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Chapter 2087: Here comes the money

In Qiwang City.

"Big brother, third brother, how are you finally coming back? How's the harvest this time?" Bishop Cao asked.

"How can I describe it to you?" King Qi frowned.

"It didn't work?" Bishop Cao looked at King Qi suspiciously, and then comforted: "There's nothing you can do if you don't succeed, after all, they retreated too hastily, and you have already blown up the Sun Empire, which will give us King Qi a great deal of time. Great momentum, now those outside forces don’t dare to offend our Qiwangcheng.”

"It's not that it didn't work." King Qi hurriedly explained: "It's too much."

"Too much?" Bishop Cao looked at Xia Xia suspiciously.

"Well, it's really too much." Xia Tian nodded.

"How much is it, take it out and see." Bishop Cao hurriedly asked, seeing King Qi's appearance, they must have received a lot of goods this time.

"This place is too small, find a bigger place." Xia Xia said.

Hearing that it was too small, Bishop Cao was even more looking forward to it. The last time they stole a fifth-tier city, it was placed here. This place is very spacious, but Xia Xia actually said that it was too small.

"Let's go, follow me to the backyard, there is my martial arts field, it's very big." After King Qi finished speaking, the three walked directly to the martial arts field in the backyard.

martial arts arena.

"Thirdest, hurry up and take it out, don't sell your shit." Bishop Cao said hurriedly.

"Okay, then I'll take it out." Xia Xia waved his left hand, and a big mountain appeared in the eyes of the two of them. Then he waved again, and it was another mountain.

Every time he waved his hand, a mountain appeared around him.

The same thing appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, their eyes were already straight.

Even Xia Xian was very surprised. When he collected things, he was in a hurry, and he didn't look at it carefully at all.

"Brother, the Empire of the Sun is too rich." Bishop Cao said in surprise.

"I think this should be all the wealth of the whole country of the Sun Empire. They squeezed the money of all the cities, businesses and civilians below. Otherwise, the treasury of a Sun Empire and the treasury of other fifth-tier cities will definitely not add up. There may be so much wealth." King Qi explained.

"Big brother should be right, so much wealth can't be a treasure house of an empire at all, even when we trade with Shuiyue City, he only has all the materials and spirit stones combined to pay us. Three hundred megabytes." Summer nodded.

"Third, you can count quickly. Calculate how many things are here." Bishop Cao said hurriedly.

"En." Xia Xia walked in front of the spirit stones, and then put his left hand on the pile of spirit stones, and then all the spirit stones disappeared, and they were all put into the small tripod: "There are five hundred spirit stones in total. about a trillion."

"Five hundred trillion." King Qi and Bishop Cao swallowed involuntarily.

"n, n, d, with so many spirit stones, the Sun Empire must have collected all the spirit stones in the whole country." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"We have sent so many spirit stones to King Qi. This time we will no longer be short of money. In a few years, King Qi will become the most luxurious city in the entire Lower Three Realms." Bishop Cao was very confident.

Now the development of Qiwangcheng is all his operation. It can be said that Qiwangcheng is his dream land.

Summer went to the pile of refining materials again.


All the refining materials were taken away by him.

"The alchemy materials are worth 60 trillion!" Xia Xia finished and walked towards the alchemy materials.

"The alchemy material is worth 80 trillion!"

"The medicine pill is worth five trillion!"

"One million low-grade treasures, 10,000 mid-grade treasures, and three high-grade treasures."

"Armor, the equipment is worth ten trillion."

"Precious and rare items add up to five trillion."

All the items were reported in the summer. The pills and weapons and equipment were the least here, because most of the pills and weapons were shipped to the front line.

The rest here are for support.

However, the spirit stone and alchemy refining materials, the refining materials and those treasures are really cool.

"We've made a fortune, we've made a fortune this time." Bishop Cao laughed loudly.

"Second brother, let's talk about it, how do you plan to develop our Qiwangcheng, and now I and the third child have brought the money back to you." Qiwang asked directly.

"Okay, eldest brother, I have already studied it. After the influence of you bombing the Sun Empire and killing the 300 million coalition forces outside Qiwangcheng, now no one in the entire Lower Three Realms dares to offend our Qiwangcheng, so we Now that we can develop rapidly, we must first establish beliefs, that is, let the people here have a sense of belonging; second, build the houses of King Qi City high, so that more people can live in King Qi City; All the teleportation formations in King Qi’s city are opened, and it is guaranteed that it will not take ten minutes to get from one place to another.” Bishop Cao said directly.

"Okay, these three are all good, very good, don't worry about spending money, the most important thing we need now is money." King Qi said excitedly.

"Second brother, what else? You don't only think about these three points, right? My eldest brother and I got you back so much money. It seems that these things you said won't cost much." Xia Xia looked at Cao said the bishop.

"Haha, the third one knows me." Bishop Cao laughed and continued: "The three just now are the three for urban development, and the next is the three for military development. First, I plan to strengthen the army and come up with one. The ace of the division is coming, UU read This army does not have to be large, first of all, it must be loyal, and then spend a lot of money on them; second, I want to continue to build the city defense, our Qiwangcheng is surrounded by mountains on three sides , there is only one direction of the city gate that needs to be used for defense, then I will make it a strong death that no one can approach; third, I will make the lower three worlds truce."

"A truce? How is this possible?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"It's all like this now. Even if our King Qi City has deterred them, they can't listen to what we say in King Qi City." King Qi was also very puzzled.

"Big brother, third brother, it's actually very simple. Fighting is for profit. The biggest loss in this war is the Sun Empire, and they also provoked the war. As long as the Sun Empire is completely devoured, the other major forces will definitely not want to fight. So as long as we propose a truce, within those three years, the Lower Three Realms will regain peace." Bishop Cao explained.

"Report to City Lord Cao Fu, the messengers of Giant Niu City are here. They are trying to build relationships and they have also gone to your family." The communication talisman flew into Bishop Cao's hands from outside.

"Here comes the one who sent the money, I will meet him." Bishop Cao smiled slightly.


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