The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2913: Sword Intent of SSS-level Mercenaries

check! !

The palace lord also ordered it directly.

"Be sure to find out exactly who has acted on these four words. As long as they are found out, it doesn't matter who they are, it doesn't matter who they are."

You must know that these four words were left by the legendary sss-level mercenary three thousand years ago.

But now these four words have been destroyed.

How it makes them endure.

You must know that these four words not only contain a powerful sword intent, but now it has become a symbol of identity.

Because the legendary sss-level mercenary has disappeared, everything related to him has become a cultural relic. Everyone thinks that as long as they get more things related to the sss-level mercenary, then they will be closer to the sss-level mercenary. further.

Usually for the sake of face, they deliberately placed the stone tablet at the door.

And this also means that they respect the sss level mercenaries.

It can also be seen by others. If there are people who can comprehend these four words, then they will be directly accepted as high-level disciples, and they will be cultivated by Wuji Sword God personally, so that they can not only cultivate a master for their use, but also It can also allow Wuji Sword God to obtain some useful things from their insights.

After all, what Sword God Wuji can comprehend is very limited.

But he can learn certain things from other people's perceptions, including the purpose of him accepting a person of perception as a disciple.

They have already researched it before.

If a person in the city of justice can comprehend something, then let this person join their force, and then be taught by Wuji Sword God, if a new human person realizes it, then Wuji Sword God will also accept the other party as Disciple, when the time comes, Sword God Wuji will deceive all the other party's perceptions, and then quietly kill the other party.

Because if such a person cannot be used for himself, he will be a disaster sooner or later.

Although this is a place to maintain the balance between the City of Justice and the new human beings, it is said that there is no discrimination against the new human beings, but how can there be no discrimination here? Even if they make the same mistakes, the people of the City of Justice will be treated very lightly. , but the new humans will be dealt with very seriously.

This is the justice school in the city of justice.

"No matter who it is, I will let him live rather than die." Sword God Wuji expressed his anger. He believed that as long as he learned all the insights in these four words, he would definitely be able to obtain SSSS-level servants in the future. Bing is so powerful, but now these four words have been destroyed, it is equivalent to someone destroying his future, his hope.

"Don't worry, I won't let that person go, but I suspect that such a thing will happen to these four words, all because the sword intent in it has all been understood, so it will become like this, then we just need to If you catch this person, then you will naturally have a way to ask what all the feelings of Sword Intent are, and then you may be able to become the strength of an SSS-level mercenary." The palace lord said in a low voice.

"Hmm!!" Wuji Sword God's eyes suddenly lit up.

He was so angry just now that he forgot about it.

"Okay, then the order goes on, only to catch but not kill, I will handle it myself."

"By the way, school is about to start, you can choose a few more disciples of the new human beings, but you have to remember that you must do it without knowing it," said the palace master.

"I will take a good look and then make plans." Wuji Sword God said.

Then the two disappeared in place. No one heard the conversation between the two of them just now, because the two of them had very little voices, and even if they heard it, they would not understand, because when the two were talking, a lot of words were It is unclear.

Inside the dormitory.

Xia Tian continued to look at the book in his hand.

He understands that what is recorded in this book should be the basic knowledge in the ancient battlefield. For others here, it is of little use, but for Xia Tian, ​​this thing is very useful.

Because Xia Xia didn't understand this place at all, after reading this book, he could fully understand it.

Upper Three Realms! !

I searched for a while in the summer, but there is no record.

He knew that he might be thinking too much.

Even if there is news of the upper three realms in the city of justice, it should not be recorded in such elementary pamphlets.

But he also saw news of two things.

Zerg and ancient wild beasts.

The Zerg are the main force here. They are numerous, terrifying in strength, and like to live in groups. Once they fight, their lethality is also very powerful. Now it is the fortress that can stop them.

But they also attack the fortress in large numbers every other year.

As for the ancient wild beasts.

That is the existence of treasures all over the body.

Those wild beasts are wild beasts that lived in ancient times.

Although these ancient battlefields are only the descendants of those ancient desolate beasts, they are still very powerful. As long as an ancient desolate beast is killed, then all the things on it can be dealt with, and you can make a fortune.

"The Zerg can be divided into one to nine levels, but the ancient wild beasts have only five levels, and each level seems to be very ferocious, and their numbers are not too many, but even the Zerg will never take the initiative to attack the ancient wild beasts. ." When Xia Tian saw the records here, he finally understood the pattern of the ancient battlefield.

Zerg, ancient wild beasts, demons, demons and humans.

To put it bluntly, these five major forces are all attacking each other, so there is no coalition.

It's just that the Zerg and the ancient wild beasts have a common goal, that is, to enter the Three Realms.

Therefore, people from the Three Realms will form an alliance without an agreement.

Although the three parties have no agreement, no negotiation, and no written agreement, they are all jointly resisting the Zerg and the ancient wild beasts.

When Xia Xia was reading, those three people were already up, and they dared not offend Xia Xia again, but in the same way, they all stared at Xia Xia from a distance, or made some angry actions.

But summer has long ignored them.

"Sooner or later I'll have to clean you One of them said to himself when he was far away.

Summer is already very disdainful for such people.

dong dong dong! !

The door was knocked.

This time it was a knock, not a kick, and the three hurried out.

"You guys are No. 38, right? We are from the No. 25 dormitory. We will all be students in Class 2. I think you have also been bullied by King Arthur, right? Do you want to resist?" The man said straight to the point. Said, without the slightest sloppiness.

"Of course I did." The eyes of the three of them lit up. They were beaten very badly these two times.

"Well, we are already contacting the rest of our class, and we will deal with King Arthur together when the time comes," the man said.

"But... there is a dog of King Arthur here." At this moment, one of them looked at Xia Xia.


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