"I've tried the airbag, but it doesn't work! If there's no wind, you can barely handle it. If there's a little breeze, you can't control it. Besides, the airbag is too big and the space is too small to fit it. In addition, at least three people are needed. Come to encourage, at present, only one person can be placed on the hanging basket." Liu Fuhai said.

"That's the spiral wing." The lunatic nodded in understanding.

"It's a spiral flying wing, which was taught to me by the boss, not to mention it's really easy to use! It's just that it's very difficult for me to shake this thing alone, and my arms are still sore at the moment. , if the wind is strong, it still won't work." The smile on Liu Fuhai's face gradually disappeared, replaced by deep anxiety.

"How about using a machine spring?" The lunatic had already entered a state of madness.

"It doesn't work. The spring must use steel bars to have strength, but the counterweight is too high. I calculated that if it is to be driven by a spring, it must weigh at least three hundred catties. Then our balloon But I can't fly anymore." Liu Fuhai said.

"How about the steam?" Xiao Chen asked suddenly.


This time it was the turn of the lunatic and Liu Fuhai to be dumbfounded.

"Yes, steam, that is, water vapor and hot air. We use a kettle to boil water. When the water in it is boiled, will the lid of the kettle be lifted?" Xiao Chen's words are equivalent to starting the industrial revolution!


The lunatic and Liu Fuhai looked at each other for a while, got up and walked out at the same time, turned around and came back when they reached the door, and stared at Xiao Chen together.

This is crazy again.

"Tomorrow, okay?" Xiao Chen begged the two, "Tomorrow, can we just chat for a day? Let's finish this festival anyway, who the hell, let them cook some more dumplings, we just eat and drink well today, You can give me a good night's sleep later, so that I can get enough energy to do things, right?"

"That's fine, then I won't go back tonight, just squeeze in your room, Boss, your bed is big enough to sleep in." Although Liu Fuhai was reluctant, he reluctantly agreed .

"What are you thinking! I'm warning you, you are not allowed to step into my room, and no man is allowed to sleep on my bed. This is the principle!" Xiao Chen remembered that he was a lunatic after speaking, and told Yan Luo, "You kid, watch out for me. If he sneaks into my boss' room at night, I'll take you as a questioner!"

"Gah!" Liu Fuhai was very disappointed, "You see, boss, you still despise me. We are all eunuchs, but what kind of bird are we afraid of? When we were studying that wheelchair in the Imperial Treasure Supervisor, didn't you sleep in my bed? We still Falling asleep with enough feet, chatting up..."

"No, there is absolutely no such thing!" Xiao Chen waved his hands again and again, "We just lie down on the bed for a while when we're tired... Fu Hai, don't talk nonsense, it's about the reputation of the boss, it's not a joke!"

"I'm not talking nonsense, it's obviously Jiang Zi's..." Liu Fuhai said resentfully.

Zhuge Xiaosheng and Wei Yuntian finally rushed back on the eve of the Spring Festival, their faces were haggard and dusty all the way.

This made Xiao Chen worried again.

It's a good thing to say that all the brothers under him are capable, but you can't do it like this!

If you go on like this, you will be tired sooner or later!

I don't listen to your reports, no matter how important things are, I don't stop, just go back to bed first, sleep enough, let's talk after rest!

For this reason, Xiao Chen specially asked Liu Mofeng to call out more than a dozen brothers and set up an inspection team, which was directly responsible to me, the boss.

Your duty is to monitor them for me. Except for special circumstances, these people must not work beyond midnight at night!

At least two meals a day, you all stare at them to eat, and stuff them into my mouth if anyone doesn't eat!

When the time comes, you will forcibly take them to sleep. If anyone is disobedient, come to me immediately, and I will put them in confinement immediately!

In particular, Madman and Liu Fuhai are the key targets of surveillance, and we must not be soft on the two of them, and must be enforced.

Don't be funny, old man, I told them you should listen to me too!

Xiangqin, take good care of him. If his old man gets sick due to overwork, I'll take you for a question.

As the saying goes, order tofu in brine, and one thing will drop one thing.

Xiao Chen couldn't control Chen Jisheng's temper at all, and no one could control it, except Liu Xiangqin.

He has always followed Liu Xiangqin's words, this is true in business, and it is also true in life.

For example, he stayed up late at night and sat in front of the lamp to give instructions on official documents, and he would not listen to anyone to persuade him, and no one dared to persuade him.

So I went to find Liu Xiangqin.

Liu Xiangqin didn't persuade him at all, and immediately blew out the lamp as soon as he came in, picked up the official document, turned around and left, and he could only smile and go to sleep obediently.

It's also fortunate to have a daughter like Liu Xiangqin, otherwise, no matter how strong his old man's body is, he might have already collapsed from exhaustion.

This is why Xiao Chen never gave him a formal appointment, just because he was afraid that he would be exhausted.

Along the way, Zhuge Xiaosheng found that the situation was not optimistic, because the terrain of Yanyun County was almost flat, and from Yanyun Pass to Changshan Prefecture, there were almost no natural dangers to hold on to.

So the final decisive battle location is our Changshan City.

Of course, the cities along the road cannot be given up either. Zhuge Xiaosheng's idea is that once Li Wanjiang's army attacks, the defenders of each city must defend with all their strength, but they cannot go out of the city to fight.

They can be allowed to detour, but even if they make a detour, they are not allowed to send troops to harass them, let alone cut off their food roads!

As long as the city can be firmly guarded, Li Wanjiang must divide his troops to station outside the city for defense, and in order to maintain the grain road, he will definitely send troops to guard along the road, and he must greatly strengthen the grain transport troops.

This is equivalent to driving a few iron nails behind him, making him feel thorns on his back along the way!

In this way, his force to attack Changshan City will be greatly weakened, and our chances of winning a decisive battle with him will be greatly enhanced.

But it is not easy to defend these isolated cities. There must be strong walls, enough food, resolute guards, brave soldiers, and people who support the boss, all of which are indispensable.

There are six important cities along the road, namely Yunguan City, Beiyang City, Qinghe City, Xiangcheng City, Yicheng City, and Bailong City. Each city must be guarded by at least two thousand soldiers.

Two thousand people in Bailong City is not enough, because the north of the city is an exchange market with northern Xinjiang, so it is necessary to strengthen the defense. Zhuge Xiaosheng thinks that at least five thousand people are needed.

Because there is no need to go out of the city to fight in the field, it is enough to keep a small amount of cavalry in these cities, and mainly rely on infantry for defense.

At present, they have recruited 30,000 recruits, but these recruits are currently unable to fight at all.

Therefore, Zhuge Xiaosheng decided to deploy all of them in Changshan Prefecture, step up training, and strive to have a certain combat effectiveness before Li Wanjiang and the others launched an attack.

In fact, Li Wanjiang has no signs of going north at all, but Zhuge Xiaosheng has already begun to step up his plans.

This is the basic quality of a good general.

Be prepared for danger in times of peace and plan for a rainy day.

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