The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2887: your kid is developing

Compensation, everyone heard the meaning of compensation from the doctor's mouth.

From the doctor's words, they all understood that this summer should be a waste.

"Xiang Yu, you deceived people too much. You must give me an explanation for this matter." Yu Xin said angrily.

Xiang Yu was completely confused this time.

She never thought it would become like this. Just now, she thought that Xia Xian must be pretending, but when she heard the doctor's words, she didn't think so. If Xia Xian's chest was injured, then the kick she just kicked The strength of the summer is indeed no longer able to stand up.

"I'll compensate." Xiang Yu took out 100,000 high-grade spirit stones after saying that, "There are 100,000 high-grade spirit stones here, enough for him to have no worries outside."

puff! !

Summer is a mouthful of blood spurting.

"100,000 yuan? Where are you begging? Are we short of your 100,000 yuan high-grade spiritual stone?" Yu Xin said angrily.

"100,000 high-grade spirit stones are really not enough. His injury is too serious, and he needs to be served at ordinary times, and he also needs some precious medicinal materials for treatment. Although 100,000 high-grade spirit stones are a lot, they are definitely not enough. His consumption is too good, besides, this kid is young now, he doesn't even have a wife, it's really miserable." The doctor kept shaking his head.

Hearing his words, Xiang Yu's expression also changed: "How much money do you want, as for my wife, I can't help it, I never force anyone."

"Money? We have it ourselves, but we can't give it to our wife. It just so happens that he still lacks someone to take care of. If we don't feel relieved if someone else takes care of us, then it's better to let you be his daughter-in-law." Yu Xin said directly.

Whoa! !

When they heard this, all the people at the scene opened their mouths.

Xiang Yu is a powerful figure in the Xiang family, but now Yu Xin actually asked her to pay Xia Xia.

"No!!" Yu said hurriedly.

puff! puff! puff!

In the summer, the blood spurted out like fountain water, and the blood seemed to be free of money, and it was sprayed out desperately.

"It's over, Sister Xin, this kid may be going to be **** off, and his injuries will get worse." The doctor hurriedly shouted.

After hearing this, Xiang Yu threw a storage necklace directly: "There are 10 million high-grade spirit stones here, I'll take care of the rest. You can sue it if you like it."

Ten million high-grade spirit stones.

This number is no longer low.

You must know that in Jiudingmen, regular white-collar workers can only earn a few hundred high-grade spirit stones a year at most. In good times, they can make more. If it is calculated according to one thousand high-grade spirit stones, it will take them 10,000 years to work. Earn so much money back.

After Xiang Yu finished speaking, he turned his head and left.

Yu Xin didn't politely pick up the storage necklace. She didn't really want Xiang Yu to marry Xia Xia. After all, Xiang Yu had a noble status. She just wanted to see Xiang Yu angry.

Seeing Xiang Yu walking away, the doctor patted Xia Tian.

Swish! !

Summer's body stood up straight.

He was pretending just now. As for the blood sprayed, it was the blood of the beast at all, and it had nothing to do with him. He even wanted to use tomato juice at first, but considering the truth, he still used the blood of the beast.


Xia Xia clapped hands with the doctor.

Fits perfectly.

"Here you are." Yu Xin threw the storage necklace directly to Xia Xia, which was earned by Xia Xia herself, so she would not be greedy for it.

Xia Xia is not polite. Although he is very rich now, who can think that he has too much money?

"You kid, there is progress." Yu Xin looked at Xia Tian with admiration.

Then waved to Xia Xia, and they walked directly to the main hall of Jiudingmen.

After entering, Yu Xin said, "Help him make a grade first, and then print his life badge, so that you can know his life and death situation."

"Yes!!" said the staff in the hall.

"What's your name?" Yu Xin sat there and poured a cup of tea for Xia Xia.

"Summer!!" Summer said directly.

"I see that you have the imprint of Jiudingmen on your badge, so you should be a member of Jiudingmen. Why did you come alone?" Yu Xin asked.

"Well, I'm alone." Summer nodded.

"It must have been a long time, too, if you catch up with the Jiudingmen recruitment, then the number of people will be enough to ride the teleportation array, you don't have to wait, and the transmission fee is also the Jiudingmen's expense. "Yu Xin thought that Xia Xia was waiting for a large group of teleportation arrays to ride together, so that he could also sit up.

After all, the price of the teleportation array is very high.

It is absolutely impossible for a person to ride normally.

"It's alright," Summer said.

He didn't explain anything.

"You came on your own initiative, or were you chased by your enemies?" Yu Xin asked.

There are several types of people who enter here. The first type is from conscription; the second type is from the big family and the power; the third type is from his own initiative.

But Xia Xia is definitely not a conscription, because there is no conscription recently; and from the perspective of Xia's clothes, Xia should not be a big family, because he wears too shabby; as for those who come on their own initiative, there are two kinds , either because he wanted to train himself, or because he was chased by his enemies and ran here to avoid disaster.

"It came on your own initiative," Xia Xia said.

"Yeah." Yu Xin nodded with satisfaction.

After all, there are a lot of people here who are just being lazy. They didn't even think about doing anything here, and they didn't even kill a single person when they went out.

Most of these people are from those big families.

Because most of the recruits from Jiudingmen are regular soldiers, this is the best place for them to make military achievements, how can they be lazy? As for those big families, they usually have tasks, and some are for the children of their own families to hone themselves.

"I'm not familiar with this place, can you find someone to tell me about the situation here?" Xia Xia said directly.

He came to Jiudingmen not to recognize, but to ask about the ancient battlefield.

Save yourself from spinning around like a headless fly.

"You only need to understand some of the basics, and you will know the rest slowly." Yu Xin saw that Xia Xia was good, so she explained it herself. If it was normal, there would naturally be someone else to help explain, but she is here. The head of the head, the status is very high: "This is mainly divided into several parts, the first part is our new human; the second part is the capital of justice; the third part is the demon world; the fourth part is the demon world; the fifth part is the Zerg and the ancient beasts."

"Yeah!!" Summer nodded.

"Here, except for the people from Jiudingmen, everyone else must be careful, because they may all be your enemies." Yu Xin said very seriously.

"Yeah." Summer replied.

"Sister Xin, Squad 1001 is asking for help."

Just then, a person rushed in.


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