The Best All-rounder

Chapter 993: planned

These two are good at martial arts, and they are good at light power.

There shouldn't be anything important on Mount Tai recently. The way these two people walk is also very special, as if they didn't come to climb the mountain or to see the scenery. They didn't see anything along the way, they just walked.


"The purpose of going to Mount Tai is so strong, and there is a token on my waist. It seems that my luck is really good." Xia Xia smiled slightly, and he glanced at the two with his perspective.

Both of them have a token on their waists. Xia Xia guessed that these two people should be the people of the hidden door. Now that one day has passed, Yun Miao will be married in two days.

Xia Xia will arrive at the hidden door before she gets married.

Take her out of the hidden door.

Although the two people deliberately slowed down, they still walked faster than ordinary people, and they deliberately shuttled through the crowd, and ordinary people couldn't notice them at all.

But Xia Xia's speed is not slow, so he can easily keep up with the two people, and his fairy walk is more subtle than those people, so the two people there have never noticed Xia Xia behind them.

"Senior brother, this time the task is too simple." One of them said.

"But it's very simple. Just to get such a waist card, the two of us have to make a shot together." Another senior brother said very dissatisfiedly, obviously he felt that he was being used by an overqualified person.

"Also, even with your strength, senior brother, it should be some big tasks, but the teacher actually arranged such a small task for you. Besides, how could the waist card disappear for no reason?" That junior brother seemed to be in Compliment his brother.

"Forget it, don't care, if you hand it back, it will be completed. There is no oil, water or time for this kind of task." After the senior brother finished speaking, he quickened his pace and saw that they were about to reach the top. At this moment, the two of them suddenly Speed ​​up and walk to the side. There is a guardrail, and no one walks near the guardrail in the dark sky.

Xia Xia's body turned and passed by the two of them, and then a token appeared in his hand.

This kind of place is generally not visited during the day, let alone at night. Although there are guardrails, who can guarantee whether the guardrails are safe?

The disciples of the Hidden Sect are usually not allowed to leave the mountain. Once they leave the mountain, there will be a time limit. If they do not return for a long time, a master will come out to kill them.

This kind of task gives them less than a day, and they don't have time to take a good walk.

"Let's go, go back to the mountain gate." The two jumped straight down after bypassing the guardrail. No one could see them in the dark night. If anyone saw them, they would only think that they committed suicide.

But in the summer, I saw that there was a platform there, and there was a platform about two meters away. The height of two meters was nothing to those who practiced martial arts.

After Xia Xian waited for the two to go down, he also jumped down.

After going down, he found that there was another stair under the stair, and then he jumped off the stair again. The stair was still under the stair, and he jumped ten stairs before he found a trail.

He now finally understands why no one can find the hidden door. It is impossible for anyone to find such a hidden place.

After jumping down, there is a trail. This trail is two meters wide and has no guardrails. Ordinary people don’t dare to walk on it. Although it is two meters wide, there are cliffs next to it, so no one dares to walk.

Even a person who knows some martial arts would not dare to walk in such a place if he did not climb too high. No matter how strong his martial arts is, if he falls from such a high place, he will surely die.

"It seems that going down this road is the entrance to the hidden door." Xia Xia didn't dare to lose these two people, because these two people were the guides to enter the hidden door. Too bad, there are so many changes in Qimen Dunjia, how could he break in.

Although he is also proficient in some I Ching gossip, those are only the most basic.

So if he wants to get in, he has to follow those two people.

"Senior brother, why do you think our hidden door is built in such a place? It's inconvenient to get in and out. It takes a day to go back and forth." The junior brother said depressedly.

"It was researched by the older generation of Hidden Gate. They believed that we should not be played up by the secular world, otherwise we would be contaminated with mortal aura. The older generation hoped to make Hidden Gate a fairy-like existence, so there is Hidden Gate. Appearance." Brother explained.

"Immortal world?" Junior Brother said in surprise.

"That's right, the older generation just wanted to build an existence that surpassed the mundane world, but unfortunately it failed." The senior brother knew a lot of gossip about the hidden door.

"Why did you fail?" Junior Brother asked curiously.

That senior is like a know-it-all. He knows everything, and everyone has a desire to be a teacher, just to educate others and explain to them what they know.

"What else could be the reason, of course, the four masters of Huaxia. Their existence makes those outsiders who practice martial arts not obey, so the outside world will be so chaotic, if they obey the unified Order, then the outside will not be so chaotic." Senior Brother explained.

"The four great masters of **** are nothing in our hidden door." The junior brother said proudly.

"Of course, the experts in our Hidden Sect are like clouds, how can those guys outside be on a par with our Hidden Sect masters." The senior brother was also very proud. In their eyes, Hidden Sect was the kind of omnipotent existence.

The strength is sky-high.

After walking for more than a day, Xia Xia finally came to the entrance. When the two of them opened the door, he quickly rushed in. The speed was very fast, and he rushed in quickly from above.

"Senior brother, why do I feel that someone has just entered?" The junior brother said puzzled.

"Don't talk nonsense, there are no people here. Usually there are very few people coming and going here. It's just the two of us who came back today." The senior brother said, but he was very confident in his own strength. Found.

At this time, the summer was on the heads of the two, and the passage was about three meters high, and the two did not look up.

In the hidden door at this time.

"How are things going?" Jiang Tianshu soaked in a pool.

"Everything is under control. He should have entered the entrance of the maze by now, but I have already sent someone to lead the way, and he will definitely be able to enter successfully." Yu He gently shook the feather fan in his hand.

"That's good, we don't need to worry about the next things, just watch the show, and see if my silly brother is better or if he has better tactics in summer." Jiang Tianshu showed a playful smile.

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