The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 246 The Daily Life of a Champion

Cheers and applause erupted in the main stadium like mountains and seas.

Flags were waving everywhere in the stadium, the mascot unicorn was jumping happily, and the British national anthem was played from all directions.

In the box on the top floor, senior officials from various countries began to congratulate Bagnor, Minister of Magic of the United Kingdom, and Dumbledore.

Lockhart's resonant voice sounded, and he said with great joy: "Now, the players of the British team are accompanied by their mascots for a circle. The Quidditch World Cup trophy has been sent to the top box!"

Moriarty and the others simply mounted the unicorn and flew towards the top-floor box.

Canadian Minister of Magic Helmut warmly received the British players.

"Hurry up and bring the trophy, hurry up, let me hand it to our hero! The trophy can't be taken away by the Dongpu people, can it?"

Helmut smiled at the people around him, and they echoed him.

As for what Helmut was thinking in his heart, it is unknown.

It is always disappointing that the Canadian team did not win the championship, but it is better for the British team to win the championship than the Japanese team.

This is the true thought of many dignitaries, including Helmut.

Two panting wizards carried a large golden goblet into the box.

A dazzling strong light bloomed in the Jinbei, and the top box was magically illuminated, so that all the audience in the stands could see the situation in the box.

The trophy was handed to Helmut, and Lockhart called out: "Let's applaud, Team GB on stage to accept the award!"

One by one, the British team entered between the rows of seats in the box, shaking hands with their ministers and Helmut in turn, Lockhart calling out everyone's name.

The audience below applauded and cheered to show their appreciation. The mirrors of countless panoramic telescopes flickered in their direction.

Moriarty was last in line, but when Lockhart called out Moriarty Slytherin's name, the entire stadium gave him an incomparably louder, deafening cheer.

"Congratulations! Thank you too!"

When Minister Bagno shook hands with Moriarty, he nodded excitedly to Moriarty.

No matter how big a mistake she made in the future, people will remember that during her administration, the British team won the 421st Quidditch World Cup.

And Moriarty will be forever remembered by wizards.

The man who single-handedly brought the British team to the World Cup final and miraculously won the championship.

The youngest national team player ever.

The double number one of top seeker and top chaser.

That's how Lockhart described Moriarty, his tone growing more heated.

Moriarty took the trophy from Helmut, and worked with Roman and others to lift the trophy high.

Lockhart waved his wand, leaving circles of shining halos in the air.

Players grinned and fan club members' palms went numb as the crowd burst into thunderous applause.

The Hogwarts professors joined forces and released a huge, flashing and changing color Hogwarts school emblem into the air.

Hagrid held the flags of Gryffindor and Slytherin in his left hand, and the flags of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff in his right, waving his arms vigorously.

Jericho, Marcus, and some members of the Hogwarts Purebloods raised their wands and shot Moriarty's initials into the air.


Facing the carnival of the audience, the British team left the box and rode the Nimbus 1990S for a circle.

Everyone applauded and saw off. Dumbledore stared at Moriarty's back, and said to the people around him: "This match will be discussed by people for several years. It is really an unexpected turning point."

Everyone understood the first half of the sentence, but they didn't understand the second half of the sentence, so they could only laugh and agree with the white wizard.

Dumbledore didn't care either. He moved his gaze down and landed on the Japanese players on the court ground.

Before Moriarty's anomaly occurred, Dumbledore noticed a faint dark aura surging in the main stadium, which was fleeting and disappeared in just a few seconds.

Then the British players, including Moriarty, began to fall asleep.

Dumbledore noticed something unusual, and he also noticed Moriarty's confrontation with the magician.

Rich experience told Dumbledore that under the surface of joy, there was something ominous hidden.

After noticing the jealousy in the eyes of the players of the Japan team, Dumbledore became uneasy.

Something might happen today!

On the ground of the main court, the Japan team lay in disarray on the ground, with Nimbus 1990S scattered beside them.

All eyes are on the winners, no one cares about the losers.

What's more, this loser's methods are a bit dirty.

It is said that the referee Peter Reese has received a huge number of complaints against the Dongying team. He is resuming the game and launching an investigation on the Dongying team players.

Kogoro Tsukamura and the others stared at Moriarty in the sky with hatred, gnashing their teeth, wishing to cast a death curse on Moriarty.

Only the magician covered his eyes with the back of his hand, he didn't want to see anyone now.

"You hid the golden snitch in the sinister heart of man, but I blew the golden snitch out of the darkness."

What Moriarty said to him still rings in his ears.

The magician was restless, Moriarty saw through his secret, and when he thought of the next plan, he was not sure at all.

Moriarty flew through the air, high-fiving, chasing, and laughing with his teammates, all without realizing it.

However, he still has a doubt, that is, what is the purpose of the magician and Kogoro Tsukamura joining the Dongying team?

There was no answer, and Moriarty would not forget about it.

"Ding dong~ Congratulations to the host for completing the task of 'Winning the World Cup' and rewarding you with 20,000 points."

Moriarty shook his head and smiled. The mission released last summer, for now, the points have depreciated a bit.

Excluding points, Moriarty is undoubtedly the one who gained the most in the 421st Quidditch World Cup.

After winning the game, winning the championship, and confirming that the magic of the dark element is in Dongpu, the betting between Old Flint and Old Foley has also become profitable.

In the afternoon, the official World Cup Ball was announced.

According to the usual practice, at the beginning, the champion player needs to lead the dance with his partner.

It is conceivable what kind of siege and interception Moriarty will encounter.

Nearly 100,000 spectators gathered in Hyprocelli, and young women accounted for at least a quarter, more than 20,000 people.

Throwing away those who have a partner and those who are married, there are about 16,000 to 18,000 people left.

Nearly 20,000 girls wanted to be Moriarty's dance partner.

This news spread faster than the speed of a rocket, and it spread all over Haiprosay, which was jaw-dropping.

This is really unprecedented.

But Moriarty set his partner early this time, and he didn't forget the promise he made before the game.

Moriarty held the trophy in front of Fleur, and looked at the little Meiwa who was so excited that she wiped her tears, he smiled softly.

"Please sign Fleur Delacour's name here—in the most conspicuous place."

"Oh, Moriarty~ Really?" Fleur wiped away her tears and stroked the trophy. "I mean, I didn't play in the game—I just gave you a little information."

"But only you provided us with information, and that information is very important."

Moriarty conjured up a silver quill and handed it to Fleur.

"Sign it, you are the girl most worthy of signing."

Roman and several other players emerged from behind Moriarty, and they surrounded Moriarty and Fleur with a smile.

"Sign it, Miss Fu Rong!"

"Sign it, this is the result of our discussion."

"Please sign~Miss Fu Rong."

Fu Rong was so moved that she couldn't speak: "You, everyone..."

In the next second, tears welled up in his eyes.

Moriarty clicked his tongue. He intended to make Furong happy, but instead made Little Meiwa cry.

He walked over to Fu Rong and gently wiped away Fu Rong's tears, and leaned into Fu Rong's ear and said a word, Fu Rong immediately stopped crying and gave Moriarty a shy look.

Furong picked up the quill and wrote her name on the center right of the trophy, in English.

"Write your name here, next to me."

Fu Rong handed the quill to Moriarty, pointed to the center of the trophy, and said confidently.


The players booed.

Moriarty took the quill with a smile, and wrote "Moriarty Slytherin" to the left of "Fleur Delacour"'s name.

Fu Rong nodded in satisfaction, but Moriarty involuntarily pulled her right hand up.

"Now that you've signed it, you're my dance partner.

You'll have to dance with me tonight, and if you don't mind you can have dinner with me.

If you think it's troublesome, and I will be fined to play poker all night and lose clothes. "

Moriarty smiled at Fleur while holding Fleur's hand.

Fleur stared blankly at Moriarty, at this moment she admitted that Moriarty's charm was even more outrageous than the Charm of the Charm she radiated.

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