The Best Fake Eunuch

Chapter 332 The World's First Hot Air Balloon

The big guy was wondering, when suddenly there was another bang, and snowflakes splashed all over the roof, as if something had been thrown in from the outside?

Duan Ling'er flew up with a whoosh, and then flew back with a whoosh, holding a pebble in her small hand.

cobblestone? Where did it come from?

"Oh no, here comes a thief, this is not throwing stones to ask for directions!" Ye Baiqing fussed.


Mr. Chen's small courtyard is located in the center of the Governor's Mansion, and the defense is quite tight. Not only are there hundreds of Xiao cavalry guards stationed next to it, but there are also flying wing guards on the periphery.

What snitch can hide from the eyes of the flying wing guard?

And after the first sound just now, hundreds of flying wing guards were dispatched in an instant, and patrolled the governor's mansion and even the periphery of the courtyard wall, and there was not a single suspicious person!

There were even a few brothers of the Flying Wing Guards who flew up to the city wall and asked the soldiers guarding the city wall if they saw anything? Everyone shook their heads again and again, only to see the heavy snow all over the sky, and nothing else.

We are condescending, and the situation of the entire Governor's Mansion is clear at a glance. Just now that Baili Qingyun came out, but we absolutely did not find anyone sneaking in. The brothers dare to guarantee it with their heads!

The soldiers patrolling the city wall at night all have excellent eyesight, if they say no, there should be no.

If there must be, it must be a ghost.

But suddenly there was a bang, another object fell from the sky and hit Ye Baiqing's head impartially.

"Oh! My life is over!" Ye Baiqing was so frightened that she shook her head and shouted.

"You can't die. It's not a stone. It's... whose shoe is it?" Tie Kunlun picked up the black thing under his feet and took a closer look. It turned out to be a cotton shoe?

Suddenly, I heard a shrill and thin cry from above my head... No, it seemed to be the sound of a ghost laughing!

The big guys looked up together, only to see a black object floating in the air like a ghost, and the ghostly laughter just came from above.

"Haha, good luck to you, Fu Hai, so it's you!" Xiao Chen suddenly burst out laughing.

Who are you talking about?


Is that Liu Fuhai?

Everyone knows that he is a eunuch, and that he is your friend, the boss, but they don't know that he is a ghost. If he is not a ghost, why can he fly?

Still flying so erratically?

"Brother, what is that big round ball? There is a basket hanging underneath it, wow, wow, it is really Brother Fuhai! He is still smiling at us... How did he fly up, I want to !" Duan Linger squinted her eyes for a long time, and finally saw clearly.

"This is the Kongming Lantern, why is there no fire?" The lunatic squinted his eyes thoughtfully, "Oh, he used a pipe to directly charge the fire to it...but there is no wind, how did he move?" What about it? I’m afraid it’s a screw mechanism? Or a large airbag?”

"Fu Hai, quickly put away your supernatural powers!" Seeing the hot air balloon floating back and forth in the sky, Xiao Chen seemed unstable, and couldn't help worrying about Liu Fuhai's safety.

"Everyone get out of the way, I'm coming!" Liu Fuhai yelled, and sure enough, the hot air balloon began to descend slowly.

The big guys hurriedly dispersed, and watched Liu Fuhai control the huge monster to fall with eyes of infinite admiration, and the necks of admiration were sore.


The hanging basket where Liu Fuhai was in suddenly flashed with flames, and then there was a loud bang, and a burst of fire suddenly exploded, burning all the ball skin on the top, and instantly turned into a big fireball!

"It's not good!" Liu Fuhai took off his coat and tried to put out the fire, but unexpectedly caught himself in the fire.

"Fuhai, jump down! Kunlun, follow him, Yan Luo, go find the water dragon team!" Xiao Chen shouted loudly.

"I'm jumping off!" Liu Fuhai jumped off the hanging basket without thinking.

Tie Kunlun saw it clearly, he also flew up, hugged him in mid-air, took advantage of the momentum, made a big roundabout, and landed firmly on the ground.

Ling'er and several Feiyiwei brothers rushed up with the snow in their hands, and lifted the snow up, instantly extinguishing the flames on his body.

"Hahaha! You are all scared by me, right?" Liu Fuhai's hair and eyebrows were burned off more than half, the clothes on his body were also riddled with burnt holes, and one of his shoes was missing...

But laughing out loud, very happy!

What a fucking lunatic!

The ball skin of the hot air balloon is made of cotton and silk, and the hanging basket is made of wicker, so before it hits the ground, it has been burned clean, and a few sparks fell into the snow, and they were all extinguished. There is no need for the water dragon team to bother.

But the big guys were all startled into a cold sweat, good guy, you Liu Fuhai don't worry about your own life, and you're even planning to kill our governor's mansion!

Liu Fuhai worked hard for more than ten days, and finally developed the world's first hot air balloon!

As soon as the production was completed, regardless of the opposition of his subordinates, he went up to experience the feeling of flying in person.

I originally wanted to just idling on the Yubaojian, but the feeling of flying in the sky is really not very good, and the kerosene I carry is particularly sufficient, and I feel that I can fly for a long time.

Thinking about today's winter solstice, the boss Xiao Chen must have a party in the governor's mansion, and the governor's mansion is very close to his Yubaojian, only a few miles away, so he suddenly had a whim and planned to fly over to give them a surprise.

Because of the heavy snow today, the visibility is very poor, so none of the Xiaoqiwei Feiyiwei, including the soldiers at the top of the city, saw this big dark guy floating quietly.

By the way, who would look up to the sky when they have nothing to do?

Arriving in the sky above the Governor's Mansion, suddenly childlike innocence came into being, and he decided to play a little joke on them, so he threw two pebbles with weight and smashed them on the roof of the house.

Sure enough, everyone was shocked!

Later, when I saw that there were many people in the yard, I was afraid that the pebbles would hurt people, so I took off my shoes and threw one of them down...

The big guys crowded him into the room like stars and moon, and before he sat down to take a bite of the dumplings, he started to ask various questions in a hurry.

The main question is, brother Fu Hai, how did you become crazy in the first place?

After all, such a thing as Kongming Lantern carrying people, let alone something you have never seen or heard, even in your dreams, you can't imagine it!

"Hehe, this is the boss's idea. The younger brother just built such a thing according to his idea. Because it has just been successfully manufactured, there are many flaws, which made the big guys laugh." Liu Fuhai said.

"How did it work just now?" The lunatic was concerned about specific technical issues.

"Hey, I'm rash, didn't I just come down in a hurry? I turned off the fire too quickly, causing the anger to pour back, and I lit the oil tank. Fortunately, I didn't design it to be closed, otherwise I won't see you all at this moment It's gone." Only then did Liu Fuhai start to get scared.

"This should be driven by the wind, but I see you can control it, how do you do it? Are you using airbags?" The lunatic asked again.

All he asked were professional questions, and everyone listened with question marks on their faces?

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