The Best All-rounder

Chapter 2916: was discovered

Become the apprentice of the Promise Sword God.

Whoa! !

There was an uproar at the scene.

This is too terrifying, Wuji Sword God is a legendary existence, even in the capital of justice, it is a legendary existence that can be ranked, and now he actually wants to accept apprentices himself, which is too terrible.

You must know that over the years, only one person has become a disciple of the Wuji Sword God, and that person has also ascended to the sky in one step, becoming a high-level disciple directly.

Now, he has been trained by Wuji Sword God to become a super master.

Made countless exploits on the ancient battlefield.


In the past, many people went to study the four characters at the door in order to become the disciples of Wuji Sword God, but many people went crazy because of this.

In the end no one was able to succeed.

Now Wuji Sword God is going to accept disciples again, how can this make the people on the scene not excited, you must know that this is a golden opportunity, as long as they can become Wuji Sword God's disciples, then they can reach the sky in one step.

No matter what their previous status was.

will be admired from now on.

"Start now, and use your most powerful sword intent perception for me, because it can change your life." That person deliberately said the benefits, just to arouse everyone's interest and let the people here Work hard to bring out your sword intent perception.

But summer understands.

problem occurs.

Something must have happened.

Judging from the popularity of these people at the scene, the strength of these people is very powerful, and the Wuji Sword God is a legendary existence. Although it cannot be compared with the Five Emperors, it is also one of the top ten SS-level mercenaries. Fight.

But how could he accept apprentices casually?

If he really wanted to accept an apprentice, there was no need to come here in person. As long as he waved his arm, a large number of people would come to the entire ancient battlefield, and even the entire human world.

"There must be something strange here, could it be the four words on the door?" Xia Tian suddenly remembered the four words on the door.

He suspects that it has something to do with these four words.

"No, I have to ruthlessly suppress my sword intent, otherwise it will be troublesome for the other party to see it out. I'm a new human being, no matter how good my talent is, the other party won't really want to teach me, no It would be good to persecute me." Xia Xia secretly thought.

At this time, everyone else was trying to increase their kendo perception, but Xia Xia was actually trying to suppress it.

The people in the front tested very quickly.

As long as the people with more than 100 Sword Intent perceptions were called to one side, those with less than 100 Sword Intent perceptions did not directly dismiss them, but waited on the other side, as if they were waiting for something.

Summer is coming soon.

When the summer collection was placed on the comprehension stone, the word 10 appeared on the comprehension stone.

Sword Intent Comprehension 10.

That's right, Xia Xia's sword intent perception is 10, because he has completely suppressed his sword intent perception, so the sword intent stone can't measure his sword intent value.

Normally, others cannot hide.

But in summer you can.

Because his Sword Intent perception is 999.

"Go over there and wait, the next one." The old man didn't go to see Xia Xia, because Xia Xia's sword intent perception was too low, and he was too lazy to pay attention.

The mighty tens of thousands of people were quickly tested.

To Xia Xia's surprise, there are actually 1,000 people here who have more than 100 Sword Intent perceptions.

In other words, on average, one in ten people has a person in the field of kendo.

I have to say that this number is too scary.

I am afraid that only a place like Justice Academy can attract so many geniuses.

After testing the Sword Intent, the old man shouted again: "Those with less than 100 Sword Intent perceptions, in units of 100 people, stand here and start practicing your strongest swordsmanship, in order to avoid accidental injury, do not use Reiki, remember Now, this is also your last chance, take it well, it's limited to one minute."

Those whose Sword Intent comprehension is under 100 all brightened up when they heard this. They originally thought that they had no chance, but now hearing the old man's words, they all ignited their passion again. .

So soon, a team of 100 people was formed. The distance between these people was about five meters, and they formed a phalanx.

Then these hundred people began to use their strongest swordsmanship, and they all hoped that their performance could attract the attention of Wuji Sword God.

But soon the swordsmanship of the hundred people was over.

And the Wuji Sword God sitting at the top did not speak, which meant that they had no hope at all.

Then there is the second wave, the third wave, the fourth wave.

Wuji Sword God, selected three people from this, and asked them to wait for a while to practice again with another thousand people, which is to give them another chance.

"I just need to recharge." Xia Xia secretly thought.

He didn't intend to become the apprentice of the Wuji Sword God anyway, so he just had to use a few simple moves at What he wanted was for the opponent to eliminate him.

Swish! Swish!

The swordsmanship used by Xia Xia was messy, and he was completely random.

"Come out." At the end of their practice, Sword God Wuji looked at Xia Xia.

"Me?" Summer asked in confusion.

"Yes, it's you, come out, you have another chance." An old man said.

"This is bad." Xia Xia didn't expect Sword God Wuji to have such a terrifying power of observation. He had already beaten him indiscriminately, but the opponent could still find a clue from his swordsmanship.

In fact, this is because Xia Xia underestimated Wuji Sword God too much.

You must know that the strength of Wuji Sword God can compete with the top ten SS-level mercenaries.

And he is the originator of kendo.

His perception of the sword can no longer be summed up in mythology.

Although Xia Xian was in a mess when he used the sword technique just now, his sword pierced very steadily, and it was because of this that he was discovered by the Wuji Sword God.

At this time, those who were eliminated all looked at Xia Xia with envy and hatred.

soon! !

Among the nine thousand people who were eliminated, six people were selected, and Xia Xia was also one of these six people.

It was followed by a drill of a thousand people who possessed the field of kendo.

They were in groups of ten and immediately began to practice.

In order to win the favor of the Wuji Sword God, they are also desperate, and they have exhausted all their skills, but the current summer is really in a bad mood, because he suddenly has an ominous premonition, and he feels like it is inside what's the matter.

Suck! !

At this moment, Sword God Wuji suddenly glanced at the six of them, and then fixed his gaze on Xia Xia's body: "Go and fight ten of them!!"

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