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Chapter 2058: Kill the Holy Temple

"What's wrong with Bishop Cao?" Xia Xia hurriedly stood up. Bishop Cao was Cao Yaqian. The person Xia Xia had the most loyalty in his eyes was also one of the few brothers Xia Xia sincerely made friends with.

He used to help the summer when the strength was very weak.

To be righteous, even if the city owner of the fifth-level city in the Great Wilderness is dead, he will still protect the city owner of that fifth-level city.

For this alone, Bishop Cao had already been handed over in the summer.

"He was taken away by the people of Shengde Temple because of collaborating with the enemy." Liu Shishi frowned.

The Hall of Holy Virtue is one of the three halls of the Seven Sects under the Giant Bull City. It is very powerful, with millions of disciples and countless masters.

"n, n, d dare to arrest my brother, I will sweep his Holy Virtue Temple." Xia Xia gritted his teeth, stood up directly, and then walked outside.

"I'll go with you." King Qi said.

"We're both gone, what if something happens?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"No one dares to move Qiwangcheng now, and Qiwangcheng is not so simple on the surface. Besides, even if I leave in an open and honest manner, no one will know that I am King Qi." King Qi explained, although he often goes outside Walking, but now no one except Xia Xia and Liu Shishi knows his true identity.

So even if he swaggered out of the city, no one knew that King Qi was not in the city of King Qi at this time.

"Alright then." Summer nodded.

"Both of you have become hands-off shopkeepers, and I can't get away. Since the two of you have come forward in person, this matter shouldn't be a problem. This is the route to the Temple of Holy Virtue, so I won't send you off. "Liu Shishi is the actual manager of Qiwangcheng now.

Although she does not have any position on her head, she can mobilize all the troops in the entire Qiwangcheng, and is recognized as the eldest sister in the Qiwangcheng.

"It's hard work, eldest sister." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Come on, don't make any mistakes." Liu Shishi instructed.

Xia Xia checked the route, this route is the closest, but it also consumes the most spirit stones, but in summer they are most in need of spirit stones.

In some places in the Lower Three Realms you need to walk for ten years, but as long as you have money, you can get there in one day.

The teleportation formations that Xia Xia and King Qi rode in are long-distance teleportation, and the price is very expensive, requiring hundreds of thousands, or even millions of low-grade spirit stones.

But Xia Xia paid for the Lingshi without blinking, and for the sake of convenience, he deliberately gave the guards some extra money. Those guards were naturally grateful and drove away all the people in the queue, letting Xia Xia pass first.

The location of Shengde Temple is located in Shengde Mountain, which used to be a barren mountain. Later, because Shengde Temple took root here, it was named Shengde Mountain.

The mountains here are all under the control of the Holy Temple.

In this big mountain, the most indispensable are the countless herbs and various cherished spirit beasts.

This is also the purpose of the Sanctuary's choice here.

Cao Yaqian is one of the bishops of the Holy Hall!

The status is considered to be medium, but he told Xia Xia before that his life was not easy. He chose Shengde Temple to get out of his family's marriage. Later, he accepted Liu Yuanyuan, so he never returned to Shengde Temple. temple.

But I didn't expect that the Temple of Holy Virtue would directly send someone to capture him this time, and also convicted him of collaborating with the enemy.

This crime is not trivial, no matter it is any force, the most taboo of any mountain gate is collaborating with the enemy.

Usually this crime is the death penalty.

Inside the Sanctuary at this time.

"Cao Yaqian, you say or not!" A red-clothed archbishop personally executed Bishop Cao there.

There were other bishops standing behind him. At this time, the faces of those bishops were all proud. They had always looked down on Bishop Cao, and they were also isolating Bishop Cao.

clap clap!

The fiery whip hit Bishop Cao.

"Stop!" Bishop Cao hurriedly called to stop.

"What? Did you say yes?" The red-clothed archbishop asked coldly.

"Nima Le b, you want me to say something, but you ask, you don't ask, let me say something." Bishop Cao was completely helpless, this red-clothed archbishop came up with a beating, what is it? No questions asked.

"Didn't I ask?" The red-clothed archbishop asked, looking at the bishops behind him.

"Archbishop, he scolded you just now." Those bishops didn't answer his question, but brought up the fact that Bishop Cao scolded him.

clap clap!

Another fiery whip hit Bishop Cao.

"Speak or not!" The red-clothed archbishop asked again.

Bishop Cao was beaten to pieces.

"Although I knew before that you were an idiot and had a problem with your brain, you don't need to be so idiot. You've been hitting me for half an hour. What are you asking me? You are asking." Bishop Cao was speechless, really speechless.

He was beaten for more than half an hour, and he just didn't know why he was beaten. They only said that they were collaborating with the enemy, and then they didn't ask what they were collaborating with.

"Didn't I ask you?" the red-clothed archbishop asked again.

"Archbishop, he just called you an idiot." Those bishops changed the subject again.

clap clap clap!

The whip continued to be swung.

"Speak or not, say or not, say or not." The red-clothed archbishop asked again.

Bishop Cao has lost his temper after being beaten.

"Don't say it, you can fight." Bishop Cao knew that what he said was useless.

"Okay, I'll make you stubborn."

clap clap clap!

The red-clothed archbishop kept beating, and after the beating, his mouth was still the same: talk or not.

And those bishops kept shouting from behind.

At the foot of Mount Santoku.

The front of the mountain gate is very large, and the whole body is very luxurious, giving people a luxurious feeling.

There are guards on both sides of the mountain gate.

"The door of this mountain gate is quite big." Xia Xia said slowly.

"It's quite big!" King Qi nodded.


This door face was cut off by Xia Tian Who is it? "A large group of disciples of the Hall of Holy Virtue rushed down.

"Deputy City Lord of Qiwangcheng, Xia Tian." Xia Xia reported directly to his family.

"No matter who you are, dare to come to our Holy Virtue Hall to destroy it, this is a serious crime, come here, take it down for me." The disciple of the Holy Virtue Hall shouted loudly.

"You brought this to your door." Xia Xia's body flashed.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The bodies of those people were all knocked out by the summer.

At this time, Xia Xia was standing at the foot of the Temple of Holy Virtue, stomping on the ground with both feet, and putting his hands to his mouth.


Xia Xia took a deep breath, and then shouted loudly: "Hand over Cao Yaqian, or I will level your Holy Virtue Hall."


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