The Best All-rounder

Chapter 818: I like rich people like you

Seeing Bing Xin's appearance, Ye Qingxue almost collapsed.

Originally, Xia Xia's performance was scary enough, but now even Bing Xin has come to cooperate.

And Bing Xin was even more exaggerated than Xia Xia. Her cry broke people's hearts and made those around her cry too.


That's horrible

This time, the gentleman man and the people behind him were all dumbfounded. If it was said that Xia Xia was playing a rogue, they would still accept it, but now another beautiful woman has come to play with him, and this is too much. Realistic.

When the gentleman saw people around him pointing at him, not to mention how uncomfortable he was.

And now Xia Xia's arms and legs are broken, even if he explains it to others, others won't listen.

No one would believe such a ridiculous thing.

They were completely surrounded by them now, and even if they wanted to, they couldn't leave. The gentleman said in a low voice, "Don't pretend to be dead, get up quickly."

"Threats, intimidation, they dare to intimidate us, everyone heard it, he actually said that we will kill us if we don't get up." Bing Xin shouted loudly, because the gentleman's voice was too low, they couldn't hear it at all. Clear, the people on the outside can't hear it clearly.

But they all saw the gentleman talking.

And that's what he said.

Even if it wasn't these, they were more willing to hear it now, so they directly believed in Bing Xin.

"There is no king law anymore, call the police, hurry up, this is serious injury, intimidation, and at least 20 years in prison."

"Twenty years for such a person is too light, a death sentence, they must be a death sentence."

"That's right, it's the death penalty, and those who help the tyrant must all be executed."

The people around shouted loudly. When they shouted like this, the gentleman man was immediately frightened. The few people behind him also looked at each other in dismay. They were just here to pretend.

I never thought about actually doing it, but now things have actually developed like this.

They were also a little scared. After all, this person's arms and legs were broken, and it seemed that the situation was very bad. If it continued like this, it might really lead to people's lives. They were all just students, and they didn't want to get involved.

"What do you want?" the gentleman said with a frown.

"You even asked me what I wanted to do after you labeled me like this. I just hope that after I die, my family can have a guarantee." Xia Xia coughed exaggeratedly, his face pale, as if he might hang up at any time. the same.

"Okay, don't you just want money? How much do I want for you?" The gentleman man said in a low voice, he didn't want others to hear such a shameful thing, and when others heard it, they would definitely think that he wanted to be private.

"One million," Summer whispered.

"Impossible, 100,000 yuan, if possible, I'll transfer money to you now," the man said with a very ugly expression.

"100,000 is fine, I want cash, otherwise I'll be even worse than now." Xia Xia said directly.

"Where can I get you 100,000 cash in cash? Now the bank has to make an appointment to withdraw more than 50,000 yuan." The gentleman said depressedly.

"Fetch 20,000 yuan from ATMs one by one. I'll only give you ten minutes." Xia Xia whispered.

The "good" gentleman handed his bank card to the person behind him and asked him to withdraw money

Ten minutes later, the gentleman handed Summer a black bag

"Everyone, let's go, we're going to the hospital." Bing Xin helped the people around Xia to join in the fun, but none of them really went to the police. What if the police knew the gentleman and took revenge on them, after all The gentleman looked very rich.

This kind of person usually knows a lot of high officials and nobles.

So they dare not provoke

Xia Xia didn't go far from the cafeteria, so he just twisted his arms and legs, all connected.

"Damn it!" That gentleman man was not far away. Seeing that Xia Xia connected his arms and legs so easily, he felt that he had been tricked, and he was worth 100,000 yuan.

Ah, that's 100,000 yuan. Even if he is rich, 100,000 yuan is very painful.

If it was a girl who spent 100,000 yuan, he wouldn't feel anything, but being cheated for 100,000 yuan would make him feel aggrieved. He was actually cheated for 100,000 yuan. How could he bear it?

He almost got **** off.

"Damn, I will definitely clean up you sooner or later." The gentleman said looking at Xia Xia's back.

"It's so easy to make money, I made a hundred thousand yuan so quickly." Bing Xin said with a smile.

"Baby, do you know how to spend the most money?" Xia Tian looked at Bing Xin and asked.

"Go shopping and buy clothes," Bing Xin said tentatively.

"Wrong, change other people's lives, follow me." Xia Xia walked directly outside the school with the two girls. Bing Xin and Ye Qingxue didn't know what Xia Xue was going to do, so they had to follow him.

Jianghai City is still relatively large, and many places are very luxurious. Of course, it cannot be said that everyone can be well-fed and well-fed, and there are beggars everywhere.

At this time, there was a man without hands in front of them in the summer. He was sitting on the street begging for food, but he was different from others. Others either knelt there or dressed themselves a little worse, but he was writing with his feet. Calligraphy. UU reading

"Well written, this is for you." Xia Tian threw the black bag directly in front of the beggar.

Ye Qingxue and Bing Xin looked at Xia Tian with incredible expressions on their faces. What Xia Xue did was simply too incredible.

"Let's go, life is full of surprises," Xia Xia said, and walked straight into the distance. The beggar opened the black bag with his feet. When he saw the neat stacks of 10,000 dollar bills inside, he was shocked. shocked.

Then he knelt in Xia's direction and kept kowtow.

Everyone around him thought he was crazy.

"It seems really cool," Bing Xin said excitedly, she had never felt this way before.

"What's cool, it's a prodigal." Ye Qingxue reprimanded.

"Cousin, we cheated the money. I don't like to spend this kind of money. Let's give it to someone who needs it more." Xia Xia didn't like to spend cheated money and gambling money because he thought these people hurt a lot of people.

After walking around for an afternoon, the three of them had a meal.

"Where are we going next?" Bing Xin asked.

"Go to play street basketball" Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Is street basketball the ones that are particularly handsome on TV?" Bing Xin asked excitedly.

"That's right, I've already promised others, it's almost time now, let's go." Xia Xia nodded.

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