The Best All-rounder

Chapter 816: i am mentally ill

This man seems to be of mixed race, and he doesn't dress like a Chinese man. He dresses very gentlemanly, as if giving a sense of aristocracy. He is also polite and bows halfway, but he stretches out his right hand. Going to hold Ye Qingxue's hand seems to be a kiss.


The man had a slight smile on his face. Although he felt oily when he kissed him, he had already opened the door.

"Oh, I'll let you kiss the oil on my hand." Xia Xia looked at the man with disgust. His hand just ate all kinds of roast chicken, roast duck, pig's trotter, pork knuckle, etc. , all a mixture of various foods.

The man's face changed, and he saw that Ye Qingxue's hand didn't lift at all, which meant that he kissed the man's hand just now.

As soon as he saw that the man had all kinds of oil on his hands, he felt very sick.

He actually kissed those oils just now. He hurriedly took out a high-end handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his mouth.

"Oh my god, can I still have this hand? It's disgusting." On the other hand, Xia Xian looked at his left hand with disgust, as if he wanted to chop off his left hand. Disgust opens the door for disgust, disgust is home."

Xia Tian picked up a tissue and kept wiping his hands, his hands were all red, and he was still wiping there.

"It's disgusting. I can't use a knife. This hand was arched by a pig, so I can't have it." Xia Xia said loudly.

After the man cast a glance at Xia Xia, he looked at Ye Qingxue again, "You look a lot like my ex-girlfriend."

Very old-fashioned way to strike up a conversation, but it depends on who uses it.

If Nicholas Zhao Si said this to you, a beautiful woman, he would definitely be slapped, but this man was very confident in his charm and demeanor, and he believed that his words would definitely impress the other party.

"Wow, you look a lot like the second fool from our village." Xia Xia looked at the man in surprise.

"Unqualified" The man glared at Xia Xia, then looked at Ye Qingxue again, "Ma'am, can I invite you to dinner? I know a very good western restaurant, just outside the school."

"I drove that." Xia Tian sat there and said lightly.

"Just because of you, have you ever been in a western restaurant? That western restaurant is completely built on the scale of the British royal family, and it's just because you are worthy of entering that kind of place." , The clothes to wear in summer are too casual, they are simply the kind of clothes that can't be on the table.

Such a person would dare to say that that kind of restaurant was opened by him.

This is simply too shameless.

"Eighty percent of the buildings outside Jianghai University are mine now." Xia Xia said very casually, he took a kitchen knife from nowhere, and was gesturing his left hand there, as if he really wanted to chop drop his left hand.

"You are either paranoid or mentally ill." The man thought that Xia Xia was a mental illness.

"You can see it all, you are so witty." Xia Xia looked at the man with admiration and said, "I have seen two witty people like you before, and it was from a report."

"It was said that J Jong-un announced that it would take 10 years for North Korean astronauts to land in the sun. The American reporter asked how the sun's temperature was so high and how to go up. There was no sound. Everyone didn't know how to answer. At this moment, General Kim slowly said that we will go after dark. Suddenly there was thunderous applause from the North Koreans in the audience. Ao Bama, who was watching the live TV broadcast, sneered and said to his colleagues around him, "It was dark and there was no sun at all. There was also thunderous applause in the White House."

"These two people are the smartest I've ever met. You seem to be smarter than them." Xia Xia looked at the man with admiration.

When the man first listened to it, he didn't feel anything, as if he was listening to a joke, but what he said later in the summer made him completely angry. He understood that the guy in front of him was insulting him by changing his direction.

How could he bear it.

Especially in front of beautiful women, how could he bear it.

"How dare you scold me, do you know who I am?" The man suddenly put aside his gentlemanly manner, full of

Looking at summer with anger.

"It's not good for you to be like this." Xia Xia persuaded.

"Do I have anything to do with you?" The man's face was full of anger.

"Your temper is easy to suffer outside." Xia Xia said.

"I told you I have a bad temper." That man wanted to kill Xia Xia directly.

"Change, change," said Xia Xia very casually.

"What if I don't change?" The man looked at Xia Xia coldly.


A kitchen knife was placed on his neck, "Can you change it?"

Cold sweat broke out on the man's forehead. The knife was too fast, and the knife was close to his neck. He felt that his hair was cut off by the kitchen knife.

This sudden scene suddenly startled him.

He didn't expect that when the other party said he would do it, he would do it, and he still took a kitchen knife.

This thing is very dangerous.

He thought about it for a while, and felt that a hero doesn't suffer immediate losses, so let's just do this for now. After a while, he will find someone to come over and take revenge. "I can change it, I can change it."

"Isn't that I'm mentally ill, killing is not worth my life" Xia Tian put down the kitchen knife, sat there and started eating again.

Bing Xin felt that she loved summer so much that she could even pretend to be mentally ill.

This is simply too bullshit.

The man just ran away in despair.

"You." Ye Qingxue shook her head helplessly. No matter where she went in the summer, there was no shortage of things to do. Problems that could have been solved with good words, he insisted on being so violent, and even held a kitchen knife.

"The hooligan knows martial arts, and no one can stop it. The hooligan understands culture. You say you're not afraid. I'm a senior hooligan who knows martial arts and culture." Xia Xia said very proudly, and then he continued to eat.

The appearance of eating in summer is as ugly as it can be.

But as the old saying goes, a lover sees Xi Shi, as long as he likes you, no matter what you are, even if you are a big guy, the other party sees you as handsome. If they don't like you, even if you drive a BMW, they will feel you very ugly.

At this time, Bing Xin was like this. Although she was so embarrassed to eat in the summer, she just felt that the summer was so handsome and cool, it was incomprehensible.

In less than ten minutes, summer is over.

Just when they were about to leave.

"Hmph, I haven't left yet, it's just right." There were more than ten people at the door, and the person at the head was the gentleman just now.

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