The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2911: Move out of No. 38

Pseudo fairy! !

It is not at the level of a fairy, but its power is greater than that of a treasure.

Pseudo-immortal artifacts all need to be identified as masters.

Only by recognizing the master can the true power of the pseudo-immortal weapon be exerted. If the true strength of the pseudo-immortal weapon is not exerted, then the pseudo-immortal weapon can only be regarded as a stronger weapon, but if the level of the pseudo-immortal weapon can be brought into play If so, then the overall strength will undergo huge changes.

The previous yin-yang son-mother sword was a pseudo-immortal weapon.

The God of War six-piece set is also a pseudo-immortal weapon.

The grades of the pseudo-immortal artifacts can be divided into six grades: black iron, sapphire, silver, blue sky, gold and diamond.

There is a big gap between each level.

But the most important thing is to see whether people can exert the real power of weapons.

"The Yin-Yang Mother Sword is a black iron-level weapon, while the God of War six-piece set is a sapphire-level weapon. I have already sent the Yin-Yang Mother Sword back, and it should be in the hands of the old blind man, while the six-piece God of War set is still in the hands of the old blind man. In my hands, and I have a gold-level weapon on my body." Xia Xia said to himself.

Gold level! !

That's right! !

"Pay or not?" King Arthur's voice came from the door again.

At this point, all three of them had fallen to the ground.

"Don't pay!!" Their bones are still very tough.

"Okay, very good, then I'll come back in ten hours." King Arthur walked to the other dormitories inside. Obviously, there are hard bones in the other dormitories.

After King Arthur left, the three people took the recovery pill, and after more than ten minutes, they climbed back to the dormitory.

"Bah!!" The three of them glanced at Xia Xia and spat on the ground.

However, Xia Xia ignored them, because now Xia Xia was completely attracted by the content of the book.

Gold level weapon.

That is the pseudo. Sun-shooting bow.

It is also the weapon with which he can exert the greatest power now.

Although Xia Xia's weapon level is very high, what he lacks most now is to dig out the real power in the weapon.

It's like giving a cannon to a three-year-old, who can't use the cannon at all.

Xia Xia can now exert less than 10% of the power of the God of War six-piece suit. Even if it is a fake Sun-shooting bow, he can only exert about 20% of the power. On the one hand, he has not To discover other powers, on the other hand, it is also because of his lack of strength.

This was also the main reason why he chose to place the Immortal Artifact in the Lower Three Realms.

Maybe no one knows the goods in the lower three worlds, and the clone can use the fairy to sweep all the invaders.

But when they came to the Middle Three Realms, if they encountered a master, they would definitely know the goods. If they let others know that Xia possessed a fairy weapon, then I am afraid that even the five emperors would have to **** it in person. Although Xia Xia and King Yu have a good relationship, if If King Yu knew that he had an immortal weapon, he would probably also take action.

After all, the immortal artifact has transcended the restrictions of the Middle Three Realms.

With their existence at this level, it is even one step closer to touching the fairy.

"It seems that my original decision was right. I'm innocent. If I came to the Middle Three Realms with an immortal weapon, I would have died a long time ago. Although King Yu treated me well, it's not as good as relying on people. Rely on myself, only when I am really strong, then others will not dare to touch me." Xia Xia is considered to be under the care of King Yu to live until now, and to keep his brothers and sisters.

Summer continues to turn back.

He finally saw the introduction of the three clans.

The introduction of the three tribes is very simple.

Humans, Demons and Demons.

Among them, the human race can be divided into the capital of justice and the new human beings. It is precisely because of the existence of the five emperors that the capital of justice has acquiesced to the development of the new human beings. Otherwise, the capital of justice would have destroyed the area of ​​the new human.

Among the three races, the human race is essentially the weakest, and the demon race is the strongest.

But the human race wins in the use of weapons and medicine pills, so if the demon race and the human race go to war, the number of winners and losers is five or five points.

As for the demon world.

That's someone who doesn't want to attack the Human World all the time.

Because the living conditions in the Demon World are very poor and the population is large.

The main thing is to face death every day.

With the increasing population, the demon world will soon be unable to live with so many people, and it is precisely because of this that the demon world kills each other more seriously.

Although the population of the Demon World is increasing, the Demon World has never prevented the emergence of new forces.

Even children and women will be heavily protected in the devil world, and women will receive very generous rewards for each additional child they have.

In the human world, in order to ensure the purity of blood, it is generally a single lineage, or if there are special circumstances, it is just two descendants. However, in the demon world, the most famous demon kings have tens of thousands of sons.

As for the demon clan, it is definitely impossible to beat.

The demon world is the strongest!

But don't worry about the monster invasion.

Because for the demon race, the demon world is the most suitable for them to survive, so there is no need for them to launch aggression. In the demon world, they can be invincible, especially those holy beasts and divine beasts.

That is even more powerful and terrifying, and it is said that the demon world has a legend of this ancient person, and they have secrets connecting the middle three worlds and the upper three worlds.

Upper Three Realms! !

Summer's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Humph!!" When Xia Xia was most excited, the three people walked directly in front of Xia Xia. Although none of their injuries were healed, they were all able to stand up.

And they also washed the blood off their bodies.

"Is something wrong?" Xia Xia looked at the three people on the opposite side in confusion.

"We want you to move out of dormitory No. 38." One of them said directly.

Inside the School of Justice.

"Palace Master, it's not good." One person quickly ran to the rest area of ​​the Palace Master.

The Palace Master is the highest ruler of the Justice Academy, and its strength is and its identity is also very mysterious.

"What's the matter, you are in a panic?" The Palace Master said lazily after drinking a sip of tea.

"Bleeding," the man said hastily.

"What's bleeding? Are you bleeding?" the Palace Master asked in confusion.

"No, it's those four words that bleed, the four words at the door." The man said all the words in one breath.

"What!!!" The Palace Master stood up directly.

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"This chapter is revised. I only slept two or three hours a day because I traveled outside recently, and it was in the middle of the night when I was typing. I was too sleepy, so there was an error in this chapter, and a sentence was repeated. It has now been revised, in Sorry to everyone here. 》


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