The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2052: you lose

The momentum of the two instantly ignited the interest of everyone on the scene.

This game is obviously full of highlights, especially this ultimate matchup.

"Jiudingmen doesn't care about your personal grievances, but I don't want you to disturb other people's alchemy, so the two of you can alchemy on a high platform." said the host of Jiudingmen.

The high platform is where he is now. It is very spacious, and it is ten meters higher than the normal alchemy place, so the alchemy here will not affect the bottom.


Xia Xia's body flashed and went directly to the high platform.

"Come on!" Xia Xia said to Dan Huang.

"Don't be too arrogant, kid, I will kill you sooner or later." After Dan Huang finished speaking, he jumped directly to the stage, and the two sat down face to face.

"Now I announce that the finals have officially started." The host of Jiudingmen left the high platform after speaking.

Everyone moved.

Xia Xia and Dan Huang both began to prepare materials: "Boy, I don't know what skills you learned from the old ghost? But the finals are better than the strongest pills. I don't know what pills you will refine, and you I'm afraid I can't even come up with decent materials."

"A decent material?" Xia Tian smiled slightly, then waved his right hand.


A pile of materials appeared in front of him, and the pile of materials were all treasured herbs, which were one level higher than spiritual herbs, and were specially used to refine treasure pills.

"Damn it, he is too rich. He is indeed the deputy city lord of Qiwangcheng. He is simply rich." The people present sighed, and they were deeply shocked by Xia Xia's generosity.

With so many materials, it goes without saying that the value of these materials is beyond their imagination.

"Hey, you don't lack materials. If you don't have materials, take them directly. You're welcome. When you can save, you will blame your own materials for not being good enough." Xia Xia said to Dan Huang.

"Humph!" Dan Huang coldly snorted and didn't speak. He just wanted to take the opportunity to ridicule Xia Xia, but not only did he fail to ridicule successfully, but he took his own face into it.

Dan Huang directly took out the materials that he had prepared in advance. He naturally knew what the finals were going to take, because the content of each finals was this.

The strongest ability, the strongest medicine pill.

What he wants to refine this time is the third-level treasure pill. Although he also refined the third-level treasure pill in the last hundred years, it happened to be successful at that time, and the third-level treasure pill was only a low-level third-level treasure pill. The next thing he wants to refine is the third-level Baodan recovery pill, which can instantly restore the full strength of a master of the fourth and ninth order.

Even if the aura of the master of the fourth rank and the ninth order has been completely consumed, this medicinal pill can also be completely restored.

It can be said that this kind of medicine pill is simply the treasure that the masters of the four cauldrons and the ninth-order dream of.

Second life.

But this kind of treasure pill can not be refined casually. First of all, the materials for refining this treasure pill are very difficult to find. He also spent a lot of money to send people to search around to get these materials.

Secondly, the water refined by this treasure pill is not ordinary water, but the water melted by the ice on the top of the Daxue Mountain in the Western Regions.

It can be said that in order to refine this elixir, he paid countless efforts.

On the contrary, no one knows what kind of medicinal pill he wants to refine in summer, because he used an alchemy furnace this summer, a very common alchemy furnace.

Of course, Xia Xia did not dare to use a small cauldron for alchemy in Jiudingmen. If the master of Jiudingmen discovered the existence of a small cauldron, something might happen.

Xia Xia always thought that his Xiaoding must have something to do with Jiudingmen.

As for what it was, he didn't know.

This time alchemy can be said to be a hundred flowers blooming.

In the end, the twenty master alchemists did not disappoint everyone. Their alchemy techniques made everyone addicted, and they would never have a chance to see such a grand event.

Although I hadn't eaten or slept for several days and nights, everyone was still watching very energetically.

After seven days and seven nights.

Dan Huang was the first to become Dan.

"Hahahaha! Hahahaha!" At the moment when Dan Huang became a Dan, he let out an extremely terrifying laugh, and his laughter spread into everyone's ears.

There was excitement in the laughter.

He succeeded.

After seven days and seven nights, he finally succeeded.

"Three-level treasure pill, super reply pill." Pill Emperor shouted loudly.

When they heard that it was a third-level treasure pill, all the people on the scene looked at the emperor with incomparable admiration, but they really didn't know the function of the super reply pill.

"Super Reply Pill, you can instantly restore all the power of a four-tiered ninth-order." Pill Emperor explained.

The host of Jiudingmen began to rummage through the elixir books, and then compared them one by one: "It is indeed a third-level treasured elixir, a super recovery elixir, and the elixir is in good condition and belongs to the top grade."

After hearing the confirmation from the host of Jiudingmen, everyone looked at Dan Huang with even more admiration.

At the same time, those rich people are all gearing up, and they plan to buy this medicine pill.

Xia Xia did not become a pill, he was still refining.

"Boy, didn't you shout very loudly just now? Why haven't you become a pill yet? It's really bad. In your words, it's a waste." Pill Emperor sneered loudly.

Now he is very excited. He thinks that he is going to win. With a third-level treasure pill and a super recovery pill, no one can win him. Even if Xia Xia is the descendant of that old ghost, it is useless.

Xia Tian didn't answer, and focused on alchemy.

There was sweat all over his forehead.

Everyone also looked at Xia Xia nervously, and they wanted to see what kind of medicinal herbs Xia Xia could refine.

The eighth day, the ninth day, the tenth day!

Xia Xia has been concocting without stopping. At this time, his lips were pale and his face was abnormally ugly. Obviously, he was consuming a lot of money.

The eleventh day, the twelfth day, the thirteenth day.

Gradually, everyone no longer had any hope for Xia Xia, because they didn't think Xia Xia could win against the Pill Emperor. After all, the pills refined by the Pill Emperor were too heaven-defying.

On the fourteenth day, other people had already completed it one after another, and only Xia Xia was left unfinished at this time.

Everyone is waiting for the fifteenth day to come. If the fifteenth day is over, if the summer has not been completed, then he will lose.

After such a long time, even in the summer, he could refine the third-level treasure pill, and he also lost because it took him too long.

Day 15!

Just when everyone thought that Xia Xian had lost, Xia Xia's hands stopped moving, everything in front of him returned to calm, and a slight smile appeared on his face: "You lost."


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