The Best All-rounder

Chapter 842: President Wang

Blood red

The whole body of the ring turned blood red.

Xia Xia tried to pick off the ring, but no matter how hard he tried, the ring would not move at all, as if the ring had entered his bones.

Unless he cuts off his own finger, it is impossible to take off the ring.

"Forget it, leave him alone, anyway, for someone like the landlord, it's impossible for me to resist." Xia Xia knew that if the landlord wanted to kill him, even Yin Nie might not be able to stop him.

He'd better be the Twelve Guardians of the black market.

Anyway, there are so many benefits. Going inside is not to buy things at all, but to take them without giving money.

After packing up, Xia Tian put on a new set of clothes, and then walked to Li Ying's residence.

"Grandma's, I'm a big boss anyway. It seems that I'm really going to get a driver's license. I can't always rely on walking when I go out." Xia Xia said depressedly, but he still chose to rely on walking.

Soon, Summer came to the downstairs of Li Ying's house.

Li Ying was very beautiful today. She wore a long blue dress with high heels. It looked like she had been dressing up at home for several hours. Next to him was a woman, 1.73 meters tall, very thin, about nine It looks like ten pounds.

The woman was wearing denim shorts and Adi white short sleeves on her upper body. Her long hair reached her waist and was slightly yellowish.

"This is my roommate Lan Lan," Li Ying introduced.

"His name is Xia Xia, and he is my friend." Li Ying introduced the two of them.

"Hello." The two simply shook hands to express their friendship.

Summer was originally sunny and handsome. Today, he also put on those high-end clothes that Zeng Rou bought for him before. He looked very handsome. Li Ying's roommate Lan Lan was even embarrassed to go to see Summer.

And he didn't speak, he seemed a little shy.

"What do you want to eat, I'll treat you." Li Ying said, he is now a department manager, and he gets 2 commission per month's basic salary.

She never dreamed that she could have such a high-paying job before, but now she has done it, but she also knows that all this is helped by the summer, otherwise it would be very difficult for her to become an intern of the Zeng Group.

"I'll eat whatever you want." Xia Tian smiled.

Seeing Xia Xia's naughty appearance, Li Ying shook her head helplessly. No matter how she looked at it, she couldn't associate Xia with the legendary boss of the Xia Group, and he also knew that Xia was definitely not a second-generation rich man.

He is only a freshman this year.

But he donated 30 billion US dollars as soon as he made his move.

"Okay, all of us women love hot pot, so let's go eat hot pot," Li Ying said.

Some people say that eating hot pot in summer means you are sick. If you eat hot pot on such a hot day, it will definitely get hotter, but the season that is really suitable for hot pot is summer. If you go outside for too long, your internal organs will get cold.

At this time, if you don't drink some boiling water to warm your stomach, you may be directly scalded by the heat of the hot pot. Even if you don't get scalded, it will not be good for your stomach for a long time.

"En" Xia Tian nodded.

"Lanlan, just say what you want to eat." Li Ying said vigorously.

"I can do anything." Lan Lan was very shy and said anything.

Li Ying knew that Lan Lan might be shy. It was the first time she had met a handsome boy. She had to pretend to be a lady. Li Ying was like this when she saw Summer. She is still thinking, if she hadn't touched her at that time. By summer.

What will her life be like? Like those unfortunate girls, she might be pulled into the water, or she might commit suicide.

The three of them found a relatively large hot pot restaurant, and then they chose a location by the window.

"Looking at your appearance, are you going to be busy again in a few days?" Li Ying asked Xia Xia.

"Well, I have to go out once in four days," Xia Xia said.

"Why are you so busy? As soon as you go out, you can't get through on your phone, and you never return text messages." Li Ying was very dissatisfied.


"SMS, there are hundreds of text messages every time I see them, and the mobile phone is always broken." After the war every time in the summer, the mobile phone is either lost or broken. Once the mobile phone is broken, the text messages in it will naturally not be saved. .

"What are you doing so busy?" Li Ying's roommate Lan Lan finally spoke up. She felt that it was not good to sit there too shy, or else she didn't say a few words after Xia Xia left. .

"I am a student of Jianghai University." Xia Xia explained.

"No wonder you are so young, why are students so busy." Lan Lan nodded and said.

"What are you doing?" Xia Xia said very casually.

"Graphic model," Lan Lan said.

Summer nodded.

At this moment, there was a table next to them in the summer, and this table consisted of two men and one woman.

"Lanlan, you're here too." A man at the table looked at Lanlan and said. The man had long hair, and he was carrying a SLR camera on his back. It looked like he was taking pictures professionally.

The other man was slightly taken aback when he saw Lan Lan, with a different look in his eyes, and the other woman gave Lan Lan a disdainful look.

"Well, come over to eat hot pot too." Lan Lan nodded to the cameraman.

"Let me introduce to you, UU Reading This is Shasha, you have heard of it, a well-known graphic model in the industry, this is President Wang, the manager of a big advertising company." The cameraman Introduce Lan Lan.

"Hello, Sister Sasha, hello Mr. Wang." Lan Lan greeted each other one by one.

"Okay." Mr. Wang nodded, "Lanlan's figure is not bad. It just so happens that we have a model for an advertisement recently. You can come to me."

"Thank you, President Wang." Lan Lan said gratefully.

Sasha glanced at Lanlan, she didn't look down on Lanlan at all.

Because she is already very famous in this industry, but Lan Lan can only be regarded as a small character who has just started. This kind of person usually only serves her tea and water, and in their industry, the old people are bullying the newcomers. of.

Anyone who joins the industry will be bullied for several rounds. If you find a backer, life will be easier.

This is also the term for seniority.

"Be careful, that Mr. Wang is not a good thing. He always looks at you strangely." Li Ying reminded in a low voice.

"Well, I know." Lan Lan nodded.

How could she have never heard of some potential rules in this industry, but if you want to get involved in this industry, you must handle it well. Unless you really want to be that kind of person, you must keep your eyes open, or you may come at any time. road.

"Lan Lan, come and have a drink with President Wang."

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