Chapter 182 "The Hangover" is here! (seeking a monthly ticket)

On the TV screen, the symbol of moths and butterflies circling the flames flashed, and on the marble floor of the spacious and luxurious bathroom, a big lying tiger roared with its head turned sideways, blinked its eyes, and then turned its head sideways again There was a roar, like the classic MGM opening animation. Then it suddenly got up and rushed, and the sleepy fat Zack screamed and rushed out of the bathroom; the camera cut quickly, the dentist Ed Helms also screamed, and the teacher Bradley screamed in the car Caught by a tiger.

"We can't find Doug." In the desert, Bradley looked at the sky anxiously, and said, "This wedding may not be possible." The camera turned to the beautiful bride in a wedding dress, and she held a bouquet The flowers looked out of the house through the window, and all the guests attending the wedding were sitting on the benches, and many of them looked anxiously at the time on their watches.

"Wow!" On the endless road, an antique Mercedes-Benz open-top sports car passed by. Fat Zach slammed on the door and shouted to the little girl with a smile: "Vegas, Vegas..." In a blink of an eye, he was in pain He yelled, his face was full of lightning special effects, and his body wobbled but he didn't fall down.

The pictures on the screen began to flash quickly, seemingly related but people couldn't figure out what was going on. The four of them walked in the hotel corridor like the gentlemen at the beginning of "Reservoir Dogs"; When he got out of the car, the fat man asked, "Shall we take some guns with us? I heard it's the city of sin." The teacher, the dentist, and the groom all looked at him strangely.

At this time, the magnetic narration voice read quickly: "Directed by Wang Yang, Zach Galifianakis, Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Matthew Fox, Charlize - Theron, Michelle Rodriguez. Are you ready to laugh and cry this Christmas?"

As the images flashed on the sound screen became full of surprises and excitement, there was a baby in the room, a crazy car on the street, Michelle beat up the trio... There were bursts of screams, and the camera finally stopped at Ed -Helms's contorted face, he bellowed with veins: "What the hell happened—"

"On December 13th, "The Hangover" will debut globally." After the narrator finished speaking, he saw a rooster walking slowly in the hotel room, clucking and clucking a few times.

This latest TV trailer was broadcast on Thanksgiving Day on November 28. Countless family viewers in North America were attracted by the lively and suspenseful stories in it. Are you married? Where is the groom? What is going on? The interest of movie fans has also increased greatly. Before and after the flame movie, they dared to use "laugh to death" and "laugh to tears" as slogans. Miracle Yang never lied, and "Ninth District" was just noncommittal.

Thanksgiving is also the anniversary of the relationship between Wang Yang and Jessica. The two have been together for four years, from teenagers to adults. They have changed a lot in terms of body, appearance and knowledge, but they do not know What has changed is that budding feeling.

After spending a Thanksgiving holiday, the time has entered December, and the warm-up week before the Christmas schedule has also begun.

From December 6th to 12th, the total box office was only 500 million, and won the championship for the third week, and received 19,000; "The Boss Step Over 2", which was released in 2635 theaters this week, only had 14.3122 million, which is far from Warner Bros.'s expectation Far away, the R-rated comedy hit the Christmas file again; the third place is the 20,000 "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", which has received 216 million at the box office in four weeks.

When the calendar on the wall turned to the 13th, on Friday, the 2-year Christmas schedule officially kicked off, and 5 movies were released on a large scale today.

On a sunny and warm afternoon, the red carpet outside the Shenandoah Theater was very lively. The handsome stars in suits and evening gowns were all smiling, posing with ss to cooperate with the photographers to take pictures, and answering questions from the media reporters on the railings on both sides. The problem, and waving to enthusiastic fans chanting their names, is that the screening of The Hangover is taking place.

Today's red carpet can be described as star-studded. In addition to the leading actors of "The Hangover", many guests came to help out, including Tom Welling, who is confirmed to replace Nicolas Cage as a newcomer in "The Return of Man"; Robert Downey, the great Shaquille O'Neal, Will Smith, Zachary Levi, Jessica Alba and others, of course Joshua participated as a crew member.

"Yang, "The Spice Girl" starring Rachel McAdams is about to be released today." There was a clicking sound, and the flashes kept going on. The reporters by the railing were all staring at Wang Yang, who was in a black suit and black tie. A golden white woman asked out loud, "What do you want to tell Rachel? Have you guys talked about it?"

"Well, we have talked." Wang Yang nodded and smiled, and greeted Charlize Theron, who was passing by and wearing a purple evening dress, and continued to laugh: "I told Rachel, good luck ; Rachel also told me, good luck." Another male reporter asked: "Manhattan Cinderella directed by Wayne Wang is also screened today, what do you think?"

Wang Yang still had a smile on his face, and muttered something in his heart. He couldn't remember how many times he answered these questions these days. He answered again: "Wayne Wang is my favorite director. He can always capture Those delicate emotions are very worth savoring." He almost burst out laughing when he heard another boring question, and said, "No, we are not related."

At this time, someone patted him on the back. It was Michelle Rodriguez who was walking by. She was wearing a black evening dress and holding a handbag. Master, I was almost beaten to death by him on the set." Wang Yang stared in surprise, and quickly said, "Wow, don't say that, they really know how to write like that."

The reporters all laughed and took a photo of him and Michelle with a telephoto camera. Another black female reporter, Mero, asked, "Magic Yang, some people say that your "The Hangover" is compensation." How sad are you in "District 9?" Wang Yang laughed and said, "The Hangover really makes people happy." The female reporter immediately asked with a smile, "How much? Can I really cry out of laughter?"

"I think you'll find out right away."

The sky gradually turned dark, and the outside of Shenandoah Theater changed from bustling to deserted. All the star reporters, movie fans and audience stepped into the theater, preparing to watch the screening. The screening halls of the 2,875 theaters in North America are not all full, but there are not many vacancies. After all, Mister Fantastic still maintains 10% of the reputation of the best movies.

"Excuse me, let me go, let me go." Natalie walked into a row of seats holding a large bucket of popcorn. The audience stretched their feet back, and no one noticed that she was in the dim light. Who. Natalie came to an empty chair and sat down. She watched the trailer of "Mr. Hughes" on the big screen, and Jim Carrey with a mustache was very serious. She grabbed a handful of popcorn and stuffed it into her mouth, smiling all over her face, muttering to herself: "I just like shit and shit, don't do the Juno thing."

Also looking at the big screen is Rachel in Los Angeles. There is no screening of "The Spice Girl" and the screening hall next to it is about to show, but she has already seen it, and this is the hall of "The Hangover" . She looked around at the densely packed audience, and hearing the humming conversation, she couldn't help but shook her head with a smile and sighed.

When she was queuing up to buy tickets just now, she noticed that there were 6 people who bought "The Hangover". I really don't understand why some media predicted that it would not be the box office champion this week? Of course, she hopes that "The Hangover" will do magically well, and that "Spicy Girl" will take a good bite of it, which must be fun.

Thinking of this, Rachel couldn't help laughing, and listened to the voices of the audience around her: "I've watched five movies of Fantastic Young, and today is the sixth one. I hope he won't let me down.", "The latest trailer The film is very attractive..." She vaguely heard a joke: "Rachel, even if you become a box office poison, don't worry, I won't give up on you. Good luck"

"Good luck, Miraculous Jan." She pursed her lips, two dimples slightly showing on her cheeks.

After a while, the big screen returned to blackness, and the audience in the screening halls of 2875 theaters slowly fell silent, and the screening was about to begin. Natalie, Rachel and others adjusted their sitting postures; movie fans watching from all over North America seem to have licked their lips, ready to enjoy a big meal, and continue to take risks to watch the amazing Evelyn, the girl Alice and her family... …

Of course, there are everyone in the large screening hall of Shenandoah Theater, well-known film critics, media reporters, relatives, guests and friends who have not participated in the test screening; I was very excited even if I hadn’t seen it, Michelle curled up her lips, Zach and the other group of four were whispering nervously; Harry George, who was wearing an oversized black suit, was fidgeting nervously, moving his big butt around, muttering Said, "Dude, dude, oh my god..."

"Master, I want to ask you a question?" Jessica, who was dressed in a white evening dress and wearing a show, was smiling, and Wang Yang, who was sitting in the middle, turned to look at her and said with a smile, "Ah Cai, ask. Jessica suddenly became serious, stared at him with narrowed eyes, and asked, "You didn't do anything in the movie that day, did you? Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to laugh."

Wang Yang turned his eyes immediately, glanced at Tom Welling and his wife, Zachary, and Joshua who was already giggling before he saw it, and muttered: "It's too classic." Jessica showed doubts. Raising her eyebrows, seeing that he was about to answer, she raised her hand and smiled and said, "Answer me when the movie is over, and I will laugh again first." Wang Yang clasped his fists and smiled, "Master obeys." The two turned to look at each other with a smile to the big screen.


Less than two minutes into the opening, there was a burst of laughter in the Shenandoah Theater, the same situation happened in theaters across North America, and then there was another chuckle soon. They all found that their faces were actually maintaining a smile. Just as the facial muscles were about to loosen and the mouth was about to close, they suddenly laughed out of control. There was a bellows-like rumbling sound.

The story on the big screen is moving forward with laughter. The four people came to Las Vegas and stayed at the Caesars Palace Hotel. After a night of carnival, there was a tiger rooster and a baby in the presidential suite, but there was no Doug; After realizing that something was wrong, he embarked on a crazy journey to find Doug.

Amidst the thrilling music, a police car on the screen rampages in a panic on the street, followed closely by the gangster's car, and the trio screamed "ahhh". A wedding was being held on the lawn of the chapel, and a speeding police car suddenly flew by and disrupted everything. when out of danger. In the car, Ed pulled his neck and blushed with excitement, shouting hoarsely: "What the hell happened to him—"

"Haha" In the dimly lit auditorium, the ears were full of laughter. Evelyn covered her mouth with her hands and blushed with laughter: "Oh, God...haha..." She believed in Miracle Yang and "The Hangover" It's going to be funny for sure, but I never thought it would be this good. Less than halfway through the movie, she's laughing more than all the comedies she's seen this year combined.

1 The good sister Kaili who was sitting next to her also twitched her mouth with a smile, but when she saw Evelyn's breathless look, she knew that this guy's reactions were several times more exaggerated than normal people's, so she couldn't help asking: "Evelyn Fu, are you okay?" Evelyn wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with trembling fingers, and said with a smile: "I don't know, I really don't know, maybe I'll die laughing. Wahahaha——"

On the big screen, two policemen broke into the door suddenly, pointed their pistols at Charlize Theron and others in the three-person group in the room, and shouted nervously: "Don't move, don't move!" Both Ladley and Ed raised their hands and looked back, their eyes widened in fear. Bradley shouted, "God, don't shoot me, I'm a teacher." Zach breathed out again and again: "I don't have a gun, I no guns"

Seeing this sudden change, there were not a few people in the auditorium who laughed like Evelyn. Kelly herself was so happy that she couldn't breathe. Don't worry, it should be all right this time, right? But compared to the dead silence in "District 9", now it's just... She looked at the laughing audience around her, and secretly gave a thumbs up: "Magic Yang is using magic again." Is he Harry Potter?"

Not long after, there was another burst of crazier laughter at 2875 Cinemas and the Shenandoah Theater. In the sound of psychological suspenseful classical music, in slow motion, the little fat man got up with hatred and walked towards the stupefied big fat Zach, followed by electric shocks, lightning special effects... The fat man was finally knocked down by the electric shock, and the camera pointed at him His round eyes. The audience laughed louder and louder, it seemed out of control, and the decibel broke the highest record tonight.

"Doug" was in the open space beside the road. The three of them happily opened the trunk of the sports car. Michelle, who only had underwear on, jumped out quickly. Li kicked him away, and then killed Ed next to him with a few hits. She walked slowly towards the fat man with fierce eyes and clenched fists, and said with a sneer, "You want to fuck me?"

"No one wants to fuck, no one." The fat man backed away with fear on his face, stretched out his hand with a short body, and shouted for mercy: "We are in the same group, we are in the same group, I hate Angelina -Julie, I hate her" He swallowed hard, his voice trembling: "It's not your fault, I always thought this was Santa Monica, I'll get you clothes..."

When the audience was laughing so hard that their stomachs were about to cramp, they suddenly laughed again. On the screen, Michelle, who ran away on the screen, held the fat man horizontally with both hands, spun around a few times like a Hercules, and let the screaming Zach It hit the front, and the fat man fell to the ground with a "puffy" sound, screaming in a muffled voice. Michelle looked at the three people in pain on the ground and asked, "Nobody wants to fuck me? Nobody? ***-u"

"Humph" she wiped her nose with her thumb like Bruce Lee, and then kicked the Mercedes-Benz sports car, the door of the car sank in, and she left leisurely saying "a bunch of idiots".

The decibels of laughter once again set a new record. Many audience members in formal attire in the Shenandoah Theater laughed out of their manners. Some of the film critics were overjoyed, while others were a little bit disapproving. Michelle Rodriguez in the front row couldn't stop laughing, and Zach and others on both sides smiled and gave her a thumbs up. Michelle was a little puzzled, how could she be so funny? she never knew she could do this

"Yang, in fact, I can also play this role." Jessica leaned into Wang Yang's ear with a rather unwilling tone. Wang Yang looked at her face, shook his head and said with a smile: "You are too beautiful, not enough for the arrogance of this character." Jessica stared at him through gritted teeth, and said in a low voice, "You can't say I'm too ugly. Is it? ***-u" Wang Yang nodded and said, "OK, tonight." Jessica couldn't help laughing, and cursed casually: "***." Wang Yang smiled and said, "Tonight."

"It's unbelievable that I can act like this." Michelle looked at Wang Yang who was whispering to Jessica over there. She cooperated with directors such as Karin Kusama, Rob Cohen, and Paul Anderson. However, "Girls Punch", "Speed ​​and Leakage Point", "Resident Evil"...

The best director is Wang Yang, who is two years younger than her. He knows how to control the set. He has a gentle temper but is strict. While making you happy, he will try his best to meet his requirements; and he always has a way to make you let go Hands and feet, completely changed his attitude in his heart, and then acted very comfortably

The story on the big screen continued, and so did the laughter. O'Neill's appearance made many fans go crazy again. The trio also tried to find a way to transport the tiger back to O'Neill's manor.

"Oh my God." Seeing the latest picture, Hans quickly reached out to cover the eyes of his 12-year-old daughter Alice, frowning and said, "You can't see this." Alice moved his hand helplessly, secretly The ground said angrily: "Uh, it seems that I don't know." On the other side, Martha also covered her daughter's ears, but she kept laughing.

"Look, guys, I'm fucking the tiger" In the black and white surveillance footage, Bradley arched the tiger's butt, and the three drunk people next to him laughed crookedly. Ledley continued to arch, laughing wildly: "Oh, oh"

"Pfft——" Seeing this scene, Natalie spewed out all the popcorn she just put in her mouth. She beat her thighs and coughed and laughed wildly: "Hahahahahahahahaha... what is interesting?" ? This is funny hahaha——" The whole auditorium couldn't stop laughing, she excitedly looked at the audience on the right, and laughed, "Man, this is funny, so stupid"

Before, there were old-fashioned and vulgar excrement and fart plots such as showing the buttocks, the baby peed on the fat face, etc., but with the music, the details before and after, and those expressions, it made people laugh and cry. She suddenly remembered watching it on his blog. A message I received: "My butt is different." She then thought evilly: "It's more funny to show his butt."

"Natalie Portman?" The white boy next to him was very surprised, as if he just realized that she looked a lot like Juno. Natalie glanced at him, and said in a shrill voice: "Is she as beautiful as me? It's a joke." At this time, another joke appeared on the screen, and she clasped her hands again and laughed loudly. Seats are full of treats.

The white boy looked at her suspiciously, it was obviously Natalie Portman's appearance, it must be her, but Natalie would be like this? He couldn't help but wonder if he really admitted his mistake?

"Before nine o'clock tomorrow morning, take the money and wait at the big rock in the Mojave Desert. If time passes..." On the big screen, Michelle Rodriguez in a black leather jacket was full of excitement. Looking at Bradley and the others outside the window with a ferocious face, hissed: "You all fuckers!" Before Bradley and the others could react, the window slowly rose, and Michelle stood upright. A middle finger, rising with the window.

In order to win enough money to redeem Doug, the trio decided to go to the casino to play blackjack by counting cards. In the tense and fast soprano's shout "Oh oh oh" and the shocking soundtrack, on the escalator of the hotel, Bradley and Zach stood side by side in a white suit, Zach clasped his hands with a demented face, clothed Laidley remained silent, and the elevator descended slowly.

"Ahahaha——" Many older audiences and senior movie fans in the screening hall burst out laughing, while others felt a little baffled. It's not possible to laugh like this in this episode, right? Seeing her friend sweating profusely from laughing, Kelly asked: "Eve, what's so funny here?" Evelyn covered her mouth and laughed intermittently: "Haven't you seen "Rain Man"?" "People"? Haha, it's so messed up"

The soundtrack and camera techniques of the entire scene are spoofs of "Rain Man". Bradley and Zach's imitation of Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman is also very lifelike, but it becomes Hilarious effect. Audiences who have seen and remembered "Rain Man" are almost laughing crazy, but those who have not watched it just think it is very funny, and they have not fully experienced the martial arts. Forcibly abandoning the young Zhou royal family will kill the throne of the gods and gods in the night, begging the demons and proud of the world, the strongest abandoned young Zhou, the royal family will use martial arts to move the universe, will kill the gods and seal the throne at night, begging the demons, proud of the world and the ninth heavens, the most abandoned young Zhou royal family will make gods Night kills the gods, seals the throne, seeks the devil, proud of the world, the ninth heaven, the strongest abandoned young man, the great Zhou royal family, this is a joke.

At the gambling table, the fat man still had a dazed expression on his face, his lips moved silently, numbers and symbols kept popping up around him, and the chips piled up higher and higher. Bradley pushed out a lot of chips, pointed at the croupier, and shouted to the people around him: "Please, everyone, he can't afford to lose, he can't afford to lose" Ed like an upper-class businessman Confidently said to the croupier: "Although I don't know who you are, but I want to say, you are finished." A black Asian man next to him also pushed out the chips with a gamble, and said excitedly: "***, I'm with you!" up"

Seeing himself on the screen, Wang Yang laughed immediately. In fact, it is impossible to win money by sitting at a table and counting cards like this, but this does not prevent "Rain Man" from becoming a classic, nor does it prevent "The Hangover" from being funny. As for the real professional card counting, it is better to leave it to the "T-21-Team" bar. Jessica patted his hand, shook her head and said with a smile: "Yang, you are so cool, you don't have the temperament of a gambler." Wang Yang Shrugged and smiled: "Thank you."

The shouting and thumping continued, the fat man looked calm, he glanced into the distance, and saw a big roulette over there, he pressed his palm on the cards on the gaming table, and murmured: "Point. "The croupier sent out another card, which turned out to be +J, and the audience in the dimly lit auditorium burst into laughter again, and many of them wanted to wipe their tears. The big roulette and the dots were a spoof of "Rain Man".

"Haha——" Rachel laughed so much that her saliva was about to flow, not to mention tears, but she already knew that something was wrong. Not a third as many laughs as "The Hangover," but that's not the problem, because "The Hangover" has far, far more laughs than any comedy.

The problem is that she watched this movie, and then she thought about the jokes in "Turn into a Spice Girl", how could it not be so funny...

On the big screen, the Mercedes-Benz sports car was driving in the desert, which also gave the audience a chance to rest their faces. Rachel smiled and pursed her lips, feeling very happy for Wang Yang, but also a little helpless: "I'm going to screw up this time." It's gone" Luckily, she figured it wasn't just "Spice Girls" that was messed up this time, but the rest of the Christmas comedies were going to be shredded to shreds.

She can't imagine that there will be a funnier film this year than these people in front of her? There is one that is extremely depressing.

"How could it not be funny?" Bessie Sharkey, a columnist for the "Los Angeles Times" in the film critic section of the Shenandoah Theater, also felt tired. This is a silly and perverse story, but if the movie is not funny, What else is funny? As for Miraculous Yang, she can only describe him as crazy. In less than half a year, he made people feel uncomfortable and their stomachs twitched from laughter. It was unbelievable.


ps: Thank you for asking for a monthly ticket. Wow Li updated a total of 196,738 words in July, an average of 196,738 words per day. It hasn’t been updated for a month and a half. Let me praise myself ^o^. This month WALI will continue to move towards the goal of full attendance, so please give WALI some energy to make WALI even more vigorous Monthly tickets, recommended tickets, thank you^Chapter 56 Brothers who have not subscribed, help me to order it, let's hit it together Ten thousand orders

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