no longer a question of convocation.

They didn't pass things up this time.

"Let's talk about it, how to deal with this matter, whether to tell the above, or not to tell." An old man said slowly.

"I can't tell, what time is it now, the above is enough to worry about, if we can't even handle this trivial matter, then what face do we have to continue to be the city owner of this fifth-tier city?" A fifth-tier city's The city lord said directly.

"Well, I think what Feng City Lord said makes sense. Our current position is not for enjoyment. Since we are sitting in this position, we must share our worries for the empire. This time such a big thing must be handled well, first of all. The only person who knows about this is the city lord Ino, you should talk about it first." Another city lord of a fifth-tier city said.

Lord Ino was the one who issued the order for the defense of the third-level city.

"Hey, this time it's my fault. At the beginning, thousands of third-tier cities were stolen, so I secretly executed a hundred city lords of third-tier cities, and then told other third-tier cities to step up their vigilance, although third-tier cities later It's not stolen anymore, but I didn't expect that the fourth-tier cities were actually stolen, I did forget to remind the fourth-tier cities at that time, and I accept the punishment for this matter." Ino City Lord said.

"Actually, although the city lord Ino is a bit unfavorable, he has recovered the losses of the third-tier cities after all, so I think the merits and demerits are worth it, but the city lords and big families of those fourth-tier cities must be punished." The old man spoke slowly. said.

Hearing his words, everyone nodded.

The old man is the most authoritative person here. Although his tone is negotiating, almost no one will object to what he says.

"City Lord Chiyo, tell me how to punish." A city owner asked directly.

"It is possible to start a war right now. If they are directly executed, it will also be a loss for the empire. Then temporarily remove their positions, and then let them go to the battlefield to commit crimes." The old man is the Chiyo City Lord.

Hearing his words, everyone present nodded.

"Since the punishment is over, then we must think about how to deal with this incident. We must not sit still. Until now, we don't know who the opponent is, how many people there are, only know that they will dig holes, but this It can't stop them from continuing to steal things. Even if they dump their things into other warehouses, they can't stop this Now what we need to do is to find out their situation first, and then arrange Go down the net and catch them. As long as the person who steals things is caught, even if only one person is caught, we can take all the things back, so as to avoid losses, and I value them more. The ability to steal." The city lord Chiyo already regarded those who stole as an organization, because he never believed that it was stolen by one person, and digging a hole in the first place is not something that one person can do.

Secondly, no one has so many storage rings.

He thought that as long as one person was caught, others could be involved, and finally all the lost things were brought back.

And they can also get the other party's ability, as long as they get the other party's ability, then they can also use this trick to attack other big forces.

Even this move can already be used for combat.

At this time, Xia Xian already knew that he must be targeted, but he was not afraid at all.

"Looks like it's going to be a big deal."


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