The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 251 The Fallen Crow


A huge gap opened in the ground of the court, spit out gloomy black light, bright purple light, and gloomy blue light like a big mouth.

The three rays of light shine one after the other, illuminating the sky brightly.

There seemed to be something hidden under the gap, and the stench and sour smell wafted out of the gap, making people sick.

Suddenly there was an earthquake, as if it was a signal, the small gold coin in Diana's hand became hot, and when she looked down, the golden surface became pitch black.

The wizards who picked up the small gold coins all noticed this, and they threw away the gold coins in a hurry, and the gold coins fell on the ground with a loud "boom".

Many people were terrified, looking at the black gold coin in horror, and then at the huge crack, but before they could find the connection between the two, a group of colorful crows flew from all directions.

"Quack! Quack!"

Their calls are not soft at all now, they are harsh, like fingernails on a blackboard.

The colorful crows fluttered over the opening, circling and flying, bowing their heads and singing from time to time.

Moriarty in the air saw this scene and thought of a word "pilgrimage"!

Reminiscent of the magician's words, Moriarty confirmed that the so-called "Fallen Crow" was hiding under the gap and was about to be born.

"This is a dark ritual, which belongs to the summoning magic."

Moriarty said to Lilith, and Lilith listened calmly.

"Three kinds of light beams, black gold coins, and colorful crows are all part of the ceremony.

After the ceremony, the fallen crow came into the world!

Although I don't know the magic effect of the Fallen Crow yet, I can be sure of one thing.

Once the Corrupted Crow is born, the situation may be even worse than it is now. "

Moriarty bowed his head and swept across the crowd. The spirit-struck wizards were depressed, and in a severe case, they were comatose, bleeding, and mad.

Dumbledore was still lying on the ground, his brows were furrowed, and a look of painful struggle appeared on his face, but he didn't make a sound.

Moriarty knew that the death of Dumbledore's sister Ariana was an indelible pain in Dumbledore's heart.

"The Lament of the Dead" evoked Dumbledore's sad and unbearable memories, and it is understandable that Dumbledore fell into a coma.

But ordinary spells can't take effect on Dumbledore. You must know that even Dracula's virus magic can't control Dumbledore, and this time, Dumbledore lost to the dark element magic.

Of course, this is not to say that Dumbledore can't beat the magician. Moriarty guesses that Dumbledore has a good chance of winning against the "BOSS" in the magician's mouth.

It's just that the dark elemental magic is mysterious and strange, and there is no trace to be found, and most of the magic spells attack people's hearts, spirits, and states, making it impossible to guard against.

The power of dark elemental magic is beyond imagination. Moriarty holds two major elemental magics, but still dare not underestimate the enemy.

He hugged Lilith and slowly landed in front of the magician. The magician was dead, but his body was still useful.

Moriarty used the Freezing Curse to freeze the magician's corpse and put it in the system space. When he was free, he might dissect the corpse and dig out some secrets.

"Lilith, inform the professors, gather the black gold coins and destroy them!"

Moriarty said, Lilith nodded, told him to be careful, and ran towards the Hogwarts professors.

In fact, the professors have already started their actions. Professor McGonagall picked up Dumbledore, helped the white wizard to the seat in the stand and lay down.

Professor Flitwick and Professor Snape teamed up to continuously shoot spells at the colorful crows in the air, shooting down batch after batch.

Lockhart was also with them. He led dozens of Hogwarts students and cast the Freezing Spell, freezing every student.

Professor Sprout sprinkled a handful of magical plant seeds on the ground near the gap, then pointed his wand at the ground, and dense vegetation grew instantly.

All kinds of weird magical plants grew wildly, and Moriarty, who had a perfect score in herbalism, recognized their names.

"Devil's Web, Poison Tentacle, Jumping Toadstool, Abyssinian Shrunken Fig, Bubble Pod, Jumping Bulb, Chinese Biting Kale, Venomous Geranium, Pimple Vine Pod..."

These magic plants that Moriarty could name almost included all the magic plants learned in Hogwarts herbalism class from the first to the sixth grades.

Poisonous tentacles crawl toward the cracks with spiky vines, and twigs secrete venom.

Jumping toadstools and jumping bulbs bounced to the ground, gathering scattered black gold coins onto the poisonous sap sprayed by shriveled figs.

When the black gold coin touched the purple juice, it made a "chi chi" sound, and black smoke came out. The black color gradually faded, revealing the golden surface.

More magical plants formed a green army, pouring into the gap continuously.

Diana admired and said to Professor Sprout: "If you were born in Avalon, you would become a powerful druid."

Professor Sprout shook her head with a smile. Her greatest wish was to watch batch after batch of students graduate at Hogwarts.

"There are living things in the gap!"

Professor Sprout's face changed, and the magic plant spread to the ground and was cut off by Qi Gen!

"Let me take a look." Diana touched the vegetation on the ground casually, and a sapling rose up, quickly growing into a towering tree.

The dense branches are covered with a layer of green light, and the smell of the earth mixed with the freshness of the green plants sweeps away the eerie and terrifying atmosphere.

Diana manipulated the oak tree and slid into the gap with the vegetation. Unexpectedly, a huge black crow's beak emerged from the inside, and opened its mouth to bite the oak tree in two.

It seemed that it was the turn of the fallen crow. The crow's mouth opened wide, and the stench and sour smell became stronger, corroding the rain and snowflakes in the air.

A large number of colorful crows flew out of the crow's mouth, and the black gold coins scattered on the ground exploded without warning like a ticking time bomb.

Lockhart conjured up a large ice umbrella and protected Professor Flitwick and Professor Snape.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There was a roar from the ground, and several big bags were bumped into the ground "bang bang bang".

"That guy is coming out."

Moriarty frowned slightly, and thrust his staff into the ground, "Cold Touch!"

The inexhaustible magic power of the water element was transmitted to the earth through the staff, and thick ice formed on the ground in a blink of an eye.

The speed of icing was very fast, and the entire ground of the stadium was frozen, and the big crack was no exception, and the crow's beak only popped out a little bit.

"Great—" the wizards looked at each other happily, but a black mist spewed out from the crow's mouth, melting the ice. People swallowed their words of celebration, and shouted in amazement: "Oh no!"

With a hoarse throat, Crow's mouth let out a scream, and the circle of sound waves shook the night sky. A large number of wizards had nosebleeds, and had to use Apparition to escape from the stadium.

Lockhart picked up a student who couldn't apparate and ran out. The other professors stood in a row and jointly released a super-large "armor bodyguard".

But the Iron Armor Curse couldn't resist the sound waves. Diana turned around in a circle, her clothes changed into the clothes of the elf queen, and she waved the elf staff, bringing the warm spring breeze to fight against the sound waves.

"Moriarty! Don't let that black bird fly out! Otherwise our lives are in danger." Diana shouted anxiously.

Moriarty looked around.

Professor McGonagall tried to wake Dumbledore, but to no avail.

The Canadian Ministry of Magic sent additional personnel to evacuate the crowd, and many wizards ran to the professors to fight side by side.

However, the effect was not very good. Dumbledore fell into a coma, resulting in the loss of high-end combat power. Now only Moriarty can save everyone!

Moriarty raised his left arm and held up the cedar cedar wand, the magic power of the water element ran wild, rushing into the air like a flood after opening a gate.

"Ice Snake Dances!"

"Prison Ice Disaster!"

"The waterfall is fierce and the tide is back!"

Two water element magics were used in succession, and the third magic was a magic created by Moriarty after upgrading.

The magic power of the water element and the cold air form cold water vapor, which rains heavily in the sky, and is shaped by magic to gather the rainwater to form a large waterfall.

The tide was flying, and the waterfall fell from the sky, pouring down on the crow's mouth.

The Corrupted Crow was fed with water, Moriarty provoked it, and it tried to spread its wings in the gap.

While maintaining his balance, Moriarty controlled twelve silver-green ice snakes and flew towards the gap, but the ground shook, and cracks appeared on the ground.

With a loud "boom", the fallen crow flew out of the gap, and a flash of horror flashed in Moriarty's eyes. What kind of monstrous beast is this!

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