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Chapter 992: go up the mountain

Bingquan was constantly cursing, but at this moment, a devil's voice seemed to appear behind her. This voice was very cold and terrifying, making her sound like the magic voice of death.

She hurriedly turned around, and when she turned around, she found that the person standing behind her was the one who made her hate her: "It's you."

"You are too evil, I don't want to cause trouble for myself, so I must make you look like there is no threat to me." Xia Xia said lightly.

"You want to kill me?" Bingquan looked at Xia Xia with horror on her face. She could tell that Xia Xia was definitely a master.

If Xia Xia wanted to kill her, she would have nowhere to run.

"No!" Summer shook his head.

"You won't kill me?" Bingquan looked at Xia Xia suspiciously.


At this moment, a silver needle stabbed into her head quickly, and then quickly pulled it out: "I just said I won't kill you, I didn't say that you became an idiot."

Then Xia Xia left directly, leaving an ice spring that had turned into an idiot.

Xia Xia didn't plan to deal with Bingquan originally, but when he left, he happened to meet Bingquan here, and Bingquan was still cursing Bingxin, saying that he wanted to kill Bingxin's family.

I can't let her go this summer.

Although Xia Xia didn't intend to kill her, Xia Xia wanted to turn her into an idiot.

At this time, in the inner courtyard of the Bing family, Bing Yuwei and others sat on the main seat, and only the five elders of the Bing family could sit in the Bing family. The height of the five elders of the home.

Everyone in the Bing family saw such a scene.

They all know that the Bing family is about to change. No matter what Bing Yuwei's status in the Bing family was before, it will change from today. The status of Bing Yuwei and his family has risen suddenly.

If Bing Yuwei was unknown before, then from now on he has become the most famous person in the Bing family.

Some people even think that Bing Yuwei will take over the position of Old Master Bing in the future.

So they all began to prepare to please Bing Yuwei and his family.

Bing Yuwei couldn't be happier at this time. Although he didn't talk much while sitting at this table, and even seemed very embarrassed, he was in a very good mood now.

Who doesn't want the approval of his father? Who doesn't want to live with the approval of the whole family?

Who doesn't want to be looked down upon by others?

He has been so mediocre all these years, but now he has everything. He knows that his son-in-law gave him all this. Now he can't be too happy. He always thinks that his son-in-law is mainly because his daughter likes it, but He didn't expect that the person his daughter liked would give him so many unexpected joys, and even he was only able to receive such treatment because of the light of summer.

Bing Xin can also see her father's joy. Before she came back, she was worried that her father and mother would not like Xia Tian, ​​but now it seems that she really thinks too much. Her father and mother like Xia Xia very much.

At this time, Bing Yu was too jealous. She was jealous of her sister Bing Xin. She wished that the family sitting there was her own family. She didn't eat a single bite today.

Been looking at Bingxin.


There is only jealousy in her heart. She swears that all of this will become hers sooner or later. She knows that Bingxin's family can have their current status because of the one called Xia Xia. As long as she grabs Xia Xia, everything will become her.

Bing Xin's uncle also couldn't eat anything, he kept looking at Bing Yuwei, he was jealous.

He struggled for so many years. Originally, he thought his father was going to give him a high opinion, but now all hope has been dashed, and only Bing Yuwei is in his father's eyes.

There is only one initiator of all this, and that is summer.

Summer has already set foot on the plane at this time!

The time was urgent and he had to leave immediately. That night, Yun Miao had already said that she wanted to be his woman. He didn't care whether what Yun Miao said was sincere or not. Anyway, a woman said such a thing to him, and he also admitted that Yun Miao said it to him. Miao is his wife.

Then he would naturally be responsible for Yun Miao, and he would never allow Yun Miao to marry someone else.

Grab a kiss!

He was going to rob a relative. Back then, his father was angry with the crown, and he can do it this summer, and he didn't do it because his father did it, so he should do it too.

Everything he does is out of responsibility.

He didn't want to do anything wrong, and he didn't want to wait to regret it later, so he had to go to the hidden door this time. The location of the hidden door is extremely secret. If Mr. Bing hadn't told him, he would never have been may be found.

No one would have thought that the entrance to the hidden door would actually be in a tourist resort.

That kind of place is simply a place that ordinary people can't imagine, but at this time the hidden door is there, where people usually come and go, but no one has ever been able to find the hidden door, because the entrance to the hidden door is in the clouds.


The front of Mount Tai is adjacent to Qufu, the hometown of Confucius, and the back is Jinan, the spring city, with an area of ​​426 square kilometers. Known as "the head of the Five Sacred Mountains". Mount Tai is located in the central part of Shandong is affiliated to Tai'an City. When you climb Mount Tai, you will have a glimpse of small mountains and small mountains. At the same time, you can see the clouds and mists, and there is a trail hidden in the clouds and mists. , that trail can reach the entrance of the hidden door after one day and one night.

Ordinary people can't find this kind of place at all, even those martial arts masters can't find it.

Therefore, in the arena, the hidden door has always been the most mysterious existence. No one can find the real entrance of the hidden door, and even if they find it, they cannot enter.

There are endless changes at the entrance of the hidden door.

If you don't know how to walk, it's impossible to get in.

In summer, I came to this city with Mount Tai, Jinan. This city is very beautiful, very clean, and there are many tourist places here, Baotu Spring, Wulongtan, and the most famous Daming Lake.

It's the one in Huanzhugege, Your Majesty, do you still remember Mammy Rong by the Daming Lake back then?

However, in summer, he has no intention of traveling at this time. He is in a hurry. He must climb to the top of the mountain before it gets dark, and then jump off the top of Mount Tai at sunset.

In the eyes of others, this is a sure way to die, but Xia Xia believes that he can absolutely do it. He knows that the disciples of Hidden Sect must know a specific location, and it is the safest to go there.

But Xia Xia didn't know, so he could only find a random place to jump down, and then he would look for the trail.

This is the boldness of art masters.

Just when Xia Xia was thinking about where to jump down, he suddenly saw two figures. The two people's footwork was light. Although the two of them were deliberately covering it up, Xia Xia could see that these two people. Easy work.

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