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Chapter 2093: greedy wolf sister

In the summer, he went to Lin Bingbing. At first, he wanted to live a two-person world with Lin Bingbing, but Lin Bingbing actually became sisters directly with Liu Shishi, and the two were inseparable.

This makes summer difficult.

Xia Xia knew that he still had a lot of things to deal with, and if he left one more affection, then he would leave one more debt.

"Eldest sister, that I'm currently researching a new medicine pill, I'll go to work first, you can take good care of my wife." Xia Xia got away directly.

In the palace of King Qi.

"Jiujiang, you are from the devil world, what are you doing here in the human world?" King Qi looked at Jiujiang very curiously. Recently, he has been strolling with Jiujiang. He has the same hobbies as Jiujiang. .

That is to be very curious about some special little things.

"Oh, I came here to find someone named Xia Xia." Jiu Jiang said very casually.

"Oh?" King Qi was taken aback when he heard the word Xia Xia: "What are you doing with him?"

"When I was in the demon world, I heard my brother say how powerful he was before that summer. He almost killed him many times, and even humiliated him often, so I came here to avenge my brother." Jiujiang said.

"Your brother used to be from the Human World?" King Qi asked inexplicably. After all, there were too many people called Xia Xia, so he didn't care too much.

"No, both of them ascended from a place called Earth." Jiu Jiang thought for a moment: "Yes, it is called Earth."

After listening to Jiujiang's words, King Qi was completely speechless, and his last layer of defense was also broken.

He knew that the summer that Jiujiang was talking about was his third brother.

"How do you want to take revenge?" King Qi asked.

"Of course I killed him and let him bully my brother back then." Jiu Jiang clenched her fist.

"Jiujiang, you have to remember, don't tell anyone other than me that you are from the devil world. The people here are very hostile to the devil world." King Qi instructed.

"Alright, alright, brother Qi Wang, why are you nagging so much?" Jiu Jiang snickered.

"By the way, aren't you going to play in Dongcheng? Hurry up and pack your things, I'll go look for you later." King Qi's face was full of smiles.

"Okay!" Jiu Jiang was very excited when she heard about playing.

Not long after Jiujiang left, Summer came to Qiwangcheng.

"The third, aren't you accompanying your younger brother and sister? After so many days of free time, why did you come back so quickly?" King Qi asked inexplicably.

"Hey, it's hard to say, by the way, big brother, you are wearing so clean, don't you want to go on a date?" Xia Xia looked at King Qi in confusion.

"Of course not." King Qi vigorously defended.

"Oh, then you accompany me for a drink." Xia Xia said directly.

"Drink, I see..."

"Are you okay?" Summer asked.

"It's okay, let's go and have a drink." King Qi said hurriedly.

Then the two of them went for a drink.

"The third one, why are you frowning?" King Qi didn't understand what happened.

"Hey, it's not about the big sister." Xia Xia sighed.

"I think, eldest sister is a very good person." Qi Wang always jokingly called her eldest sister Liu Shishi.

"I also know that he is very good, but I have too many burdens on me. If I leave one more love, that is to owe one more debt." Xia Xia said helplessly.

"Thirdest, I didn't tell you, did you ask the eldest sister what she thought? What if she doesn't care?" King Qi asked.

"No, big brother, you haven't been in love for more than a thousand years, how can you know so much." Xia Xia looked at King Qi with a strange expression.

"This..." King Qi suddenly changed the subject: "By the way, third child, what would you do if people from the demon world broke into the human world?"

He suddenly remembered the question.

"What else can I do? I'll kill one when I see one." When Xia Xia remembered Wang Bao and the others in the Demon Realm, his teeth itch with hatred.

"Why?" King Qi asked again.

"My last enemies on Earth were in the Demon Realm. One was called Greedy Wolf and the other was called Wang Bao. Greedy Wolf was a man with great luck. I nearly killed him many times back then, but he was lucky. ; That man named Wang Bao is the master of the devil world, and he was the one who put my brother in the prison." Xia Xia was angry when he thought of the so-called largest prison in the world for him to give the key to Xiao Ma.

"Damn it, your enemy actually has the Lord of the Demon Realm, you are crazy, and your brother actually came out of the crevice prison, this is too scary, I've heard of the crevice prison before, then It is said that the masters of Jiuding are locked in and can't get out." King Qi felt that his knowledge was a bit faulty, but he could confirm one thing, that is that the greedy wolf that Xia Xia said should be Jiujiang's brother.

"My father rescued my brother," Xia Xia said.

"Your father? Is your father more powerful than Jiuding master?" King Qi looked at Xia Xia with an unbelievable face.

"It shouldn't be, I don't know the specific things. At the time, my master and one of my brothers were also in the demon world. They were taken over by my father. Later, my father disappeared. My brother doesn't know where he went. My master He was seriously injured, but my brother refused to say anything." Xia Xia said depressedly.

"Isn't your master the living dead lying in Liu's house now?" King Qi looked at Xia Xia in surprise.

When the Liu family came to Qi Wangcheng, they brought Xia Xia's master with them.

"It's him." Summer nodded.

"Okay, it seems that your background is quite messy. No wonder you said that you will kill people who meet the devil, but the devil is not all bad people." King Qi asked tentatively.

"Brother, what happened to you recently? It seems very strange." Xia Xia looked at King Qi in confusion.

"" King Qi said hurriedly.


A guard from Prince Qi's mansion came to the two of them: "Three City The monkey Sailei, who is your general guard, came to you and said that it was the task you gave him, and he completed it."

"It's done!" Xia Xia's face suddenly became happy, that thing was his secret weapon: "Brother, I have to go first."

"Okay, let's go, don't delay the business." King Qi said hurriedly.

"En." Xia Xia nodded, then left directly.

Seeing that Xia Xia was finally gone, King Qi also ran to Jiujiang quickly.

"Why are you so slow." Jiu Jiang said very dissatisfiedly, apparently she had been waiting here for a while.

"There's a delay, by the way, Jiujiang, what's your brother's name!" King Qi asked tentatively.

"Greeding wolf!" Jiujiang said directly, she had almost nothing to hide from King Qi.


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