The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2040: so awesome stupid thirteen

rich state.

Summer's first reaction is that this person is too rich.

With a shiny face, a big belly, shirtless, with an extremely powerful tattoo on his body, a big bald head, and a sparkling necklace on his neck, it is obviously a treasure.

Bracelets are also treasures, and all ten fingers are storage rings.

By the way, his tattoos are really scary, everyone else is a shoulder dragon, he is a shoulder cricket.

This momentum.

Before Xia Tian approached, he could already feel the local tyrant's breath coming from him.

At this moment, the fat-headed and big-eared man stared at Shui Lingshan, his eyes flashing with light. He didn't need to think about it to know that his hormones must be increasing rapidly now.

But Shui Lingshan ignored him at all.

"Beauty, can I teach you a friend?" The fat man said very gentlemanly, but the cockroach on his body was too ungentlemanly.

"Go away!" Shui Lingshan scolded directly without raising her head.

The fat man was not angry: "Beauty, I have money. I don't have any other advantages. I have money. You can say what you want. As long as you follow me, I can give it to you."

clap clap!

Xia Xia couldn't help clapping his hands and applauding, and at this time he looked at Fatty with admiration on his face: "Fuck, this b-dress is good, unpredictable, turbulent, shocking waves kill, thunder and half-moon slashing, like the stars of the sun and the moon, the vastness of Xinghe, out of control."

Hearing Xia Xia's words, Fatty didn't react for a while. He didn't understand whether Xia Xia was praising him or scolding him.

"Boss, he's scolding you for pretending to be a b." A younger brother said hurriedly.

"What an amazing ****, he has seen through it all." Xia Xia pretended to be frightened.

"The light of the firefly candle dares the sun and the moon to compete for glory, but you dare to scold me." Fatty looked at Xia Xia with great disdain.

"You finally heard it. With your IQ, you can't keep up with the heat." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly. The other party's IQ was too low, and now he realized that he was scolding him.

"Boss, he's scolding you again." The younger brother said.

"Well, your IQ is higher than his, and you can catch up with the hot ones, but you can't be so selfish. Shi has made you eat and the price has risen, so you don't leave any money for your boss." Xia Xia looked at that with contempt. little brother.

At this time, Shui Lingshan was completely stunned, she looked at Xia Xia with incredible eyes.

She gave Xia Xia a thumbs up silently in her heart. She really admires Xia Xia now. This mouth is intangible lethality.

It's just incredibly powerful.

This time the fat man finally understood. He looked at Xia Xia angrily: "Boy, do you know who I am? As long as I wave my hand, countless people will kill you for me."

"Rizhao incense burner produces purple smoke, I said why don't you go to heaven!" Xia Xia looked at each other with contempt.

"Boy, you have wronged and mistakenly admitted." Fatty said with cold eyes.

"It's a coincidence, my dog ​​said the same thing." Xia Xia said very seriously.

Xia Xian actually compared his dog to each other. Fatty was already furious when he heard this, but Xia Xian turned his head to eat, as if nothing happened.

Very calm.

Even Shui Lingshan looked at him with admiration.

At this time, Shui Lingshan admires Xia from the bottom of her heart. She used to think that Xia was just eating too much, but now it seems that Xia's mouth is also very powerful.

If he could fight with words, he would have won innumerable games in the summer, and the Fatty and others opposite him had died many times.

Seeing Xia Xia's current attitude, Fatty became even more angry: "Stinky boy."

Xia Tian slowly turned his head: "I'll see you when I look back, it's a piece of shit."

Collapsed, Fatty has completely collapsed this time, and even the younger brothers behind him have completely collapsed.

"Damn, damn!" Fatty shouted angrily.

Xia Xia looked up at Shui Lingshan and said, "Don't be afraid, he just finished eating shi, and his mood is a little unstable."

"Uh!" Shui Lingshan obeyed: "We don't need to compare the two. I'm willing to give up. If I only admired your ability to eat before, then now I also start to admire your mouth."

"Go on, let me go and kill him." Fatty finally couldn't bear it any longer and shouted directly.

"A fight? Damn it, who's afraid of who?" Xia Xia said and disappeared directly in place.


When he appeared again, he had already hid behind Shui Lingshan.

Seeing such a move, all the people on the scene were blinded, even Shui Lingshan. Just now, she thought that Xia Xia was so imposing enough to fight, but Xia Xia actually hid behind her.

This confuses everyone on the scene.

"This..." Fatty's younger brothers were also confused.

"Don't hurt my beauty, hit the one behind her." The fat man shouted angrily.

"You didn't say you wanted to cover me, now is your chance to show, go, Pikachu." Xia Tian pushed Shui Lingshan directly.


Everyone at the scene scolded Xia Xia for being shameless in their hearts.

A tree without bark will surely die; a man without face is invincible in the world.

Summer has been shameless to the extreme.

This is the highest state of shameless in the legend, the unity of the human face.

Even Shui Lingshan was made speechless by Xia Xia's shameless character, but she had indeed planned to take action, and she herself was not a person to be messed with.

This fat man dared to molest her just now, which made her intolerable.


Four small tripods and six small tripods appeared on her head in an instant.

The master of the sixth rank of Si Ding, seeing that Shui Lingshan is actually a master of the sixth rank of Si All the people on the scene were stunned, this is a super master.

They did not expect such a young woman to be a master of the fourth and sixth orders.

"The strength is really good." The corner of Xia Tian's mouth slanted slightly, and he had already seen through the realm of a woman.

"Fourth and sixth-order, fast running is not an opponent. Damn, I would have left with my father if I knew it." Fatty had a look of horror on his face, and then he was about to run.

"Want to run?" Shui Lingshan's mouth slanted slightly.

Inside Jiudingmen at this time.

It can be said that all the alchemy masters from the entire Lower Three Realms have gathered here, and people from all major forces have also come to watch the fun. They come for two purposes. The first is to gain insight; the second is to see what they can do. You can't poach a few super alchemists. If they can, they will directly buy the refined medicinal pills on the spot.

"What is this kid doing in the summer? It hasn't come yet. The game is about to start." King Qi frowned.


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