The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2094: monkey race

"Old monkey! Old monkey!!" Xia Xia ran to Monkey Sailei's mansion.

"Three City Lords." The voice of Hou Sailei's people had already come out before they even got there.

"Success?" Xia Xia looked at Monkey Sai Lei expectantly.

"Well, I succeeded. Atoms and molecules made me combine. The three city masters, your idea is really good." Hou Sailei ran out excitedly. At this time, he was bleeding all over, and his left arm was gone.

Even blood donations are still ticking there.

"Old Monkey, what's wrong with you?" Xia Xia hurried over to feed Monkey Sai Lei and took a few pills.

"Three City Lords, don't worry about me, I'm fine, let's find a place to try this thing first." Monkey Sailei's face did not show any pain, but a look of excitement.

Obviously he is more excited than pain now.

"No, I'll help you heal first. The medicinal pills I've given you are of good quality. You should be able to grow an arm again within half an hour." Xia Xia began to nourish Monkey Sai Lei's body with spiritual energy.

Monkey Sailei couldn't resist, so he could only let Xia Xia heal him.

"Okay, it should be fine to rest for a few days, but the newly grown arms are definitely not as hard as before, try not to fight." Xia Xia patted Monkey Sai Lei on the shoulder and said.

"Three City Lords are amazing, other medicinal herbs will take seven or eight days to grow, I only grew up in half an hour." Hou Sailei moved his arm and said.

"You, pay attention to me in the future, what is this for?" Xia Xia reprimanded. He had a very good relationship with Hou Sailei during his time in Qiwangcheng, because Hou Sailei is smart, loyal, and he knows a lot. terrific knowledge.

"Haha, the three city masters, don't talk about me first, let's find a place to try its power." Hou Sailei said very boldly.

"Well, then go outside the city." Xia Xia nodded.

"No, let's go to the mountain behind the city," said Hou Sailei.

"Why!" Summer asked in confusion.

"Three City Lords, since you told me about the splitting and evolution of atoms last time, I went back and started researching it. As a result, the more I researched, the more amazing it became. You ∮style_txt; look at the injuries on my arm and body, It was me who reduced the power many times and was injured by the blast. If I use this guy's body, it would be amazing, and the city wall would be easily blown up by then." Sai Lei said excitedly.

"It's so powerful." Xia Tian didn't expect that the grenade made with spirit stones would be so powerful.

"Of course." Monkey Sailei said excitedly.

Then the two walked directly towards the mountains behind the city.

Walked for more than three hours.

"Three City Lords, that's it." Said Monkey Sailei.

"En." Summer nodded.

"Three City Lords, you are optimistic, don't blink." After Hou Sailei finished speaking, he directly took out a solid grenade, which was like a black ball.


Monkey Sailei threw the black ball directly, which was three or four kilometers away.

When the grenade hits a mountain.


The grenade exploded directly, and the grenade after it exploded directly razed the hill to the ground.

"Shit!" Xia Xia's chin was about to fall to the ground.

The power of this grenade is too great.

This is even more powerful than a missile. If dozens of grenades are thrown together, wouldn't it catch up with the power of the atomic bomb.

"How is it? Lord of the Three Cities!" Hou Sailei shouted loudly.

"How did you succeed?" Xia Xia really admired Hou Sailei so much. At first, he planned to let Hou Sailei get some group damage weapons out, so that in case of a war, it would have a great effect. Tell Monkey Saile everything about grenades, missiles, atomic bombs, etc. on the earth.

As a result, Monkey Sailei developed such a thing.

"I considered the things you said, and then I put the gunpowder flame in the middle of the black ball, and put a few middle-grade spirit stones around it, and then compressed them infinitely, filled all the black **** according to the proportion, and finally used water. The silver seals the black ball, so that now there is a balance inside, if this balance is disrupted one day, then even the material will have an atomic explosion, and then it will produce such a great power." Hou Sai Lei explained .

"Perverted, you are really perverted. By the way, can you develop a bigger one, so that the power will be greater." Xia Xia said to Monkey Sailei.

"Theoretically, it is possible, but I have to go through delicate calculations, because the bigger the size, the more difficult the calculation, and there can be no mistakes in the slightest, otherwise once it explodes, it will be over." Hu Sai Lei explained.

"Forget it, do you remember the calculation method of this grenade?" Xia Xia asked.

"I remembered it all. I'm afraid I forgot, so I put it on the jade slip." Hou Sailei took out a jade slip.

"Keep it well, it's yours," Xia Xia said.

"Okay, the three city lords, I will take it first, anyway, I will stay in Qiwangcheng for the rest of my life." Hou Sailei directly put away the jade slip, and then looked at Xia Xia: "Three city lords, you give Give it a name."

"Okay, Monkey Sailei." Xia Xia said.

Monkey Sai Lei looked at the summer and waited.

Summer did not speak.

"Three City Lords, you should get up." Monkey Sailei said.

"Well, Monkey Sailei." Xia Xia said.

"Three City Lords, I'm here, you don't have to call me, I can't run." Sai Lei said.

"I said the name of this grenade is called Monkey Sailei. It was developed by you, so it's better to name it after you." Xia Xia said to Monkey Sailei.

"Three City Lords, this is not good." Monkey Sailei said embarrassedly.

"Nothing Remember, there is nothing in this world that Monkey Sailei can't do, if there is..." Xia Xian looked at Monkey Sailei and said very seriously: "Then Just give him two monkey race mines."

"Hahahaha!" Monkey Sailei was amused by Xia Xia's humor.

"Okay, old monkey, help me make a batch of monkey race mines, don't worry about the cost, I will use it in a few days, but you must remember, safety is the first, if you let me see it in summer You made yourself bruised and bruised, then I won't forgive you." Xia Xia said, looking at Monkey Sailei very seriously.

"Three City Lords, I, Monkey Sailei, will swear allegiance to you in this life." Monkey Sailei knelt directly on the ground, with tears in his eyes. Since he came to Qiwangcheng, he has taken care of him everywhere in the summer, and he always thinks of his safety first. This made him really follow the right person in his life.

"Don't die, I don't like listening to it, get up for me." Xia Xia directly pulled Monkey Serre up: "I am not a prince or aristocrat in Xia Xia, I don't need servants, I only need brothers, as long as you take me When a brother, then you are my summer brother."

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