The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2057: Bishop Cao was arrested

Inside the Qi Wang Mansion!

"King Qi, I'm also a deputy city lord anyway, so you can't prepare me a table of good food and wine, and every time you come here, you drink tea and play chess!" Xia Xia complained.

"Drinking tea is for self-cultivation and self-cultivation. You only eat every day, how boring." King Qi pouted, he had seen the appetite in summer.

It was a pig!

And in summer, you sleep after eating!

"Cut, who likes self-cultivation, my way of cultivation is to eat and sleep!" Xia Xia's current cultivation method is very simple, using the nutrients in food to improve his physical strength, and sleep to improve his state.

Eating depends on small bugs, and sleeping depends on the technique of eight Qi, which is the previous Tianxing Jue.

This gave Xia Xia the ability to envy, envy, and hate others.

The Eight Qi Techniques practiced in the summer is an evolved version of the Heavenly Awakening Technique. Of course, there is also an evolutionary version of the Eight Qi Techniques, which is the Emperor's Heart Sutra.

It's just that all the Emperor's Heart Sutra can't be found in the summer, so I can only work hard to practice the art of Eight Qi.

"It can be said that it's been really lively outside recently. It's been a fight, and it's all been fought. The Sun Empire is fighting three, and our top ten elders in Qiwangcheng also took the opportunity to fight, stirring the entire Lower Three Realms into a pot of porridge. Those mountains Thieves and bandits are everywhere, they start to burn, kill, and loot, and when the war breaks out, they are the happiest." King Qi shook his head helplessly, obviously he didn't like war either.

"Hey, there were a lot of ambitious people planning it before. The Sun Empire just gave them a good excuse. It seems that this time the Lower Three Realms are going to be turbulent." Xia Xia started to play Go with King Qi. On Earth, he has no opponents, but here, King Qi's chess skills are obviously very superb.

Moreover, the chessboard here is ten times larger than that on Earth, and the number of pieces is ten times larger.

"The only pure land now is our King Qi City, and even the Giant Bull City has begun to be chaotic, but compared to other cities, the Giant Bull City is still good. After all, the Giant Bull City occupies a natural geographical advantage and is surrounded by mountains on both sides. One side is close to the sea, and the only place that has contact with the outside is the area of ​​our King Qi City and the other half of the savage forest. If you want to pass through our King Qi City, those people may not have the courage; the savage forest is full of endless It is said that it connects the three worlds of human beings, monsters and demons, and it is impossible for living people to pass through, let alone an army." King Qi explained.

Xia Xia knew this point, because his father and others came through there in the first place.

"The Giant Bull City should be safe for the time being!" Xia Xia nodded.

"It's only temporary!" King Qi said slowly: "There is a large space between King Qi City and the Savage Forest, which is now heavily guarded by Giant Niu City, but once there is chaos, then there will be breakthrough."

"It seems that our Qiwangcheng won't be quiet for long." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly, he knew that once these people fought to a result, or they reached a certain amount of damage, they would work together to deal with Qi Empire.

After all, Qiwangcheng is a legendary giant, and they are afraid that after their own power is damaged, Qiwangcheng will take advantage of fishermen.

"Well, but fortunately, not everyone wants to make a fortune in war. Recently, more and more people have come to our Qiwangcheng, and there are many hermit masters who don't want to be involved in the war. They also all They moved into King Qi City one after another, and half of it is your credit." King Qi looked at Xia Xia and said.

"My credit? What credit do I have?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"The reason why these people entered the King Qi City is because our King Qi City has a good reputation, and on the other hand, the King Qi City you said outside is not involved in any wars, but no one can bully the King Qi City, so Those people think that entering Qiwangcheng can avoid war. In addition to the main city, our Qiwangcheng can live more than 4 billion people in the periphery, which is enough for those outsiders to live in. You let these more than 4 billion people live in Qi. The king's city is free from the suffering of disasters." King Qi praised.

"King Qi, don't say that, I'm embarrassed." Xia Xia said awkwardly.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's a fact, the current situation in King Qi City is like this, you have done a lot of credit, and now the fighting outside is very chaotic, the strength of the Sun Empire is indeed not to be underestimated, although you have exposed them. Their intentions, but they still quickly captured a lot of cities, and their commanding power is very terrible, and their tactics are also very strong, so on the way, they have one enemy and three not only have no weakness, but have an advantage, and other big ones. The forces also took the opportunity to sneak attack on these three forces, and they all wanted a share of the pie, but those three forces are suffering now." King Qi had already obtained the first-line information.

"Where are the ten elders?" Xia Tian asked!

"The top ten elders took away the most sophisticated warriors and the most sophisticated weapons and equipment. They are like sharp knives. If they don't make a move, they will tear open the current chaotic situation. They are fighting now. Their banner is the Army of the Undead!" King Qi seemed very helpless every time he mentioned the ten elders.

"King Qi, don't think about it too much. After all, that's what they are after. Let them make trouble for themselves. If they lose one day, then the city of King Qi will be their home." Xia Xia understood King Qi's situation. Although these people went their own way, after all, they were brothers who were born and died together with King Qi, and they were sealed together for thousands of years.

"En!" King Qi nodded heavily.

"Take advantage of this opportunity to develop Qiwangcheng well, otherwise we will be in trouble when those people join forces." Xia Xia is very clear, these people will eventually The target is locked on Qi Wangcheng, but it is only a matter of time.

"Well, it's just that what Qi Wangcheng lacks most now is money. If it wasn't for that auction, Qi Wangcheng would not be able to support it now. If you want to develop rapidly, the most important thing is money." Qi Wang said.

Most of the wealth in King Qi's treasury was taken away by the ten elders, and King Qi used the rest to develop King Qi City.

"Actually, I have a solution, I just need your help." Xia Xia looked at King Qi mysteriously.

"What way?" King Qi asked in confusion.


At this moment, a figure appeared beside Xia Xia and King Qi.

"Sister, why are you here?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.


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