The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 199 Our dean has waist-length hair!

The professors at the guest table didn't realize it, and Dumbledore stood up again. He seemed to have drunk a lot of red wine, and his face was blushing.

"Kids, please stand up, it's prom time."

Dumbledore told the students to stand too. Then with a flick of his wand, all the tables whizzed away to the walls, leaving an open space in between.

He conjured up two large stages, one attached to the left wall of the hall, and the other attached to the right wall of the hall.

"Roman and Moriarty, please stand up with their partners, and you will lead the dance." Dumbledore waved to Roman and Moriarty, and said cheerfully, "Two captains, come quickly."

Roman pulled out the Afro, who was buried in eating, from a pile of plates.

"Ouch, so you haven't found a dance partner yet." The head of the explosion pointed this out mercilessly as if he had discovered a new world, with some jam still sticking to the corner of his mouth.

The students roared with laughter, and Roman's face turned from red to white, and then from white to blue. Fortunately, he was used to the nervousness of his teammates, so he shook his head and smiled: "I'm not worried that you will be embarrassed because you didn't find a dance partner, so I came here to accompany you." You, my good brother, will always have your place by my side."

They walked towards the stage on the left. On the way, Afro nodded frequently, looking deeply moved, his shoulders began to shake, he swayed as he walked, and muttered words.

"Hey, hey! Girls, look over here, look at this Roman brother next to me!"

Afro suddenly danced a cool street dance and sang hip-hop:

"He told me when he was young, he was going to make the best Quidditch team, he was going to be number one!

He loved every minute, every moment of the Quidditch pitch!

Don't be afraid to put the weight on your shoulders and overcome all difficulties.

He burns like a flame!

He wants to climb over the peak and march towards a higher goal!

But he still has no girlfriend, no girlfriend, no girlfriend! "

The Afro jumped in front of Roman and turned Roman's face to the audience: "You know what I mean, girls? Despite this guy's flaws, he is a reliable man, trust me."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone burst into laughter, especially the national team players. They couldn't figure out that Afro actually helped Roman get out of the order, and he was still at Hogwarts!

But the effect was just the opposite. Roman covered his face with his hands, and people could clearly see that his face was blushing as if it was about to bleed through his fingers.

On the contrary, Afro enjoyed the cheers.

Lee Jordan stood up and yelled excitedly: "You're so cool, man! That's real black rap!"

Many black boys cast admiring glances at Afro, and they also want to learn how to rap.

Gradually, the discussion and noise subsided, and the students found that the stage on the right was empty——Moriarty was still refusing to go up, what was he doing?

The answer to this question included that the professors wanted to know, and everyone looked at Moriarty, who stood up holding the staff.

With a "swipe", the students stood up!

The little wizards waited for a long time, and they couldn't hide the joy and excitement on their faces.

"Principal Dumbledore, next is a gift from us to the four principals." Moriarty said with a smile.

"A gift?" Dumbledore repeated, he blinked, looked at each of the four principals, and exchanged a puzzled look.

Professor McGonagall looked surprised, Professor Snape had a strange expression, Professor Flitwick was at a loss, and Professor Sprout smiled with squinted eyes.

Obviously, they don't know anything about it.

This gave the little wizards a sense of accomplishment. They looked at the person in charge of their academy, and Charlie and the others nodded to Moriarty, indicating that everyone was ready.

Moriarty tapped his staff, and a silver snake appeared out of nowhere, twisting and circling, flying down from the air with its head held high.

According to Moriarty's plan, a narrow smile flashed in the eyes of the little snakes, and they shouted loudly: "Slytherin, a generation of pride! Our headmaster is so beautiful!"

Dumbledore and the professors looked at Snape in unison.

Then there were the national team players, their eyes seemed to suddenly discover Snape's gender.

Finally, the twelve school managers and their families.

You must know that many of the school trustees are students of Snape's same level.

How beautiful and charming?

Do you mean Sev's long hair?

They laughed out loud.

Snape's large-scale social death scene!

His lips moved, and he stared fixedly at Moriarty. Is this what you call a "gift"?

Where is your dean... Where... How cute!

He was ashamed to say the word "beautiful".

Is there any way to describe yourself as the dean?

The teeth hidden in his mouth were crunched by Snape, and he gave Jericho a heartless smile.

But these students are quite discerning.

To celebrate the dream team's victory, Snape specially cleaned his hair with bird snake egg yolk shampoo, silky and delicate black hair hanging down his shoulders, he thought no one would notice, but unexpectedly...

You little troublemakers, you still leave less homework!

Scully was about to stand up and yell at the snake when Charlie's wand tip exploded!


A fiery red lion jumped out and ran in the air alive and kicking. Its mane was dense and thick, majestic and majestic.

Charlie and the Gryffindor cubs shouted in unison: "Gryffindor, courage is the highest, our dean, can become a cat!"

Everyone looked at Professor McGonagall again. As we all know, her Animagus form is a tabby cat.

Professor McGonagall smiled from ear to ear, and then turned into a tabby cat, jumped onto the professor's chair, and walked a few steps.

The lion cubs applauded all of a sudden, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the shouts of the eaglets: "Ravenclaw, you are so fairy-like! Our headmaster is only as tall as your legs!"

Professor Flitwick stood up. He was too small, not much higher than the head of the table.

But he didn't care. In order to make the students happy, he went around in a circle and compared himself with Dumbledore again.

The students couldn't help laughing when they found that Dumbledore was taller than Professor Flitwick standing even when he was sitting down.

In the end, the little badgers of Hufflepuff shouted: "Hufflepuff, Domineering Saigao, our dean, the boss of agriculture!"

Professor Sprout stood up and bowed to her students, to warm applause.

The twelve school directors nodded frequently, obviously thinking that this gift was good, Mrs. Malfoy said to the left and right directors: "This idea must have been thought up by Moriarty, and it is expressed in a joking and humorous way to the four courtyards. Long favorite. What do you think?"

"They stood still and didn't leave," Mr. Greengrass said lightly: "Did you see, they didn't leave, and this gift hasn't ended yet."

They saw Moriarty wave his staff again, and the Hogwarts school song rang out in the auditorium.

Accompanied by the school song, the smiles on the faces of the little snakes were replaced by solemnity.

"We came from the mire.

We crave power.

We are ambitious.

We are strong and calm.

We hold ourselves with grace.

We never regret it.

We are Slytherins! "

Immediately afterwards, the little lions of Gryffindor, led by Charlie, roared loudly: "We come from the wilderness!

We crave power!

We are full of ideals!

We are brave and fearless!

We are righteous and bold!

We never give up!

We are Gryffindors! ! ! "

Most of the students in Ravenclaw College are girls, and the chairperson of the girls conjured up a blue raven, and they sang with soft voices: "We ~ come from the riverside ~

We are ~smart~

Let's calm down and think~

We ~deeply study~

We~pursue the truth~

We ~never give up~

We are Ravenclaws! "

Tonks, who was standing beside Moriarty, turned around suddenly and turned into a honey badger.

Each Hufflepuff whispered:

"We come from the forest, we have great love, we are loyal to nature, we are upright and loyal, we are tough and honest, we are not afraid of danger, we are Hufflepuff!"

Moriarty held up the staff, and the animals representing the four colleges flew to the top of the staff, gathered around the staff, and merged into the Hogwarts school emblem.

The students shouted in unison: "Thanks to the dean for his careful teaching, the four colleges work together to make today, we are Hogwarts!"

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