The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2051: secret weapon

"Trash!" Xia Xian looked at Dan Huang and said these two words.

If everyone thought that Xia's words were swear words before, then now his words are what the superiors are saying to the inferiors.

"He's actually such a powerful person." Shui Lingshan in the crowd had already withdrawn from the competition. The reason why he did not continue to participate in the competition was because she had received a message and had to go back immediately. She wanted to take a look before leaving. In the summer game, she was very surprised by the result.

Hearing that Xia Xia said that he was a waste, Dan Huang was even more angry.

He is the Pill Emperor, the first person in the Lower Three Realms to concoct pills, and Xia Xia actually called him a waste.

"You wait for me." After Pill Emperor dropped these words, he continued to concoct pills.

"I've been here all the time now, do you still need to wait? If you have any skills, you can use it directly. Don't you give me a word and you'll be silenced when you wait, so it's a lot of fun to say that?" Xia Xia asked directly.


"At the end of the game, please leave the field and don't disturb other people's alchemy." The host of Jiudingmen said.

Xia Xia did not speak, turned around, and returned to their area of ​​King Qi City.

He was refined at one time, so he also successfully advanced.

Pill Emperor did not live up to everyone's expectations. He was the second one to refine it, but he refined it three times in total, otherwise his speed could be faster.

This competition is more time-consuming, after all, not everyone has the same speed and rate of alchemy as Xia Xia and Dan Huang.

The game lasted for three days and three nights, and Jiudingmen announced the fourth day off.

Give those who just finished the game a break.

In the past few days, Dan Huang can be said to be very depressed. He doesn't know who Xia Xia is, and he has been unable to figure out whether Xia Xia is the rebirth of his master.

Normally, he absolutely did not believe in the concept of rebirth.

But after he saw Xia Xia's technique with his own eyes, he had to think: "What the **** is going on? Is it another apprentice of the master?"

After thinking about it for three days and three nights, Dan Huang made a decision: "I don't care who you are, I will never allow a second person with the same technique as me to appear in the Lower Three Realms, and I will use my secret weapon in the finals. It's time, and I'll let you die without a place to die."

"It's cool." Summer has been sleeping late these days.

Normally, even those who passed the competition were all very nervous. They were guessing what the next question would be, analyzing other people's alchemy techniques, and so on.

It can be said that these days they are collecting information everywhere, and it is definitely the only one who sleeps like summer.

Because Xia Xia doesn't need to know anyone else's tactics at all, his real opponent is only one, and that is Dan Huang, and he has a better understanding of Dan Huang's methods.

Unless Dan Huang has any trump cards, Xia Xia has already decided on him, and even if he has any trump cards, it will never be revealed easily, so even if Xia Xia goes to check it, he will definitely not be able to find it.

The senior guards of Prince Qi's Mansion also looked at Xia with admiration, and they didn't have long contact with Xia, but they found that Xia was a different person. What made him different was what he seemed to do. Everything is full of confidence.

"City Lord Xia, if you have time, teach us both hands." The senior guards of King Qi City all looked at Xia Xia with anticipation.

"Teach you both hands, wait for me to go back, and then package you well." Xia Xia really thought about arming these people well, after all, they can be regarded as the facade of Qi Wangcheng now, his direct guards Well, if it's too chilly to go out, it's really a bit embarrassing.

Packaging Packaging!

When hearing this word, those senior guards of Qiwangcheng were all blinded.

They don't understand what summer means.

"Thank you City Lord Xia soon." Liu Shishi pushed them and continued: "City Lord Xia is going to reward you treasures."

As soon as they heard the reward baby, the eyes of these people suddenly lit up.

"Thank you, City Lord Xia." They said one by one excitedly.

King Qi was still thinking about how to tame these new masters in the summer. After all, masters have their own temperament, and they are all rebellious.

But now it looks like he's overthinking it.

Xia Xia was first to be strong and domineering to the outside world, showing an extremely powerful appearance, and then to comfort them internally, and then to reward these people with things, then these people naturally admire Xia Xia from the heart.

After the fourth day has passed.

The game came again.

Just when everyone was thinking about the rules of this competition, the host of Jiudingmen appeared.

"After our internal decision, today will be the finals."


Hearing what the host of Jiudingmen said, everyone was very puzzled and didn't understand what they were doing.

It's just been three games and the finals are about to be played.

"The topic of today's competition is that you can make pills at will, and the materials are optional. The time is half a month. As long as you can make pills in half a month, you can. The final assessment will be who has the highest level of pills. If they appear the same, then see. Whoever has the highest pill rate and high quality." said the host of Jiudingmen.

The finals have finally begun.

This time the finals are coming faster than before, but the people on the scene are still looking forward to the coming of the finals, because in the finals, Xia Xia gambled with Dan Huang.

In other words, one of the two of them will die here this time.

One is the champion of the last alchemy conference, and the other is the sudden appearance of City Lord Xia.

If everyone thought that Dan Huang would definitely win before, then at least a small number of people have begun to support Summer.

Because the summer won the Dan Huang in the last game.

Xia Xia proved with facts that his alchemy skills were no worse than Emperor The atmosphere at the scene was completely frozen for a while, and both Xia Xia and Emperor Pill were staring at each other.

"No one can save you this time." Dan Huang said coldly.

"I'm going to clear the door for the master today." Xia Xia said slowly, although his voice was not loud, but everyone could hear it clearly.

master! Clear the portal!

Now everyone finally understands, it turns out that Xia Xia and Dan Huang are a master, no wonder they used the same technique before.

"It turns out that you are the disciple of that old ghost." Dan Huang finally understood, and the problem that had troubled him for so long was finally solved: "You will end up worse than the old ghost."

For a time, the momentum between the two collided with each other.

"Wait to die!" they both shouted at the same time.


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