The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 245 Winning the Championship

Moriarty felt extremely sleepy, like playing games all night, unable to keep his eyes open.

The drowsiness was like a tidal wave, one wave after another, hitting Moriarty. He leaned over to stick on the broomstick, and the wind rang in his ears.

"Bubble Blessing!"

"Holy prayer!"

The holy prayer cleared the negative effects on Moriarty, and the bubble blessing protected his soul.

Once the two guardian spells were activated, they took effect immediately, and Moriarty lost all sleepiness immediately.

He picked up the broom, flicked a tail magnificently, and leaped into the air!

"Nice!!!" The audience applauded and waved their fists.

The beautiful eyes of the girls were full of splendor. Seeing that Moriarty had returned to normal, they were relieved and sat down slowly.

Lockhart raised the microphone above his head and shouted: "Captain Moriarty is out of trouble and back on the air!

He let us see what is hope and what is responsibility!

But one thing I think he must pay attention to, the rest of the British team is still in a lethargic state. "

Lockhart was actually reminding Moriarty that Moriarty was the only one left in the back line.

Under the leadership of the magician, the chasers of the Dongying team have already approached the goal.

Moriarty gestured to his team-mates to give up defense, and watched the magician throw the Quaffle into the England goal.

There was a fire in his eyes.

In order to win, the Dongying team did whatever they could to attack the entire British team under the noses of nearly 100,000 spectators!

Everyone in the Dongying team must pay the price!

"The goal is scored, the Japan team scored the first goal!" Lockhart said perfunctorily: "The Japan team seized the opportunity of the British team's poor state and rewritten the score to 10:10."




The main stadium was booed, and the audience booed.

But the game will not change because of the will of the audience, and the third ball begins.

Moriarty released the two magics of "Holy Prayer" and "Bubble Blessing" on the British team, and Roman and the others immediately returned to normal, even clearer minds.

The referee Peter Reese threw the Quaffle high, and Moriarty rushed out with a "whoosh" and at the same time ordered: "Fight break!"

"Who is Moriarty talking to?" Lockhart walked up and down the box, excitedly explaining the game: "The British team's red nose and explosive head flew up and down towards the goal of the Japanese team. Their speed is too fast. Hurry up, the two batters of the Dongpu team didn't react!

Haha, the players of the Dongying team were stunned for a second. They didn't expect the British team to suddenly return to normal! "

There were explosive cheers erupting from the stands, one after another, endlessly.

Amidst the loud shouts, the magician froze in the air, his left eyelid twitched uncontrollably.

Tsukamura Kogoro ignored the search for the Snitch, flew to the magician, and asked with a look of horror, "What should I do? The fallen crow has no effect?"

"It's not that the Corrupted Crow is invalid, but that Moriarty has cracked the Corrupted Crow." The magician's stern eyes fell on Moriarty.

At this time Moriarty grabbed the Quaffle and rushed towards the goal of the Japan team. He was aggressive all the way, throwing away the Bludger a lot.

"My lord, the fallen crow is the biggest trump card of our trip to Europe," Kogoro Tsukamura looked worried and frightened: "Now it has been cracked by Moriarty, and my subordinates are worried..."

"Do you think Moriarty is an ordinary wizard?

Looking at European wizards, several of them are Moriarty's opponents!

Also, have you ever seen a fallen crow?

The fallen crow has not yet appeared in the world, but the breath descends—you can see the effect!

Why do you think the Corrupted Crow is invalid? Are you entitled to worry about fallen crows?

Go back and catch the Snitch! "

The magician scolded Kogoro Tsukamura sternly.

Looking at the back of Kogoro Tsukamura leaving, the magician snorted, he really doesn't know why the BOSS sent this lolicon to lead someone to help him.

While the two were communicating, Moriarty cooperated with Red Nose and Afro to score a goal, and the score became 20:10 for the British team.

The magician pondered for a while, and the score was still within an acceptable range.

"Everyone!" he yelled, "Go and help Tsukamura snatch the Snitch!"


Lockhart said meaningfully: "Captain Magician sent four people to help Kogoro Tezukamura find the ball.

This means that the magician has to challenge the five players of the British team, including two batsmen, alone!

The magician's teammates actually agreed with the idea!

It can be seen that the magician has established a deep authority in less than half a year as the captain of the Dongpu team. "

The fourth Quaffle was kicked off, and Moriarty saw the magician rushing over alone, without hesitation, he said, "Come on, surround yourself."

Exploding heads and red noses flew forward one after another.

"Batter," Moriarty ordered again, "bombard!"

"Hey, good!"

Two burly hitters used a double hit, like a cannon, blasting two bomb-like Bludgers in a row, and quickly smashed towards the magician.

The magician manipulated the broom and flew up and down in an "S" shape, as if by magic, and instantly appeared beside the red nose!

The audience was shocked.



How on earth do magicians do it?

"He fouled, it's magic!"

The vast majority of viewers think so.

Even Lockhart raised doubts in the commentary, but Petrice repeatedly confirmed that there was no trace of Shu casting, so it might not be magic for the time being.

But the situation on the field has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Red Nose was taken aback, the magician pushed him aside, and used the same method to knock the afro head away!

"As my former teammate, have you forgotten my horror so quickly?"

The magician sneered, reached out and took the Quaffle into his arms, and cast a provocative look at Moriarty who flew over, as if to say: "You will be next!"

Moriarty and the magician passed each other, turned a small corner, and started chasing the magician.

"Come and go like the wind!"

"Sparkling Tornado!"

Moriarty adds magic effects to himself and Nimbus 1990S.

He was sure that the magician and the Dongpu team used magic, but it was just a kind of advanced magic, coupled with their clever methods, they fooled the referee.

In this way, fairness and justice were broken, and Moriarty no longer cared about the rules. He had too many wind element magics in his hand, and any one of them could be prevaricated by natural phenomena.

Then Moriarty seemed to be hanging out, his speed was at least 30% faster than Nimbus Nimbus 1990S, and he would throw a long trail of air every time he turned.

When Moriarty took off or leaned over, there was always a strong wind, and any Japanese team players who approached him, without exception, were all blown away!

Not to be outdone, the magician frantically uses "teleportation", and as the speed increases, it brings up afterimages.

The score was also constantly refreshed amidst two open-ended goals.





With a hoarse throat, Lockhart kept reporting the score.

The score was tight, but the situation on the field was very strange.

Most of the players from the two countries rode brooms to look for the Snitch at high or low altitudes, leaving the wide field to Moriarty and Magician.

And the two of them are like a "battle of the gods", the audience can only see gusts of wind and afterimages.

Whenever Moriarty holds the ball, the magician will "teleport" to him, snatch the Quaffle, and then attack and score in one go.

And whenever the magician holds the ball, the wind always blows the Quaffle to Moriarty, and then he charges and scores cleanly.

In this way, the two kept grabbing the ball and scoring goals, and reached a weird situation of "scoring points" with each other.

But for Moriarty, the game gradually became unimportant. In the process of "scoring points", he discovered the secret of the magician's "teleportation".

"The so-called teleportation is just a spell of dark elemental magic, am I right, huh?"

Moriarty said to the magician during a scramble.

The magician's expression changed, and he didn't answer. The afterimage swayed and appeared in the air not far from Moriarty.

"If I'm not mistaken, your dark element spell cannot be used indefinitely!"

Moriarty visually measured the distance between him and the magician, his eyes became sharp.

From the moment he and the magician started scoring points, he secretly kept an eye on the magician's "teleportation" distance.

Until now, the magician is getting closer and closer to him, that is to say, "teleportation" is about to fail.

A fierceness flashed in the magician's eyes, hesitating whether to attack Moriarty.

But then, he said calmly, "So what if you know? So what if I can't snatch the Quaffle? Even if you can keep scoring goals, as long as the Snitch can't catch it, the game will never end!

And the Golden Snitch has long been hidden by me!

Well, Moriarty, let's make a deal and call it a draw. "

"A draw?" Moriarty sneered, "In my game, there is only victory!"

The magician widened his eyes and roared sharply, "Do you want to die here?"

"You think you have the chance to win?

You think you hid the snitch so I can't find it? "

"You think, I can't end the game?"

Moriarty threw three rhetorical questions one after another, piercing the magician's heart like three big swords!

"Do you know where I hid the Snitch?"

There was an extra tremor in the magician's voice.

"You hid the golden snitch in the sinister heart of man, but I blew the golden snitch out of the darkness."

Moriarty's voice was low.

As if struck by lightning, the magician was stunned to see Moriarty snap his fingers, and a gust of wind blew towards Roman.

Roman suddenly felt a small ball in his right hand.

Roman subconsciously raised his right hand, and there was a Golden Snitch in his palm!

"Golden Snitch?" Roman was ecstatic, waving his arms vigorously, and shouted: "It's the Golden Snitch! I caught the Golden Snitch!"

Lockhart, who was always paying attention to the game, roared with all his strength: "The British team's Seeker Roman caught the Snitch! He caught it! The British team 410:240 Dongpu team, the British team won!

I declare that the British team has won the 421st Quidditch World Cup! "


All rise!

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