The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2888: The first battle of the ancient battlefield

rub! !

Hearing the man's words, Yu Xin stood up directly.

"Tiandi team follow me." Yu Xin said directly, then she waved to Xia Xia again: "Can you stance aircraft?"

"Should be." Summer said.

"Then go out and pick up an aircraft and follow us. You don't have to do it, but you have to protect yourself. No one will take care of you." Yu Xin said directly. In general, she still takes care of newcomers. In the past, she admired summer very much, so she took summer to do the task as soon as she came in.

If it was the children of those aristocratic families, she would be too lazy to take care of them.

Then a ten-man team assembled.

Ten people, including Xia Xia and Yu Xin, only twelve people.

To support only twelve people?

Xia Xia was stunned for a moment, but he still followed.

The aircraft here are much faster than the aircraft in Jiudingmen, and just like motorcycles, this aircraft is an emergency aircraft and can fly more than 100 meters high, but it is still impossible in the city, because there is a formation in the city, If you fly high, you will be shot down very quickly, and the one who shoots is the alliance management here.

Because you fly high, it will destroy the durability of the formation.

Whoosh! !

Summer finally realized the benefits of aircraft at this time.

Although the speed of this aircraft is not as fast as that of his full-strength running, it is impossible for him to run with all his strength. In general, the flying speed of this aircraft is still very fast, and the reserve of consuming spirit stones is not too high.

quick! !

Soon they were out of the city, and after they were out of the city, they rushed in one direction.

That's where Team 1001 is heading.

When I came over, I found it in summer. The trees on the ancient battlefield were very tall. An ordinary tree was more than ten feet high. In the highest summer, I even saw a tree that was more than thirty feet high. , that is equivalent to more than 100 meters high, and there are spiritual herbs and medicines everywhere on the roadside.

People here don't even bother to pick.

They arrived at their destination in less than 20 minutes by air vehicle.

At the destination at this time, a team of fifty people is struggling to resist the monster on the opposite side.

It's called a monster.

To put it bluntly, these monsters are more like a kind of bug.

It's just that they are very big, and their bodies are very hard, their shells look stronger than any armor, and their claws are extremely sharp.

"Zerg?" Xia Xia frowned, he didn't expect that there would be a zerg here.

There are ten Zerg there at this time.

Although they only had ten heads, they had beaten the 50 people on the opposite side, and even most of the 50 people had wounds.

"It's actually an iron beetle, and ten of them appeared at one time." Yu Xin was also taken aback, then she took the lead and rushed up, and all the other ten experts rushed up.

Eight tripods and ninth orders! !

All eleven of them are of the eighth tier and ninth order.

And Yu Xin's realm power is the seventh highest.

The other ten world powers are all fifth-level.


Xia Xia didn't expect to see so many powerful people just when he came to the ancient battlefield. All the people in this Tiandi team were actually the fifth most powerful person in the world, and Yu Xin was the seventh most powerful person in the world.

"Brothers, withdraw, Sister Xin is here." The team leader of the 1001st team shouted loudly.

When they heard the name of Sister Xin, all those people started to back away.

The name seems to be very magical.

As long as everyone hears the name of Sister Xin, they will immediately relax and no longer have to worry about any danger.


Sister Xin was very violent as soon as she made a move.

The iron beetle, who looked extremely majestic, was defeated by her in just two rounds.

But at this time, Xia Xia was surprised that this kind of iron beetle's combat power was really high. With Yuxin's eighth-rank ninth-order realm, and her seventh-level power, she couldn't kill the iron beetle in seconds. This is incredible.

You must know that after the power of the world has entered the seventh level, it is already a world of difference from before.

She can even kill Jiuding masters in an instant.

After the seventh level of the power of the world, the senses of the whole body will be completely opened, and the ability to predict the crisis will be improved several times, and even as long as the crisis is within ten meters, they will find it immediately.

It can be said that there is a huge difference between before the seventh layer and after the seventh layer.

puff! !

Finally, Sister Xin killed the iron beetle after 20 seconds of shooting. When she killed the iron beetle, a force of life entered her storage equipment, and her badge was obviously inside.

Some people carry the life badges on their bodies, and some people put them in storage equipment.

But no matter where they are placed, they are connected to the main body. As long as they die, the life badge will be broken instantly.

At this time, everyone in the 1001st team looked at Yu Xin with admiration.

Obviously, the Iron Beetle is invincible in their eyes, but the Iron Beetle can easily solve it when it encounters Yu Xin.

"Sister Xin is mighty!!" the squad leader suddenly shouted.

The people behind him also shouted.

After Yu Xin succeeded, she attacked the second iron beetle again.

puff! !

In this way, all ten iron beetles were finally killed by Yu Xin.

The battle lasted for about five minutes in total. I have to say that Yu Xin's strength is indeed too strong. If it were someone else, he would definitely not be so strong. Just like the team just now, all fifty people were killed They were losing ground, and they were all wounded. If it wasn't for Yu Xin's support, they would all die in the end.

Not even a chance to escape.

The battle is over! !

"You clean the battlefield, heal the wounds, and then patrol around. Normally, iron beetles are already a fourth-level insect, and they should rarely appear here, and there are ten heads when they appear, which is definitely not unusual. "Yu Xin ordered.

Although there are many battles here, but compared to the fortress, it is relatively safe here.

Normally, the iron beetle is on the other side of the fortress, but now it has come here, and it is still ten, it is not easy.

Those people directly started to dispose of the iron beetle's Seeing them dispose of the iron beetle's body, Xia Tian realized that the weapons and armors outside were all made of this kind of thing.

"Summer, how do you feel?" Yu Xin asked.

Xia Tian didn't speak, but walked straight forward.

Seeing that Xia Xia didn't answer, all the people around looked at him in confusion.

at this time.

boom! !

Xia Xia punched the big tree in front of Yu Xin.

Click! !

The big sloth's waist is broken.

There was a hole in the big tree, and there was an unknown liquid in the hole.


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