The Best All-rounder

Chapter 843: I did what you want

The cameraman gave Lan Lan a look, as if to remind Lan Lan that this is a big client, and it will be good for you to seize the opportunity in the future.

Lan Lan's brows furrowed. She was out for dinner with Li Ying, but she just happened to meet this President Wang, but the other party actually asked her to go to toast herself, which made her look like she was accompanying the drink.

"Lanlan" the cameraman was a little unhappy when he saw that Lanlan didn't move.

"Hmph, shame on your face." The woman named Sasha snorted coldly.

Mr. Wang, who had raised the glass originally, also put it down, with a displeased look on his face.

In their opinion, Lan Lan is shameless. It is impossible for a person like this to stay in this circle unless she has a really hard backstage, such as a so-and-so godfather or something. .

But that cameraman was very familiar with Lan Lan. Lan Lan was just a little girl who was just getting started. She was very excited to receive a job.

Now there are plane models everywhere, if you don't have your own network, who will use you

So for these graphic models, there are only a few ways out, one is to accompany others, and the other is to sign with a stable brokerage company, but even if they sign, they may not receive anything.

The brokerage company also depends on the benefits. If the brokerage company thinks that you have potential, they will arrange for you to eat and drink with major figures to please each other.

The result is the same.

Why do people give you the opportunity to make money, and why should they be your godfather?

There is a price to be paid.

"Mr. Wang, don't be angry." The cameraman hurriedly advised.

"Hmph." President Wang snorted coldly, very dissatisfied.

"Lanlan, I'll give you one more chance. Come over and apologize to President Wang. Do you still want me to arrange an agency for you? If you don't apologize, I'm afraid I can't help you." The cameraman Looking at Lan Lan coldly, he said that he was threatening Lan Lan.

"Little girl, you have offended my big client. Now I want you to come over and apologize to President Wang, otherwise I will prevent you from being in this circle." That Sasha said very arrogantly.

She is very famous in this circle. As long as she speaks, everyone will give some face to her.

Once she really speaks, Lan Lan will be bullied wherever she goes.

"Pour wine," President Wang said directly.

The cameraman filled an empty glass in front of President Wang with wine.

Mr. Wang held a wine glass in one hand, and then walked directly to Lan Lan's position. "Drink it, and today's business is over. If you don't drink it, I will definitely make it impossible for you to get along in this circle."

Hearing President Wang's words, Lan Lan frowned.

"I'm the boss of an advertising company. I know all the people in the advertising companies in several nearby cities. I guarantee that you won't get any advertisements wherever you go, not even your brokerage company." Wang Always speak directly.

intimidate, threaten

He directly used the trick of intimidation.

"Don't say that you are a little graphic model, even those big stars have to be polite when they see me. Whoever I ask to drink, who dares not to drink," President Wang said coldly to Lan Lan.

He wants to break Lan Lan's psychological defense. In this industry, he has never seen any kind of woman. He has seen a lot of people who were just pretending to be tight at the beginning, but the last one still listens to him obediently.

Lan Lan's hand reached out to the wine glass. She didn't want to drink this glass of wine, because she knew that once she drank this glass of wine, it would never end. If there was a first glass, there would be a second glass, and this time it was Mr. Wang, next time it may be Mr. Zhang, Mr. Li and so on.

Anyone who doesn't drink will lose face.

Just when Lan Lan raised the glass.

"Wait," Li Ying said.

"En" the three looked at Li Ying suspiciously.

"I am the department manager of the Zeng Group, she is my friend, can I not drink this glass of wine?" Li Ying looked at the president and said.

When he heard about the Zeng Group, that Mr. Wang was slightly taken aback, then followed suit.

Afterwards, he looked at Li Ying carefully, "What's so great about the Zeng Group? No matter how powerful your Zeng Group is, it has nothing to do with our circle."

When Mr. Wang said this, he turned to look at Lan Lan, "Are you drinking?"

"That Mr. Wang, looking at your appearance, you should be very good in this circle. If you say that whoever can't get along, you can let anyone not get along." Xia Xia looked at the Boss Wang with admiration on his face and said.

"That's natural," President Wang said proudly.

"I really adore you big men, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Jin Jinbao, you all brought it up, right?" Xia Xia's eyes couldn't even worship him anymore.

That Mr. Wang was a little embarrassed when he heard Xia Xia's words, but seeing Xia Xia's admiring gaze, he was too embarrassed to say, "Actually, they were all praised by our circle."

Mr. Wang said it very euphemistically. He did not say no, nor did he say yes.

"It's amazing, I'm about to worship you to death." Xia Xia's expression became more and more exaggerated.

His appearance completely confused Lan Lan.

Lan Lan originally thought that Xia Xia, as the only man at the table, would stand up to protect her, but she didn't expect Xia Xia to actually go to get involved with the other party, and her face was full of At the beginning of her The impression of summer is quite good, because summer looks handsome and more sunny.

But now summer looks like a coward in her eyes.

But Li Ying on the side doesn't think Xia is a coward, because she knows Xia very well.

How could the boss of the Xia Group be a coward.

She is waiting for the next performance in the summer.

"Come on, Mr. Wang, I'm really fortunate to meet someone like you, I'll give you a toast." Xia Xia directly took the glass of wine in Lan Lan's hand and drank it when she heard Xia Xia say so.

President Wang didn't know what to say either.

I can only drink it. After all, I admire him so much in the summer, it would be a shame if he didn't drink it.

"Mr. Wang is really huge. At first glance, he looks like a person who doesn't have any errands. In this way, I'll do it, you can do whatever you want." Xia Tian directly picked up a bottle of wine on the ground and drank it.

Xia Xia said that Wang is always a good person. President Wang is also very good-looking. He felt that if he didn't drink this bottle of wine, he would be a real job, so he simply closed his eyes and drank this bottle.

"Jiuxian, Mr. Wang, you are a wine master. For a big man like you, you can drink too much. I'll do it, you can do whatever you want." After Xia Xia finished speaking, he picked up a bottle of wine on the ground and drank it directly.

"Mr. Wang, you can't drink anymore, this kid is playing with you." The cameraman saw what Xia Xia meant and stood up and said.

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