The Best All-rounder

Chapter 817: I am ** [Writing to laugh myself into tears]

Looking at more than ten people at the door.

Summer Nai shook his head.

"Should I go and send them off?" Bing Xin looked at Xia Xia and asked. Now Bing Xin is just like the beginning of the summer. She likes violence and directs her actions.

Hit until the opponent serves.

The same goes for the beginning of summer.

"We are all civilized people. It's not good to beat people. At this time, try not to make a noise when you can. Ah, no, it's the gentleman who speaks and does not do anything." Xia Xia said very casually.

Although there are more than ten people on the other side.

But at first glance these people are just students.

Students are only low-level players at the level of fighting, followed by scoundrels outside the school, and then those veterans, and senior combat experts will belong to our Huaxia Qiang's mobile unit, city management.

Therefore, Xia Xia did not take these students seriously, and he is not willing to fight with others now. Fighting and killing is not conducive to promoting social harmony.

And he has always considered himself a civilized man.

Bing Xin used to think that it was very handsome to fight in the summer, but now she feels that this state is handsome. After all, pretending to be forceful is only temporary, but shamelessness is eternal.

"Hello, hello, where did we meet?" Xia Xia said excitedly.

Seeing his appearance, he seemed to be very familiar with that gentleman, and he came to say hello.

"Hmph, stop pretending, we didn't meet just now." The man snorted coldly, he really admired Xia Xia, he just got it to show him, and now he can pretend to be nothing, just like what happened just now Forgot all the same.

"Oh, I've helped too many people, you must be here to thank me, no, really no, I'm used to being a low-key beautiful man." Xia Xia said humbly.

"When did you help me?" The man was going to be mad at Xia Xia.

"I'm used to it. Good people do a lot of good deeds, but I can't remember it anymore, just like last night." Xia Xian glanced at the man and continued: "When I went home last night, I saw a man and a woman in a car in the woods who seemed to be killed. Locked in the car, it looks very hot, and their clothes are stripped off, they are struggling desperately, the car is moving, the woman's expression is extremely uncomfortable, as if she is going to die from lack of oxygen, the man is doing artificial respiration with mouth to mouth, life is at stake , without any hesitation, I quickly found a brick and smashed the glass of the car, the men and women were really held back, they jumped out and were rescued, and they kept shouting "Who is it"! Who is it! But I have gone far, Spread positive energy and fill the world with love~ Don't ask me who I am, please call me Lei Feng."

"By the way, the person I saved last night wasn't you, right? I didn't leave my name on purpose, but you can still find me. It seems that I'm so bright wherever I go." Xia Tian felt alive. It's a sin.

The few people behind the gentleman man restrained themselves from laughing.

"Damn, how dare you insult me." The gentleman looked at Xia Xia angrily: "Believe it or not, I'll let someone just abolish you."

"Oh my God, I was so scared that my melon seeds fell to the ground, although I don't have any melon seeds in my hand." Xia Tian said exaggeratedly.

Seeing Xia Xia's exaggerated acting skills, the man was almost **** off, and he grabbed Xia Xia directly with one hand.



"Beating, killing." Xia Xia's body fell directly to the ground.

"Huh?" The gentleman looked at Xia Xia suspiciously. He didn't catch Xia Xia at all just now: "Don't shout, I didn't meet you at all."

"Oh my God, it hurts me to death, my elbows, my boling cover, my waist disc." Xia Xia shouted in a very exaggerated way: "In broad daylight, bright and clear, you are actually trying to rob people. Girl, if I won't let you, you will beat me, and I'm going to be beaten to death.

Touch porcelain!

This time everyone understands that this is the touch of porcelain in the summer.

"How can you be hurt? Don't shout, I didn't hit you at all." The gentleman said hurriedly.

After shouting just now in the summer, many people around have come here to watch the fun.


When Xia Xian twisted his arm, his arm was directly broken, and now his arm was shaking there: "My arm, it was interrupted so abruptly."


So cruel!

The gentleman man and the people behind him were shocked by Xia Xia's hand. They saw with their own eyes that Xia Xia broke his arm directly, just like that.

It takes a lot of ruthlessness to break your own arm by yourself.

Even Bing Xin and Ye Qingxue were dumbfounded. It was too hard in the summer. He actually played it for real.

"Oh my God, this is a university campus. You dare to hurt people like this. Is there any way to do it? What? You said that you were hard backstage and wanted to break my leg?" Xia Xia shouted to himself. road.



"My leg is broken." Xia Xia shouted again.

The gentleman man and the people behind him swallowed saliva involuntarily. They didn't move at all. Watching Xia Tian act there himself, and he acted so realistically, he actually broke his arms and legs. .

This is simply too much effort.

to frame them.

At this time, a lot of people had gathered around. When they saw that someone was really injured, they all looked at the gentleman man and the people behind him with fear.

"What are you looking at? He broke it himself. We didn't do anything." The gentleman said hurriedly.

"Everyone give me a Do you believe him? How can someone break off their arms and legs? He's taking you for idiots." Xia Xia shouted, his The eye drops worked again.

Now, his face is full of tears, and he is so aggrieved if he wants to avoid his grievances.

"He really broke it himself." The gentleman feels that he is reasonable and can't tell. After all, who can believe that someone will break his arms and legs by himself, but all this is true.

He really saw it just now.

"He insults your IQ again. This kind of bully in the school must be severely punished, and I'm afraid I can't save my life. I have the old and the young, how can they live." Xia Xia's words have made Some soft-hearted women burst into tears.

At this moment, Bing Xin on the side smiled slightly and sat directly on the ground, lying on Xia Tian's body.

"Oh my God, old man, why are you so miserable, we have an old man who can just walk, and an 80-year-old man below, I still have rheumatism, old stump legs, and osteoporosis, and I depend on you for my family. People make money to support their families, and if you die, what will we do?"

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