The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 200 Hogwarts Ball (please subscribe please subscribe)

"We are Hogwarts..."

Twelve school managers muttered to themselves, a school song, and four confessions, which brought them back to their school days decades ago.

Mrs. Malfoy raised her head and looked up at the starry sky, not letting the tears fall from her eyes.

The students in this castle have gained so much beauty in their seven years of study and life.

At the same time, because of them, Hogwarts is not just a school, it is established by magic, sublime by dreams, and immortal by love!

Dumbledore raised his glass: "To Hogwarts!"

Professor Snape was the first to stand up, "Mr. Headmaster, I must sponsor your glass of wine."

He picked up the goblet on the table and lightly touched Dumbledore's glass.

Many people laughed. They understood Snape's awkward character. By doing so, this man meant that he accepted the students' gifts and responded.

"Professor Snape is more arrogant than girls." Tonks chuckled in Moriarty's ear.

"It's our turn to dance, Nymph." Moriarty squeezed the palm of his female companion.

Tonks stuck out his tongue: "Oh, I almost forgot."

Moriarty took her left hand and walked onto the stage on the right under the envious eyes of everyone.

The stage was brightly lit, Moriarty was wearing a silver robe, Tonks was wearing a bright red dress, and even his hair had turned wine red.

Typical ice and heat, sanity and madness.

Moriarty put his hands on Tonks' soft and tight waist, slightly dazed.

He vaguely remembers dancing for the first time in an aristocratic manor in Wimbledon, England. At that time, in order to carry out an assassination mission, he mixed into the dance scene and learned to dance by the way.

Time is like water, time is like a song, the vicissitudes of the sea and the fields, things are changing, the girls in Moriarty's arms have changed from batch to batch, and Tonks has become the most special one.

Moriarty's handsome face was reflected in her bright eyes, she stretched out her left hand to support his arm, her right hand joined Moriarty's right hand, and interlocked her fingers.

Relaxing and cheerful music played, and Moriarty slowly turned in circles in order to let Tonks get used to the dance. She hadn't danced for a while.

Gradually, Tonks regained her senses. The corners of her mouth outlined a beautiful arc, spinning gracefully, and the fiery red skirt bloomed like a manjusawa.

With a spin, Tonks threw herself into Moriarty's arms, and she pressed her face against Moriarty's chest: "Moriarty, do I dance well?"

"Beautiful as a fairy." Moriarty picked up Tonks and lifted her high above his head.

"It's so rare to hear you compliment a girl." Tonks smiled coquettishly and stretched out his hand. He jumped off Moriarty's shoulder and danced to his rhythm.

Moriarty smiled and said nothing, leading Tonks across the stage. Social dancing is an essential skill for a pureblood.

Slytherin was the purest pure-blood family, and Black was the oldest pure-blood family. Moriarty and Tonks danced lightly and gracefully. In the vast hall, white and red waves soon turned up.

At the end of the song, Moriarty and Tonks walked off the stage and sat back in their seats amidst the exclamation and praise of the crowd.

They looked around, and there was no one in the guest table except Professor Snape.

Dumbledore dances with Professor McGonagall, Professor Sproutney dances with Professor Flitwick, Professor Sinistra dances with Professor Randy the Vampire, Ludo dances with Bathsheda Babbling, Professor of Ancient Runes dance...

Professor Nicole Flamel and Professor Perenelle danced softly. The professors stayed away from them for fear of bumping into the two old people.

As the professors started dancing and the students entered the dance floor, Moriarty saw a tall figure, Marcus.

He was dancing with another, taller figure, their limbs flailing in a wide path across the floor.

The students hurriedly made way for an open space, so as not to be hit by these two flying big men who couldn't dance but were still dancing happily.

Tonks covered his mouth with both hands. "Merlin's waltz! His partner is Hagrid! Marcus and Hagrid? Am I blind, Moriarty!"

Moriarty had a smile in his eyes, it was not uncommon for boys to boys, girls to girls to become dance partners.

In addition to Marcus and Hagrid, there are also Roman and Afro. I have to say that they really have a tacit understanding, and the frequency of stepping on their feet is surprisingly consistent. Listen——

"My captain, can you take away your left foot?"

"My dear teammate, before you ask, please take your left foot off my right foot!"

"My left foot is stepping on your right foot? What about my right foot? Why can't I lift it? Oh hell! It's crushed by your left foot!"

Their conversation aroused the laughter of the people around them, and people gathered around to watch the scene of "left foot stepping on right foot".

The opposite of them is the combination of Lilith and Gemma Farley on the other side of the dance floor.

Lilith was wearing a black robe, and Gemma was wearing a white dress. Every dance step of the black and white combination fell on the rhythm of the music.

Their dance is like pulse, heartbeat, breathing, and the rhythm of life, which has fascinated batch after batch of boys.

Looking at the two roses of Slytherin, many boys were envious, but no one dared to stand up and invite one of them.

No one at Hogwarts doesn't know that they are the founders of the "Forever Shine" fan club.

Although Moriarty already had a partner, but...

Who dares to ask more about Moriarty's feelings.

Even without mentioning Moriarty, the performance of Lilith and Gemma on weekdays is enough to discourage most boys.

Except, of course, Jericho.

He might be no less courageous than Godric Gryffindor.

But he didn't invite Lilith or Gemma, he had a girlfriend - he and Helena had a great time dancing.

But when Jericho sat back and drank orange juice, he found that Professor Snape was sitting alone at the guest table.

According to Jericho's later recollection, Sijiao was motionless at the time, his eyes were dull, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Jericho judged he was remembering Lily Potter?

The rival's wife, Harry's mother, and forever sweetheart.

"You can't refuse to dance because of your rival in love." Jericho's thinking is a typical American thinking, and they are used to showing their strength in front of their sweetheart and rival in love.

So Jericho boldly walked towards Professor Snape.

"Swipe!" Jericho stretched out his right hand towards Sijiao, "My professor? My dean? I want to invite you to dance with me."

Snape turned his head sideways, his face turned green, blazed with cold anger, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and he just stared at Jericho like this.

Jericho was obviously used to that look—the second level of the Dracula game taught him to be James Potter—and that look was terrifying.

"My father told me that there are many ways to express goodwill, but the most effective way is to take the initiative. So, Mr. Dean? Just treat it as a reward for me after winning the game."

Jericho hooked his palms with a sincere smile on his face.

Snape stared at Jericho for a full five minutes, and it wasn't until Jericho felt his face stiffen from laughing that Snape looked away, and his expression became flat.

He quickly stretched out his hand and slapped Jericho on the shoulder with a "slap", pushing him off the guest seat, all the way to Helena.

"Take care of your little boyfriend."

Snape left without saying a word, and left with his robes tossed. Helena said in surprise, "His back doesn't look like an old bat anymore."

Jericho touched his chin and smiled meaningfully: "It's okay to fail, I will teach him to dance and play a Quidditch game with him sooner or later! Just wait and see."

Helena immediately fell into admiration for her boyfriend.

Moriarty, who saw everything in his eyes, was thoughtful, and when he was considering whether to follow Snape, Tonks' voice came from his ear.

"Primary boy, let's dance again."

Moriarty was sure he saw the beauty in Tonks' eyes.

He agreed, and entered the dance floor with Tonks in his arms. They danced the last dance of the ball, the waltz, in tango steps.

In this November, which was heading towards winter, Tonks' smile was like a little sun, warming everyone in the castle.

And her love, like a blazing flame, burned into Moriarty's heart in the cold deep sea, and belonged to Moriarty forever.

The tail of November was spent in the aftermath of the ball, and December came in a blink of an eye. Among the magic months, December was called "the last moon".

Professor Nicole Flamel assigned a lot of alchemy homework to each student, making them all look forward to the Christmas holiday.

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