The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2915: Square Collection

Xiang Pengcheng!

When this person appeared, everyone fell silent.

Originally, when those three people showed their strength, these sixty people were already afraid.

Jiuding masters are respected no matter where they are.

It's also scary.

Even in the ancient battlefield.

People in the ancient battlefield, as long as they have experienced years of fighting, can awaken the power of the world, although generally the power of the world is the first, it is also the power of the world, and in their eyes.

Jiuding masters are naturally superior.

Not everyone can defeat Jiuding masters.

Plus a King Arthur.

Naturally, no one would dare to offend the four of them. Even if there were forty of them, no one would dare to step forward.

Because once a Jiuding master makes a move, it will destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

Once they are crippled, their injuries will never get better.

truly become crippled.

Being beaten by King Arthur, they can bear it, because they all have their own backbone, but when they are beaten by Jiuding masters, they are afraid. If they can enter here, they all think that they are people with great talent. Be able to become a master.

But once they are disabled by Jiuding masters, their strength will not only stagnate, but even go backwards.

They were really scared just now.

But when Xiang Pengcheng appeared, the three Jiuding masters all canceled their momentum, and the sixty people were relieved.

Because Xiang Pengcheng is the pillar of everyone in the second class.

The second class is all students from dormitory 21 to dormitory 40.

Xiang Pengcheng is the person in the No. 40 dormitory.

"King Arthur!" Xiang Pengcheng said slowly.

"This is my business. You promised me that I don't care." King Arthur said with a blank face. If he wants to openly collect Tendon Refining Pills here, he naturally has to say hello to those he doesn't want to provoke.

Xiang Pengcheng is one of them.

Because Xiang Pengcheng is the tenth man on the Xindi list.

Although only tenth.

But this is the new land list, the entire human world, whether it is a new human or a city of justice, everyone knows the existence, and each of them is very strong in the battle, don't think that they are the realm of the seventh order and the ninth order. Can be underestimated.

New Land List.

The most authoritative existence in the entire human world.

Even Jiuding experts are not willing to provoke them.

Because no one is willing to provoke that kind of legendary existence, if they really anger the other party, it is difficult to guarantee whether the other party will really have any great means.

"Xiang Pengcheng!" Xia Tian remembered this person's name.

Xiang Pengcheng, ranked 10th, is a master in the ninth-level city of Bawang City under the influence of Emperor Yudi.

Strength: Qi Ding and ninth order;

Martial arts: Overlord's Halberd;

Hazard Index: Four stars.

It is said that Xiang Pengcheng has the same arrogance as the overlord Xiang Yu. Some people even say that he is expected to become the second overlord. He is powerful and secretive. His original name is Pengcheng. He was driven out of the family. Work hard to return to Xiang's house and regain Xiang's great surname.

This Xiang Pengcheng is also a remarkable existence.

After all, everything he got back was through his own efforts.

"I said I don't care, but they can't. They are Jiuding, which will destroy the balance here." Xiang Pengcheng said with a blank expression.

"Okay, then I'll give you this face, and I'll be enough to deal with the sixty rabble." King Arthur obviously didn't want to provoke Xiang Pengcheng, because he could sense the dangerous aura coming from Xiang Pengcheng.

He knew that Xiang Pengcheng was very dangerous.

"We won't fight anymore, but can we hand over one?" Those people were also afraid of King Arthur. After all, there were three masters of the Nine Tripods behind King Arthur. If King Arthur was really angered, no one could guarantee that King Arthur would meet him. Nothing outrageous will be done.

"Hand in one!" King Arthur glanced at Xiang Pengcheng, then nodded: "Okay, one this time, but two next time."

This is fame.

Even if Xiang Pengcheng doesn't have to do it, his reputation is still so useful.

Even King Arthur with three Jiuding masters would like to give Xiang Pengcheng face.

And he said at the beginning that he must receive two per person, but now because of the appearance of Xiang Pengcheng, it has also been changed to one.


When they heard one, those people all stepped forward to pay.

"It's interesting." The corner of Xia Tian's mouth slanted slightly.

No one knows the strength of these people on the Xindi list better than him. It can be said that whether it is him or Xiao Ma, they can sweep away ordinary Jiuding masters, and Longbao and Weixin also have the ability to kill Jiuding masters. ability.

It can be said that the current Xindi list ten people, the overall speed is the strongest.

But he did not expect that the people in the new land list would have such great prestige in the eyes of ordinary people like the ancient battlefield.

King Arthur was about to leave after receiving the Tendon Refining Pill.

However, he suddenly stopped and looked back at Xia's roommates: "If I find out that you are going to bully him again, then I will abolish you."

He was talking about summer.

He had said before that he would cover the summer.

When he came this time, he happened to see that they were bullying Xia Xia, so he also reminded these people a few words at this time.

"Don't dare, don't dare!" At this time, the three roommates in the summer no longer had any backbone to speak of.

They can disobey King Arthur.

But you can't disobey Jiuding masters.

call out!

Just then, a huge light appeared outside.


Then there was an explosion outside.

"Assembly Order!!"

Seeing such a scene, the people on the scene understood that this is the assembly order of the Justice Academy. Now that the assembly order has been launched, everyone must rush to the square as soon as possible.

So everyone quickly changed into school clothes.

In summer, I also changed into that suit.

Then everyone rushed to the square. UU reading

Although the locations between the lower and higher disciples are not far away, their training and squares are all different.

In the summer they go to the gathering square of the lower-level disciples.

when they got to the square.

There are already seven or eight thousand people here.

These people are all low-level disciples of Justice Academy.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A group of ten people appeared on the stage, two of them were sitting there, and the others took out eight tables.

"Everyone listened to the order and arranged in eight rows. Now we want to test your sword intent perception, and use your sword intent perception. As long as the sword intent perception value is high, as long as you pass the second level, you will have Qualified to become the disciple of the Promise Sword God." One of the old men shouted loudly.


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