The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2902: inside ghost

"Close your eyes if you want to live!!" Xia Xia shouted loudly.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, both the driver and Yu Xin closed their eyes. Although they didn't understand what it meant, they still closed their eyes.


Hades! !

In the summer, Pluto was used directly.

This is his trump card. Except for the mercenary group of Hades and a few people who have a good relationship with him, no one knows this ability. Xia Tian doesn't want too many people to know about it, otherwise this will not be a trump card.

Moreover, this change of his will shock a lot of people. Once it is spread out, then he can't guarantee that a large number of masters will come to arrest him.

After all, everyone wants the ability to increase their strength.

Especially those real masters.

In just an instant, two pairs of wings appeared behind Xia Xian, and then his body disappeared directly there.

Boom! !

The huge explosion/explosive force directly wipes out/destroys everything.

Swish! !

Xia Xia's body/body fell directly on the ground, and his wings had disappeared.

"You can open your eyes." Xia Xia said.

When Xia Xian let go of the driver, the driver's legs became weak and he fell directly to the ground, while Yu Xin looked at Xia Xia with a strange expression. She suddenly felt a terrifying aura just now, although she did not open it. eyes, but she could still feel the strong breath.

boom! !

Summer's body fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth.

"Summer, what's the matter with you?" Yu Xin hurriedly asked.

In fact, nothing happened in Xia Xia, but he had to act. He understood that although Yu Xin didn't see his transformation just now, with Yu Xin's strength, he must have felt his breath.

So he has to act this scene or he might be exposed/exposed.

"I used a forbidden technique just now, which lost a hundred years of my lifespan, and now the backlash of my body/body makes me feel good/painful." Xia Xia's expression can already be used to take the shadow/emperor, because his expression has completely surpassed level of acting.

Seeing Xia Xia's appearance, Yu Xin nodded secretly, she also felt that this was reasonable, otherwise, with Xia Xia's Qi Ding ninth-order realm, how could such a terrifying aura erupt.

Although Xia Xia did have some cards, these cards can only increase some of his sneak attacks.

It is absolutely impossible for such a big breath to appear out of thin air.

But he didn't expect the side effects to be so great.

One hundred years of life.

"I'm sorry, Xia Xia, I didn't expect to cause you so much damage, it's all because of me." Yu Xin felt a little guilty, after all Xia Xia wasted a hundred years of life to save her.

"It's alright, I'll take it easy for a while. Besides, we're still alive now. Compared to being alive, everything else is nothing." Xia Xia advised.

Seeing Xia Xia's painful appearance, Yu Xin was really very guilty.

But she doesn't have any way now, and she doesn't dare to give Xia's medicine indiscriminately, so she can only watch.

The driver was lying on the ground, holding his head in his hands, looking very embarrassed.

"Let's go, now the car is gone, and you are no longer needed." Yu Xin gave the driver a sum of money.

"Yeah!!" The driver hurriedly stood up, but his legs were still a little weak: "Thank you young lady."

"Remember, you are not allowed to tell anyone what happened here, do you understand?" Yu Xin said blankly, but her eyes seemed to tell the other party, if you dare to tell others, then you will die .

"Don't worry, young lady, I definitely don't have that courage." The driver's voice was trembling/shaky.

"Okay, let's go." Yu Xin said.

The driver bowed to Yu Xin, and then ran away in a hurry.

After half an hour.

Summer has finally subsided.

"n, n, d, acting is so tiring." Xia Xia said in her heart.

Although he was acting just now, acting is also a physical task.

"You are finally healed." Yu Xin was also relieved, but she still felt that she owed Xia Xia. After all, Xia Xian saved her with a hundred years of life, so she still planned to pay Xia Xia back one day. .

"I'm fine, but this is not a place to stay for a long time. From the situation just now, it seems that someone wants your life." Xia Xia said breathlessly,

Appears to be very frail.

"Recently, apart from Qiany's power, I haven't offended anyone, but Qiany's people have already been killed/killed. He should not have the strength to fight again in a short time." Yu Xin also had a confused look on her face. She really couldn't think of anyone else who wanted to harm her, and she used so many methods, which was obviously killing her.

"Think about it again. If you don't even know who the enemy is, then we can't deal with it. After all, this time the other party is not here to kidnap/kidnap you, but to kill you." Xia Xia said.

It can be seen from the two things of explosion/explosive fire/powder and inextinguishable fuel that the other party never intended to let Yu Xin and the others live.

Because of such a large amount, it is enough to blow up a small city.

"Well, let me think about it." Yu Xin nodded.

"Okay, let's get out of here first. Once the other party finds out that you are not dead, then the other party will not let it go." Xia Xia stood up with difficulty, the exercise was about to end, and he had to pretend to be miserable.

"I'll help you." Yu Xin hurried forward.

Usually Yu Xin is a very conservative woman. Although she also fights with men, she has never acted so intimately or intimately with any man. Feeling the masculinity of Xia Xia, Yu Xin's face suddenly turned red.

"What's wrong with you?" Summer asked.

"No...Nothing, I think the other party shouldn't be able to find out. After all, the big explosion/explosion just now was so big that no one could see the situation inside the explosion/explosion." Yu Xin hurriedly changed the subject.

"You are really stupid and naive!" Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.

"What's wrong?" Yu Xin asked in confusion.

"Have you ever thought about why the other party knows our route and time so well?" Xia Xia asked rhetorically.

"You mean, there are In other words, if I die, the other party will get the news immediately, and if I'm not dead, the other party will also get the news!!" Yu Xin said Her eyes suddenly lit up, and she seemed to have figured out something all at once.

"Fortunately, you're not too stupid." Xia Xia said: "Not only do you have an inner ghost, but your identity is definitely not low. The most important thing is that it is not easy to kill you this time. You are a surname. Yu's, killing you is bound to cause a great sensation, and what benefits will the other party gain by killing you?"

"Benefits?" Yu Xin stood there, she was a little stunned at this moment.

She was thinking hard.

She stopped, but Xia Xia didn't. When Xia Xia walked forward, Yu Xin instinctively pulled Xia Xia, and Xia Xia also instinctively avoided.

Two people with the power of the world, the body/body instincts competed at once, both of them are unconscious. ,


The body/body of the two fell to the ground in a very awkward position.


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