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Chapter 2088: Can start to install B

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Brother, this time we can finally breathe a sigh of relief." Xia Xia smiled slightly.

"Yeah, Qiwangcheng is the home of the three of us brothers. Now that the three of us have truly established Qiwangcheng, then no matter where we go in the future, we will remember that we still have a home." Qiwang nodded. .

In fact, he has always wanted to have such a home. At the beginning, he wanted to create a home for the ten elders and the children of Prince Qi's mansion.

It is a pity that the ten elders will not be here.

"By the way, your wife and Liu Shishi have been very close recently, you can figure it out." King Qi turned his head and left.

When Xia Xia heard the news, she could only shake her head helplessly.

After coming to the spiritual world, he has already restrained a lot, and he is no longer messing around with flowers, but he is destined to be a wanderer.

"Forget it, let them go, it just so happens that I'm going to retreat for a while." After Xia Xia finished speaking, he went directly to the retreat place in Prince Qi's Mansion.

After Bishop Cao and Ju Niucheng's negotiation, Ju Niucheng was willing to pay fifty trillion low-grade spirit stones to resolve the conflict with Qi Wangcheng. Bishop Cao reluctantly agreed because he was also a member of Ju Niu City before.

This summer, I closed for half a year.

After half a year, Qiwangcheng has developed rapidly.

The reason why he went out this time was because Bishop Cao informed him to attend a major meeting, a meeting used to mediate the war.

All the major forces will be present when the time comes.

The previous eight powers were the Sun Empire, Giant Bull City, God Mouse City, Tiger City, Flying Rabbit City, Wolong City, Thin Snake City and Shuiyue City.

Among them, the Sun Empire is the strongest.

But now the Sun Empire almost doesn't exist, and Shuiyue City has the biggest and most advantage because of the purchase of a large number of medicinal pills and weapons and equipment in King Qi City.

Although they did not gain much wealth by occupying the Sun Empire in the later period, the territory has become larger. As long as there is territory, wealth will gradually accumulate.

Therefore, Shuiyue City is the strongest for the time being.

The purpose of this meeting is to gather all these major forces to discuss the issue of a temporary truce.

"Big brother, let's go, second brother and they should have been waiting there." Xia Xia said to King Qi.

"I won't go, and you know that I don't like to show up." King Qi said, the reason why he doesn't like to show up is because he is a legend in the Lower Three Realms. If he doesn't show up, it will be even more mysterious.

"Brother, I found that you've been weird recently. I heard from the people below that you haven't been staying in Prince Qi's mansion recently, and you're always running outside." A mysterious smile appeared on Xia Xia's face: "You won't. Yes……"

"Who told you? I'll tear his mouth apart now." King Qi said hurriedly.

"It seems that I was right, I'm a little guilty." Xia Xia showed an even weirder smile.

"Aren't you going to a meeting? Hurry up, don't let the second child wait too long." King Qi started to chase away guests directly.

"Hahahaha!" Xia Xia laughed as he walked out of the Qi Palace.

This meeting was held in the residence of Bishop Cao.

Recently, the bosses of those forces have been present one after another. Today is the real meeting. At this time, the leaders of the major forces have sat in the conference hall.


"Sorry to keep you all waiting." Xia Xia cupped her hands to the people in the room after she came in.

Xia Xia discovered that there were now eight people sitting in the room besides Bishop Cao.

Xia Xia sat directly next to Bishop Cao.

"Now that everyone has arrived, we can now start to study the truce." Bishop Cao said slowly.


Although everyone almost guessed Bishop Cao's intentions, but now that Bishop Cao brought this matter to the table, no one said anything.

Because whoever speaks first now means whoever is afraid and doesn't dare to fight.

"The reason why I proposed a truce is to let everyone rest and recuperate. All the leaders of the major forces are here. Let me say it directly. The reason for the war is nothing more than profit, but now you have also seen that if you continue to fight, then What you consume is your own wealth. The biggest benefit of the Sun Empire has now been divided up by you. I am afraid it will not be so easy to get such a big benefit again, and no matter how big your chassis is, if you don’t have time to manage it, It will also be an open space." Bishop Cao swept his eyes one by one to everyone present when he said this.

Still no one spoke.

"Of course, our Qiwangcheng can also ignore this matter. The so-called gunshots are worth 10,000 taels of gold. Our Qiwangcheng can sell you weapons and equipment and medicine pills to get the most profit, but we really don't want to make these. For the money exchanged for human life, you must not think that our Qiwangcheng has no weapons and medicine pills to I will give the truth, if any of you want to buy weapons and equipment within 300 megabytes and Medicine pill, then I can order the goods for you now, and take it out within three days, if you want five hundred trillion weapons and medicine pills, then give me half a year to get them together for you." Bishop Cao said these words The purpose is to tell them that Qi Wangcheng doesn't care if you continue to fight.

This will not affect the interests of Qi Wangcheng in the slightest.

And Qi Wangcheng is not short of money.

Still no one spoke.

"I think everyone is very born, so let's introduce myself from the first one on my left, so that we can also get in touch with feelings." Xia Xia said.

Bishop Cao nodded.

"Then let me come first. I am the city owner of Water Moon City. You can call me Water City Lord. In fact, this time Qi Wangcheng's proposal, I agree, needless to say the relationship between me and Qi Wangcheng, as long as it is their proposal. I will not object." The words of the water city lord directly opened up an embarrassing situation.

He was the first to agree.

And he gave Qi Wangcheng enough face.

The reason why the Water City Lord gave Qi Wangcheng so much face was because he had obtained enough benefits from Qi Wangcheng.

After the water city master said, everyone looked at the old man who was sitting in the second place. It can be said that everyone is the most unfamiliar with this person, but this person must not be ignored, because his power is one of the factors that appeared in this war. black horse.

Invincible teacher.

Everyone was curious about him.

The old man sat there without saying a word, as if he didn't want to say anything, he didn't want to give Qi Wangcheng this face.

"Mr. Qi, don't you want to say a few words?" At this moment, Xia Xia asked lazily.

This is the first time everyone knows the old man's surname!

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