The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2901: Madman's Revenge

/summer! !

Qian/y, who had just heard the name, was completely stunned.

No one knows the name better than him.

New land list first.

The head of the Hades Mercenary Corps.

The one he most wanted to kill.

Some time ago, Xia Xia and his Pluto mercenary team broke down the Buddha Capital, wiped out his **** brother Fanchen, and cut off his biggest economic lifeline. At that time, he vowed to kill Xia Xia.

And he has also completely announced the war with the Hades mercenary group.

But what he didn't expect was that at this time, Jiudingmen and Emperor Yingzheng actually joined forces to protect the members of Hades' mercenary group.

Normally this is against the rules, but the people from Jiudingmen and Emperor Yingzheng also said that they only guarantee the members of the Hades mercenary group for one year, and not the summer.

As soon as I heard that there is no guarantee of summer.

Qian/y ordered at that time to hunt down Xia Xia.

But at this moment, Xia Xia disappeared out of thin air, and no one knew where he was hiding.

Just when he had no choice.

There was actually news from the ancient battlefield.

"Who are you talking about?" Qian/y asked again.

"Xia Xia, that person is called Xia Xia, I have already inquired about it." One of the men in black said.

"Hahahaha, okay, that's great, God is really helping me." Qian /y smiled excitedly, it really took no effort to find a place to break through the iron shoes, he didn't expect that he ordered it before. The person who killed was actually summer.

However, the last battle at Jiudingmen exceeded his expectations. He did not expect that the last Jiuding and Wuwei would come back, so he failed.

"Sir, what do you need us to do?" the man in black continued to ask.

Although he doesn't know why Qian/y is so excited, he also understands that he is not qualified to ask, and all he can do is to help Qian/y solve problems.

"Check, find out his location for me, and then send someone to follow him. Don't let him get lost. I will send a master and an army there soon, and this time I will definitely kill him." Qian/y's face All look excited.

"Sir, that summer was not easy," the man in black reminded.

"I will dispatch and summon me to sit down with 500 Jiuding masters, and hunt him down from the sky to the ground. This time I will kill him at all costs." Qian/y is a lunatic, and he is a A madman who is not afraid of things.

No matter who offends him, he must make things bigger, and then give the opponent the strongest blow, so that everyone knows how cruel his methods are, so that no one will dare to offend him in the future, is there anyone? Dare to challenge his majesty.

Five hundred masters of Jiuding chased and killed a boy of the seventh rank and the ninth rank. If this matter spread out, it would probably shock everyone's jaws.

Only a madman like Qian/y can do such a crazy thing.

Qian/y thinks that it is necessary to be ruthless when they come out to mix.

To make everyone afraid of himself, even if it is a person stronger than himself, he also has to make the other party afraid of himself. The fish is dead and the net is broken.

Then even the five emperors definitely don't want to offend a master like him, otherwise once they fight, the power of the five emperors will be damaged to a certain extent, and as long as he runs away, then he believes that he can definitely become the nightmare of the five emperors, because he It will keep attacking the power of the Five Emperors every day. Although the Five Emperors are powerful, the Five Emperors cannot be cloned.

And it is impossible for the Five Emperors to know where he is.

A hundred-footed worm, dead but not stiff.

After all, if he is dead, he still has a group of heartfelt subordinates. As long as one person is alive, it will cause certain damage to the power of the Five Emperors, and may even cause great damage.

"When you come out to mix, who is more ruthless and offend me, a lunatic, then I will let you try the lunatic's revenge." Qian /y said with cold eyes.

Then he posted a message.

"Qian/y, one of my top ten ss-level mercenaries, will officially dispatch 500 Jiuding masters to hunt down Xia Xia without end."

big Bang! !

After the news spread, a huge explosion was formed, and the news exploded throughout the Middle Three Realms.

That's right.

Xia Xia's reputation is very loud, and it can be said that he is constantly making legendary men, but no one could have imagined that Xia Xia would actually have such a trouble with Qian/Y of the top ten SS-level mercenaries.

Jiuding master has already dispatched.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Jiuding masters are always aloof and unattainable.

It can even be said to be legendary.

But this time, Qian/y actually dispatched 500 Jiuding masters to hunt down Xia Xia.

This is beyond their knowledge.

It can be said that the chase this time has broken history and has become the most terrifying chase in history.

Five hundred Jiuding masters chased and killed one person.

Even if the Empress chased Xia Xia back then, she only used the undefeated Empress Army, and did not dispatch a Jiuding master, because in the Middle Three Realms, Jiuding masters were not allowed to shoot casually, especially in other people's territory.

Even Qian/y would not dare to break this rule.

But it's different now.

Xia Xia is no longer in the Middle Three Realms, and is no longer under the protection of Jiudingmen. Now he has entered the ancient battlefield. In the ancient battlefield, Jiuding masters can do whatever they want.

Because there is simply not going to be destroyed.

So he can unscrupulously send Jiuding masters to hunt down Xia Xia.

Although this news exploded in the Middle Three Realms, it did not seem to cause any sensation among the major forces, because no major force responded, not even the Pluto Mercenary Group.

peaceful! !

It was like the calm before the storm.

At this time, Xia Xia didn't know that he was about to face a huge catastrophe. The legendary pursuit team of 500 Jiuding masters was gradually approaching him at this time.

This is destined to be a catastrophe.

The catastrophe that summer has never encountered.

But now summer is also in trouble.

Because the ground exploded.

Swish! !

Xia Xia raised the coachman with his left raised Yu Xin with his right hand, and jumped straight up, because he ran out of time.

When he discovered the explosive fire/powder and inextinguishable fuel just now, it was too late. They wanted to retreat, and it was impossible to escape, so he used this method.

At this moment, a huge mushroom cloud was set off below him.

A powerful explosion soared into the sky.

Everything around was destroyed in an instant, and the driver was completely frightened, and even Yu Xin was confused. She didn't know what to say at this time, she only knew that she almost died just now.

But when she looked down, she found that she had nowhere to dodge, because the power of the explosion had already rushed.

Boom! !

"No, that trick must be used." Xia Xia gritted her teeth.


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