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Chapter 853: Knife at the Wu family

Wu Zhen was still immersed in that kind of joy. He was finally able to become the head of the Wu family. He was very excited when he thought of this.

With Tiantian, he has the fourth generation.

As long as there is a fourth generation, then he is a hero of the Wu family. Although Tiantian is just a test-tube baby, the blood in his body belongs to the Wu family, so even if others are not reconciled, they have nothing to do.

No one can take this position from him.

Even if others use this method, they are already too late.

Just when he was immersed in excitement, there was a loud noise outside, and the ground trembled slightly.

"What happened?" Wu Zhen hurriedly ran outside.

"Master is not good, the door of Wu's house was split open."

"What made you dazzled, how could the gate of Wu's house be so thick that it could be split open." Wu Zhen looked at the servant with great dissatisfaction.

The gate of Wu's house is the kind of big iron gate that is 3 meters, 5 meters high and 3 meters wide. There is a small door on the main door. Everyone usually goes in and out through a small door, and there is a garage outside, so the main door is usually a small door. It is not opened because it is very laborious to open it once.

It takes a lot of effort to open that kind of big iron door, how could it be split open, even if it is cut with a chainsaw, it takes more than ten minutes to cut.

The Wu family is a big family. Their family is very rich. It can be seen from the garage outside. There are hundreds of cars in the garage, and most of them are luxury cars.


Just then, a huge explosion sounded from outside.

Everyone in the Wu family looked at the location of the explosion. The thick smoke rolled up from the left. When they saw the thick smoke, the faces of everyone in the Wu family instantly turned pale because it was the Wu family's garage.

The sound of the explosion meant that all the hundreds of luxury cars in Wu's garage were blown up. Those luxury cars worth tens of millions, hundreds of millions, were blown to pieces.

All of the Wu family ran outside for a while.

When they ran to the gate.


Two huge iron doors flew in from outside.

It was the big iron gate that was split open.

The big iron gate of the Wu family was actually split open, and the big iron gate was thrown in directly.

Those people fled in a hurry.


The big iron door slammed into a hall, the glass in the hall was shattered, and the contents inside the glass were instantly shattered. This is the Wu family's tea room, and the tea sets in it are the best.

This is usually used to entertain distinguished guests. No matter who comes, they will be deeply shocked by this tea room, because the tea sets and tea leaves here are all you have heard of but never seen before, and the surrounding walls are also full of calligraphy.

Those calligraphy and paintings are the works of famous masters.

But now this legendary teahouse has changed beyond recognition.

Everything in the house was damaged.

"Who dares to come to the Wu family to be wild?" The second generation of the Wu family all walked over first.

There is only one person in the first generation of the Wu family, the legendary ancestor of the Wu family. There are ten people in the second generation, forty people in the third generation, and none in the fourth generation.

There are more than 400 servants and servants under the family.

There are 531 people in the entire Wu family mansion.

These five hundred and thirty-one people are all of the Wu family. At this time, when I heard that the Wu family was smashed, all the Wu family members who were away rushed back.

The second generation of the Wu family bore the brunt. When they came to the door, they found that there was only one other person.

Come to kick the Wu family alone

"Destroy your Wu family." The man at the door said coldly.

"You are so loud, my Wu family didn't mean to destroy it, and what kind of hatred does our Wu family have with you? You actually blew up our garage and smashed the door of our Wu family." Wu Zhen was angry. Looking towards summer.

"I once asked a boy named Wu Yu to give you a message. If you provoke me again, I will destroy your whole family. Now you have provoke me again, so I will fulfill my promise." Xia Xia's eyes looked coldly Looking at the ten old guys in front of them, the oldest is in their sixties and the youngest is in their forties.


Hearing Wu Yu's name, everyone looked at Wu Zhen, because Wu Yu was the person below Wu Zhen.

When Wu Zhen heard the name Wu Yu, he also knew that it was broken. He must have been involved in this matter. This person blew up their garage and hacked the door of their house, destroying their house. tea room.

This is a huge loss, and the gate was hacked, and their Wu family lost all face.

Even if they kill the hateful boy in front of them now, the Wu family will definitely trouble him.

I'm afraid he won't be able to take the position of the head of the family.

"Don't talk nonsense, Wu Yu hasn't been out of Wu's house for a long time." Wu Zhen said hurriedly, he wanted to bring the matter over, otherwise the account would definitely be charged to him.

Xia Tian didn't speak, and looked at the people around him coldly.

"Who are you?" asked the second generation of the Wu family.

"My name is Xia Xia," Xia Xia said coldly.

"Xia Xia, you are the summer that Xia Xian killed the Hidden Bat, and the Xia Xia that won the prefecture-level master Shimizu Sword Saint." For a moment, everyone's faces were filled with incredible, because the name Xia Xia was too loud recently.

It's hard for them not to know each other. UU reading

Since he killed Hidden Bat in the summer, his reputation has been greatly improved, because Hidden Bat is a long-established master. Later, it was even said that the ground-level master Qingshui Jiansheng also lost to him, although everyone did not believe it. , They think that the Sword Saint Qingshui must have been picked up by Xia Xia after fighting a lot of people.

But no matter what, Summer's reputation is still very loud.

"What did our Wu family offend you?" asked another second-generation member of the Wu family.

"Your people went to Jianghai City to make trouble. After being beaten by me, they actually started to grab Tiantian again, which made my sister Rou cry. This has touched my bottom line." Xia Xia looked at the Wu family coldly. people.

Everyone in "Sister Tian Tianrou" was very puzzled, but they immediately remembered that what Xia Xia said was about Jianghai City, "You are talking about Zeng Rou's child of hers"

"That's right," said Summer.

When Wu Zhen heard that everyone was about to figure out the bottom line of the matter, he hurriedly shouted, "The children of the Wu family obey the order, no matter who he is, since he dares to call, then our Wu family is not vegetarian. Come on, let me kill him."

All the servants of the Wu family were all very strong, and in an instant everyone rushed towards the summer.

Wu Zhen didn't dare to let them continue the conversation, because if they continued, everyone in the Wu family would know that this incident was caused by him.

Xia Xia's right hand raised the golden knife high.

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