The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2903: ninja force


Both were stunned.

It was the first time the two of them had encountered such a situation.

Usually they all use the power of the world to fight, but just now, both of them hoped that their power of the world would not hurt each other, so they would dodge, but they did not expect that the result would be like this, the two actually fell together.

For a time, Xia Tian's lips were less than one centimeter away from Yu Xin.

And Yu Xin can even feel the breath of summer.

The distance between the two quickly shortened.

"You want to die, but don't get up yet." Yu Xin said hurriedly.

"You must get up, but what does it have to do with death?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

He was still lying on Yu Xin's body. Anyway, he was very comfortable lying on his back. Besides, if he got up directly, wouldn't it mean that his injuries were all healed, and Yu Xin would definitely doubt it at that time.

"That's right, you are injured." After Yu Xin finished speaking, she put her hands on her hands, and both her and Xia Xia's bodies rose up.

Swish! !

"Let's go!!" Yu Xin took the lead and walked forward.

"Hey, you haven't said that it has anything to do with death?" Xia Xia hurriedly chased after him.

"There are so many problems, hurry up and leave." Yu Xin didn't seem to want to say anything or that she was covering up something.

"Okay!! By the way, I suddenly seem to remember who is chasing us." Xia Xia didn't ask any more questions. It was Yu Xin's own private matter. Since Yu Xin didn't want to talk about it, he naturally did. Can't be forced.

"Who?" Yu Xin hurriedly asked, and now she was curious as to who hated her so much, and even had to put her to death.

"Izanagi's people, I have fought with their people, and their favorite is to use this kind of trick." Xia Xia didn't say it was ninjutsu, but he guessed that this should be an upgraded version of ninjutsu.

No matter how the people of Emperor Izanagi changed, they were always inseparable, and almost all of their abilities were related to ninjutsu.

"Emperor Izanagi, you're talking about ninjas!!" Yu Xin's brows instantly wrinkled.

She seemed to have thought of something.

"That's right, it's a ninja." Xia Xia thought that there were no ninjas in the Middle Three Realms, but when he heard Yu Xin's words, he was sure that it was indeed a ninja, even with the same name.

"If it's really them, then there's nothing wrong." Yu Xin nodded.

"Oh?" Xia Xia looked at Yu Xin first, waiting for her answer. He understood that Yu Xin must have thought of something.

"Hey!!" Yu sighed.

"Don't say it if you don't want to." Xia Xia didn't like to inquire about other people's privacy either.

"It's nothing, it's actually a very simple matter, political marriage and revenge." Yu Xin shook her head helplessly.

She and Xia Xia were not fast at this time, because they both had injuries on their bodies, and they couldn't get up fast even if they wanted to.

"What do you mean?" Summer asked.

"You shouldn't know that the continent outside is drifting now, that is to say, in a few months, the forces of the Five Emperors and the top ten SS-level mercenaries will be connected, and it will no longer be the island of the past, but will be If it becomes a continent, then the frictions, big and small, will definitely not be small; and in another three years or so, the continent of the capital of justice will also flow over, and all the forces in the entire human world will gather together, then you can Imagine what will happen." Yu Xin thought that Xia Xia didn't know about it yet, after all, only real big people would know about it, and those ordinary people were still living carefree life.

All this will not disturb their peace.

"Oh! I'm afraid there will be a war." Summer pretended not to know.

He doesn't plan to reveal his identity for the time being, even in the face of Yu Xin, because this kind of thing is a bottom line. If he tells one person, he won't have a sense of urgency in his heart, then he can also tell the second person. Said, said the third, that in the end there was no impermeable wall.

Summer came to the ancient battlefield this time, on the one hand to hone himself, and on the other hand to avoid disaster.

Because now he has offended two of the five emperors outside.

The top ten SS-level mercenaries are also unhappy with him. As long as the other party knows that he has entered the ancient battlefield, then the other party will definitely pursue him endlessly. Although Xia Xia is not afraid of the other party, he also understands that he is still Can't fight against the power of the entire ss-level mercenary, let alone the five emperors.

"Yes, war is unavoidable, but it should not break out immediately, but fear is contagious. Once fear appears in people's hearts, it will spread like a plague. Once fear appears in the hearts of ordinary people Then they will have no scruples, and they will think that the Jiudingmen can’t protect us anyway, so it’s better to do whatever they want now, messing with this thing will also be contagious, and once everyone is messed up, the consequences will be unimaginable.” Yu Xin obviously sighed more and more times.

She seems to have encountered something that particularly worries her now.

"So you must have a reputation to suppress these riots, right? It must be a reassurance for everyone to think that Jiudingmen is absolutely safe." Xia Xia said, he already understood that Jiudingmen must be the one who married her to the City of Justice. Only in this way can we bring peace to the ordinary people in Jiudingmen, a great reassurance.

And now he also understands that the reason why Emperor Yu was so kind to him was to gain his reputation.

Although Xia Xia is not too strong yet, but Xia Xia has a great reputation.

And Xia Xia's talent is high. As long as he doesn't die, he will be able to become a master in the future after all. When the time comes when Jiudingmen and Xia Xia cooperate, it will naturally be a reassurance.

It can be said that Emperor Yu is a real politician.

But Xia Xia also understood that only Emperor Yu was right, and only someone like him could manage a force better.

However, he would never trust Emperor Yu.

Because interests and power in Emperor Yu's eyes are above everything else, he and Emperor Yu can only say that they are using each other.

"That's right, that's why I have a marriage contract with a son of a powerful force in the City of Justice, and when the descendants of Emperor Izanagi heard about this, he was completely annoyed and angry. He had been pursuing me before, I It has always been rejected, but he didn't care, but when he heard that I had a marriage contract with someone else, he said that what he couldn't get, others would never get it." Yu Xin explained.

"That's right, the people who are chasing us now should be the ninja troops."

run! !

Xia Xia frowned and shouted directly.


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