The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2912: what if i don't

The mood of the mansion owner obviously also experienced huge fluctuations.

You must know that the identity of the Palace Master is high, and there is usually nothing that can surprise him so much.

But now he's out of balance.

"Go and inform Wuji Sword God, tell him, I will wait for him at the door." After the palace lord finished speaking, his body disappeared directly in place, and he actually said that he would leave without any hesitation.

It can be seen that this time things may not be easy.

Inside the dormitory of Justice University No. 38.

"Why?" Xia Tian raised his head and looked at a few people in confusion.

"Because you don't deserve to live here, you have no backbone." The man said very upset.

"Backbone? What's the backbone? Do you sell it by weight? If you really have the ability, you don't have to argue with me about your backbone here, but go to find that King Arthur to take revenge, let alone stand here like a clown jumping beams. I've spoken." Xia Xia originally thought that these people were indeed a bit stubborn, but when he saw them running over to accuse him, Xia Xia was completely disappointed.

People with real backbone and ability will only lose their temper at the strong and the person who bullied them, instead of coming back to trouble the people around them.

It's like a man.

A real man and a real man should have the ability to use it outside, instead of dealing with wives and children.

If you are cowardly outside and beat your wife and children when you get home, then this man is not a man.

Now these people don't dare to go to King Arthur's trouble, so they come to find Xia's trouble, which has disappointed Xia utterly.

"Who are you calling the clown jumping beam?" the man said angrily.

"You!!" Xia Xia's eyes were fixed on each other, without showing any signs of weakness.

"Okay, you come out if you have the ability, and we two heads up." The man shouted, he naturally couldn't attack Xia Xia in the dormitory, because this was the school's rule, and he thought that he had already challenged Xia Xia, Then summer should agree.

After all, if you don't agree, it means that you will admit to cowardice, and you will be looked down upon.

"Ha ha!!"

Summer only said two words.

But these two words have extremely powerful lethal power, including sneer, ridicule, disdain, too lazy to answer, and a deeper meaning is 'n, m, b'.

Although that person did not experience so many deep meanings, that person also heard the bad part of these two words.

"Damn, if you don't dare, get out of dormitory No. 38." Seeing that Xia Xia didn't mean to get up, the man scolded directly. He thought Xia Xia had already confessed, after all, Xia Xia's performance has always been very cowardly.

From his temptation when he entered the door, plus the fact that he took the initiative to hand over the medicine pill later, now he provokes Xia Xia and does not respond.

From these points, it can be seen that summer must be a person who has no ability.

So he was more confident.

"Go away, I can't, or would you teach me?" Xia Tian looked at each other with a smile on his face.

"Then you go out and leave our dormitory No. 38." The man said angrily. He felt that he was too tired to communicate with Xia Xia, because Xia Xian didn't care about face at all. You know, people here are generally the most concerned about face. .

After all, those who can come to the School of Justice to study are not ordinary people.

Either it has a strong background, or it is a powerful genius or a person with great luck.

"What if I don't?" Xia Xia asked, looking at each other.

no way! !

The other party has no way at all.

The man's face was flushed with anger at this time. He really wanted to directly kill Xia Xia here, because Xia Xia was too angry, really angry, that person said no for a while. speak out.

Then he said the stupidest thing in his life: "If you don't leave, I'll scold you every day."

"Scolding me?" Xia Tian stood up directly.

His face was full of smiles: "I looked at your face, it was a face with a great coefficient of friction, which made me experience that distant era; why did you sit on a stool with your face? Why do you use your farts to eat? You say that you are illegal because of your looks, and even pigs look down on you; when I see you as happy as a gangster, I think of your ancestors - happy drops You are the abbreviated version, and you are the abbreviated version. You are like a bird. Damn it, I tell you. It's only one, two hundred and ninety-nine, don't force me to say what it means! It's two hundred and five plus thirty-eight plus two!"


In this way, Xia Xia cursed for half an hour.

There is no repetition.

The three people on the opposite side were all scolded, and they couldn't even say a word.

One hour.

two hours.

Xia Tian didn't seem to be tired, and the three people on the opposite side were all foaming at the mouth due to his scolding.

"Compared to me, courting death?" Xia Xia said with great disdain.

Then he went straight back to the bed and continued to read his book, while the three of them were lying motionless on the ground, either out of anger or suffocation. Anyway, they couldn't say a word.

Xia Xia cursed people in a way they had never heard of in their life.

Swear without swear words.

That's what matters.

"What exactly is the Upper Three Realms?" Xia Xia hurriedly flipped through the next page.

at the door! !

Looking at the **** four words, the Palace Master frowned: "Has anyone been here recently?"

"Reporting to the Palace Master, there are still quite a few people, but you also know that it is almost impossible to see this thing, so there is no one guarding here, and naturally I don't know when it became like this." explained.

"How did it become like Palace Master said naturally to himself.

Whoosh! !

A figure appeared beside the Palace Master, he bowed slightly to the Palace Master, and then said, "Palace Master, what happened? I heard the sword word..."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes were on the blood of the sword.

"You'd better see for yourself." The Palace Master shook his head helplessly.

"How could it become like this, the sword words shed blood and tears, and the sword art disappeared." That figure was none other than the legendary Wuji Sword God.

"That's right, that person said this after leaving these four words, and now the sword word actually bleeds," said the palace master.

Wuji Sword God hurriedly went up to check, but no matter how he looked or touched, he could no longer feel any sword intent: "Damn, how did it become like this, why did it become like this, check, check it for me, Whoever it is, I want him to die."


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