The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2039: The best big stomach girl

There was a spectacle on the table that Xia Xia saw, a woman who looked like a giant child, ru, no, it was a giant mouth, her appetite was terrifying.

"I didn't expect to meet a fellow man here." Xia Xia sat down casually, and then he ordered a large table of dishes to eat.

Soon two wonders appeared in the house, namely Xia Xia and the woman, and the two of them formed a beautiful landscape.

The two of them have eaten more than 100 people together, and in the summer, the latecomers have taken the lead, and they have begun to overtake.

The woman obviously observed the situation here in the summer, so she also accelerated at the same time.

Xia Xia and the woman kept throwing spirit stones at the boss.

Add vegetables, add rice.

The two of them competed there to see who could eat better.

Outside, there are people who are better in martial arts, some are faster than others, and some are better than alchemy, utensils, and formation cows, but no one has ever heard of a competition of who can eat.

At this time, these people at the scene saw such a grand event. In the summer, the two of them are competing for who can eat better.

And both of them are annotating each other.

Everyone has the strength to not admit defeat.

This contest went from day to day, and from black to day. The restaurant didn't get off work, and the people around didn't leave. They just wanted to see who could win in the end.

As a result, the summer did not live up to the high expectations of those around him and finally won the championship.

Although there are no prizes, summer is still very proud.

The woman was already leaning on the chair at this time, but to Xia Xia's surprise, her stomach didn't show any signs of getting bigger.

Obviously, this woman is also a deep-seated person.

"You... what's your name." The woman was obviously fed up.

"If you ask someone else's name, at least say your own name first." Xia Xia said to the woman.

"My name is Shui Lingshan, how about you?" the woman asked.

"My name is Xia." Xia said.

"I'm not in shape this time, do you dare to compete with me one day?" The woman looked at Xia Xia provocatively. She was obviously not very convinced that she lost.

"Okay, but I still have something to do, so if you want to compare, you must come with me." Xia Xia put on a gesture of abducting a little Loli.

"No, I also have something to do. Come with me. My business is a major event. When the time comes, I will take you to see what a big scene is." Shui Lingshan shook her head and said.

"Oh? What's the big deal?" Xia Xia was also interested when he heard the big deal.

"Have you heard of the alchemy conference? It's the best alchemy conference in the Lower Three Realms. I'm here to win the championship this time. If you follow me, I promise you will become famous. I will throw an olive branch to you." Shui Lingshan said confidently.

"It's really hard to find a place to break through the iron shoes. It doesn't take much effort to get it." Xia Xia was overjoyed, and he was worried about how to find the teleportation array leading to Jiudingmen. The person who screamed at the alchemy conference, so he nodded directly: "Okay!"

"Well, come with me, the time for the alchemy conference is coming soon, let's set off now." The woman stood up straight after she said that. The tired look just now was swept away, and she was very energetic.

"Uh! You're not fat except there. I really don't know where your food goes." Xia Xia said admiringly, if those women on earth knew that there was a woman like Shui Lingshan, then I'm afraid Will be jealous to death.

Seeing that what Xia Xia pointed to was her proudest part, Shui Lingshan did not shy away from it at all, instead she puffed out her chest and said proudly, "Born."

"Okay!" Summer shook his head helplessly.

Then the two of them set off.

Xia Xia didn't know how good his luck was until he set off. If he hadn't met Shui Lingshan, he would have missed the alchemy conference.

Because the teleportation array leading to Jiudingmen is very rare, and there are not many people who know it, once he goes in the wrong direction, he will not be in a hurry if he goes back.

Fortunately, the woman is very familiar with these cities, and she also knows where there is a teleportation array leading to Jiudingmen.

"I can tell you in advance that the cost of the teleportation array to Jiudingmen is very high. If you don't have the money, I won't give it to you." Shui Lingshan said rudely.

"Well, I'm rich." Xia Xia nodded, but he was very rich, a ten trillion low-grade spirit stone.

"Really?" Shui Lingshan looked around Xia Xia and then continued: "Don't blame me for not reminding you that using a teleportation array requires five million low-quality spirit stones, which can already discourage many people. It's good, some big power cities are far away from Jiudingmen, and it costs 10 million low-grade spirit stones at a time."

"It's so expensive." Although Xia Xia was rich and not bad, he still felt that it was really expensive.

Sitting on a teleportation array actually costs five million, ten million low-grade spirit stones.

"That's natural. If you can go, you can watch it when I participate in the competition. After all, the registration fee is also as high as 10 million low-quality spirit stones." Shui Lingshan said very casually.

Only when I heard this did Xia Xia know how dark Jiudingmen really was.

The registration fee is actually 10 million low-grade spirit stones, plus the cost of transmission, if there is no previous five million low-grade spirit stones, you will not even be eligible to participate.

In fact, this is also to screen out some weak alchemists. After all, everyone wants the title of No. 1 alchemist in the Lower Three Realms, so there may be a lot of people who go there, and it will be very troublesome in comparison.

Therefore, such a huge registration fee can filter out a large number of weak alchemists. The reason why UU read says that if they can't make money, they are weak because strong alchemists will rely on some big forces, so it is not It's only ten million low-grade spirit stones.

Along the way, Xia Xia and Shui Lingshan competed twice, and Shui Lingshan lost.

This made Shui Lingshan very unhappy.

"There is Tiger City in front, and there is a teleportation formation there. The two of us will compete in the last game there. The previous ones are not counted. Whoever wins this game will win." Shui Lingshan said very shamelessly.

Before the first game, she lost, and then she said that she won two of three games; as a result, after she lost the second game, she started to say that she had won three games of five; now she has lost three games, and she came The one in front does not count, the weight ratio.

Just when the two are about to have their final match!

A man with a fat head and big ears interrupted the game between the two: "Oh shit, there are such punctual girls in Tiger City."


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