The Best All-rounder

Chapter 854: The ancestor of the Wu family

Just as those people rushed towards Xia Xia, the golden knife in Xia Xia's right hand was thrown directly.

Puff puff

A series of blood flashes

The bodies of those people all fell to the ground, and the bodies of more than 30 people fell to the ground in an instant. "You are not from the Wu family. I can spare you from dying, but you are helping Zhou, so I abolish your martial arts."

The people on the ground kept rolling, and their tendons were all broken by Xia Xia.

Seeing such a scene, the Wu family's subordinates who were about to rush over all stopped one by one.

"I'll give you three seconds. Those who leave the Wu family within three seconds, I'll let you go once. Those who stay here in three seconds will share the same sin with the Wu family." Xia Xia said coldly.

His eyes swept over the people around him, when Xia Xia's eyes saw them.

Suddenly a large number of people ran outside

What a joke.

Such a violent person can even kill a hidden bat, how can they fight


When Xia Xia found one, more than 100 people ran out in an instant. They were just eating at the Wu family's house. There was no need to fight for their lives. It's just a waste, but it's no problem to escape now and find a decent job outside with their strength.

The tree fell and the hozen scattered.


When Xia Xia found out that there were more people who fled this time, more than 200 people ran outside in an instant. Those people ran very fast, as if they were afraid of Xia Xia's repentance.


Those who couldn't run were all running outside, and there were only less than thirty servants left in the end.

The mighty Wu family was frightened away by the three numbers in the summer.

"Your Wu family has enough scenery, it's time to be destroyed." Xia Xia slowly raised his head and walked directly forward. Seeing Xia Xia walking towards him and others, all those people kept retreating.

When Xia Xia walked to a position very close to those people, a Wu family Xia Xia rushed directly to Xia Xia. His position was the dead end of Xia Xia, and he wanted to sneak attack Xia Xia.

Seeing that he was about to succeed in the sneak attack.

But a big hand grabbed his neck directly and smashed him to the ground.


That person was only killed by Xia Xia's blow.

Seeing such a scene, those people swallowed.

"Little baby, you are so reckless killing people in our Wu family, I'm afraid it's not good." At this moment, a voice came from the backyard, and then a gray figure came directly from behind. He didn't walk fast, but Every step he took seemed to be ten meters away.


When he saw the other party, Xia Xia knew that he was a master.

The ancestor of the Wu family.

"I beat the young ones, and the old ones come out, not bad." Xia Xia smiled slightly when he looked at the ancestor of the Wu family.

"It's been 30 years, and it's been 30 years that no one has dared to come to the Wu family to be a wild animal." The ancestor of the Wu family said lightly, as if he was caught in a memory, "The last time the person who came to the Wu family to make trouble was 30 years ago. The person before, he was as young and vigorous as you at that time, and in the end I killed everyone related to him, seven hundred and sixty-three, as long as everyone related to him died."

Old Wu's words were very calm, but the content was terrifying, killing 763 people.

This is not a small killing.

"Old guy, you really deserve to be damned if you say that." Xia Xia said.

"It's been 30 years. It seems that I've been too low-key for the past 30 years. The low-key makes people forget the title of Butcher Wu." When the ancestor of the Wu family said this, he looked at Xia Tian coldly. "Look. Come on, I'm going to start killing again."

The words of the ancestor of the Wu family are very simple. After he plans to kill Xia Xia, he will kill everyone related to Xia Xia.

"Ancestor, he was the summer that killed the Hidden Bat." The second generation of the Wu family whispered.

"Hidden bat, in my eyes, it's just a little baby. Killing him is no big deal." The ancestor of the Wu family said lightly,

He has been obsessed with studying martial arts for 30 years, and he knows very little about the outside world.

He has been researching how to break through that hurdle, but unfortunately he has never been successful. For thirty years, he still has not stepped into the prefecture level.

"It's awesome, you are chopping wires with a kitchen knife, sparks and lightning all the way." Xia Xia praised.

But in the eyes of everyone, there was no praise in his words.

"You're courting death" The ancestor of the Wu family turned cold. He was very good-looking, but the little guy in front of him dared to talk to him like this.

"I'm here to destroy your whole family, but I'm not looking for death. It's worse than my wife and children. Women of the Wu family and children under the age of ten can live, and everyone else has to die." Xia Xia looked at the ancestor of the Wu family and said.


Summer is very arrogant.

He single-handedly attacked the Wu family to destroy the entire Wu family.

The ancestor of the Wu family didn't speak this time, his aura instantly soared, and then his whole aura became chaotic, and in just an instant, he came to Xia Xia.


The ancestor of the Wu family threw a punch.

body instant

The fist of the ancestor of the Wu family was empty.


An explosion sounded from behind him.

"What?" The ancestor of the Wu family was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly rushed towards Xia Xia. Just now, he saw that the people of the Wu family actually exploded.

"Hey old guy, don't you think you're very powerful? Then I'll show you that everyone in your family is dying one by Xia Xia's mouth slanted slightly, and then he walked quickly under the clouds. shuttle among the crowd.

bloody finger

The most cruel method in Lingxi's finger

If you deal with people below the Xuan level, you will definitely win

As long as the internal force is gathered on the fingers and then clicked on the opponent's body, the opponent's body will immediately explode

bang bang bang

Xia Xia's fingers quickly touched the bodies of those below the profound level.

After he clicked out, within a second, that person's body would explode.

"Damn it, fight me." The face of the ancestor of the Wu family changed dramatically. The Wu family was originally lacking in descendants. Now, every time Xia Xia kills a person, his heart bleeds, but he just can't catch up with Xia Xia.

The footwork in summer is too delicate.

Every time he catches up with Xia Xia, Xia Xia can escape and kill one person.

Just five minutes

There are only thirty people left in the Wu family, and most of them are second-generation children.

"If you dare to kill my descendants, I will destroy your whole family!" The ancestor of the Wu family shouted angrily. what.

"I've prepared a good show for you to watch." The corner of Xia Tian's mouth slanted slightly, and then he directly pulled the thin line of the golden knife in his hand.

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