The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 252 The Walking Dead

The Corrupted Raven is a Bone Raven.

There is no flesh and blood in the whole body, only white bones.

Under the illumination of the three-color rays of light, a strange evil light is reflected.

The crow's head was a skull with black light, its pointed and long crow's beak stuck on it like a spear, and two will-o'-the-wisps ignited in its two dark eye sockets.

The dark blue one is about the size of "Standard Spells, Elementary".

The fallen crow's wings were more than 30 meters long, and the feathers were not attached to the body, but to the wing skeleton, shiny and sharp like sharp knives.

It looked gloomy and hideous.

What surprised Moriarty the most was that the fallen crow had three legs.

"The eight-tag crow?"

Moriarty's face changed slightly, he thought of something, but felt tired for no reason.

A burst of drowsiness struck, the upper and lower eyelids seemed to be in love, and they wanted to hug each other immediately.

It is the same as the evil method in the game, but the sleepiness is more intense.

Moriarty seemed to have not closed his eyes for three days and three nights. He only wanted one thing in his mind, sleep!

Lie on the ground and sleep.

Close your eyes and sleep.

Put down your wand and go to sleep.

Moriarty braced himself, shook his head, squinted his eyes and looked towards the sky.

The fallen crows flew slowly around the main court, followed by groups of colorful crows.

Not a single crow attacked the wizard, but the tens of thousands of wizards present lay down on the ground.

They used the ground as a soft bed and slept soundly.

Among them were people Moriarty knew: James, Principal Dawn, Hagrid, Mrs. Malfoy, Tonks, Fleur...

The three deans stumbled and supported each other, Professor McGonagall grabbed Dumbledore's robe tightly, and dozed off while sitting on the seat.

There are no standing wizards anymore, and Diana could count as one if the criteria were relaxed.

She was standing in a green spherical protective cover, and there was a slight "crackling" explosion sound from the protective cover, and then plumes of black smoke rose.

Diana's face was pale, maintaining the protective cover consumed a huge amount of mana, but she didn't care, staring at the rising black smoke.

Determining the source of the black smoke may break the magic of the fallen crow.

"Moriarty? Come and see these black smokes, they are so strange."

Diana's voice became hoarse, and she called Moriarty wearily, but she didn't hear Moriarty's response for a long time.


Diana's heart skipped a beat, and she turned her head to look at where Moriarty was.

She saw Moriarty with his eyes half closed, looking as if he would fall asleep anytime.

Moriarty's mouth slowly opened and closed, as if to say a word, but Diana couldn't hear a sound.

Already too sleepy to speak?


Moriarty fell to the ground, feeling drowsy, he couldn't hold on any longer, his vision gradually became blurred, and the last scene in his memory was——

Diana touched the protective cover, and the natural power attached to the elf magic attached to her legs, and she ran towards Moriarty.


my dear teacher...

Moriarty hooked the corners of his mouth, and just before falling asleep, he concentrated his mental power and magic power on the alchemy matrix.

The next moment, Moriarty fell into a deep sleep, but his brain was running fast, and the alchemy matrix was activated.

All the information about the fallen crows, including the details and details, were all converted into lines of code and entered into the alchemy matrix.

Matrix expansion operation, countless possibilities are arranged in an array, and speculations and judgments are made one by one...

The big gift carefully prepared by the magician is suspected to be a crow worshiped as a god by the people of Japan.

Combined with the magician's words before his death, it is not difficult to see that the fallen crow was taught to the magician by the magician's boss.

Linking the two pieces of information together, Moriarty discovered a frightening fact: the magician's boss is in Japan!

Or be bold, that boss is from Dongying!

In this way, many doubts are gradually solved.

The reason why Pang Ya would snatch the Ice Moon Necklace was found, in order to find water element magic for the BOSS.

The reason why the magician joined the Dongying team was found. After he escaped from England, he went to Dongying to find the boss, and was ordered to participate in the Quidditch World Cup.

It is still unknown what task the boss entrusted to the magician.

But the task is undoubtedly very important.

It is so important that the BOSS sent a black wizard from the Pang Crow Society to help the magician.

Judging from Tsukamura Kogoro's attitude towards the magician, the magician is Tsukamura Kogoro's superior.

It is not difficult to see that Pang Yahui is just an ordinary black wizard organization among the many organizations controlled by BOSS.

Therefore, in the eyes of the BOSS, the strength of the Japanese team may not be enough to complete the task, so the BOSS gave the magician a hole card, the fallen crow.

Just like what Moriarty said, the Fallen Crow is a summoning magic that belongs to the dark element, and a dark ritual needs to be prepared before casting the spell.

The mascot colorful crow and the gold coins distributed to everyone are the medium of the dark ceremony.

Through the medium, the fallen crow absorbed enough dark power and was finally born.

The magician killed five Dongpu people and repeatedly released dark elemental magic aimed at the hearts of the people, probably also to increase the dark power.

There is always a dark side in everyone's heart, even if he is bright and pure, he will have negative emotions.

All the magicians do is to bring together the dark power and negative emotions of nearly 100,000 people.

Rather than saying that the Fallen Crow is a dark elemental magic, it is better to say that it is the darkness in people's hearts that created this monster.

The fallen crow has the dark power of a hundred thousand people, and the magic effect must not be as simple as putting people into a deep sleep.

The real horror, after a deep sleep...

The alchemy matrix ended the deduction, and Moriarty understood the cause and effect.

With a "swipe", Moriarty opened his eyes!

Seeing Diana holding his face nervously, she looked anxious and worried.

Because of touching the protective cover and running quickly, Diana was attacked by black smoke, and her long dress turned into a miniskirt, revealing a lot of white on her upper body.

Moriarty smiled, "Mr. Baby, you are so worried about me."

Diana blushed, "Bad student, where are you looking?"

At this time, a scream sounded in the distance, shrill and ear-piercing.

Moriarty took Diana's hand and stood up, looking towards the source of the sound.

A wizard with long brown hair got up from the ground and walked towards Moriarty while screaming.

He walked very slowly, with his head drooping, his hands and feet were like rusty machinery, his movements were slow, his eyes became scarlet, he muttered unintelligible syllables, and drooled a lot.

"This ghost looks like a human being."

Diana squeezed Moriarty's hand.

Moriarty grimaced: "The walking dead."

There was another scream!

Another wizard stood up slowly, with the same posture, appearance, and actions as the previous one, and walked towards Moriarty.

"They were the first batch of wizards to fall asleep," a gleam flashed in Moriarty's eyes, "After falling into a deep sleep for about three minutes, they became walking dead!"

Diana nodded thoughtfully: "This is the magical effect of the fallen crow!"

Any magic has its relative magic.

Any magic can be cracked.

An old wizard who did not want to be named said that magic should be defeated by magic!

Once the magic effect is found, the probability of restraining or cracking that magic will be greatly improved.

Diana looked at Moriarty expectantly. In her eyes, her man was the smartest and most powerful wizard in the world.

There is no spell that Moriarty can't break.

But Moriarty shook his head, glanced at the fallen crow in the sky, and said in a concentrated voice, "I'm afraid it's not that simple."

"If sleeping is the first form and walking dead is the second form, is there a third form? What is the third form?"

As soon as the words fell, all the black gold coins scattered on the ground rose into the air.

Moriarty swung his staff and fired a shattering spell, which shattered a black gold coin and emitted a plume of black smoke.

"It's black smoke again!" Diana's eyes were burning.

"Look carefully, two black gold coins flew away."

Moriarty stretched out his right hand, spread his five fingers, and shot out two water arrows, catching up with the black gold coins and blowing them to pieces.

Two plumes of black smoke rose, and Moriarty summoned two whirlwinds to shatter them.

After completing a set of procedures, two more black gold coins flew out and flew into the forehead of the wizard who first became a "walking dead"!


The two walking dead screamed and ran like a savage at an extremely fast speed.

Moriarty noticed that some of their body parts had deformed, their teeth had grown larger and pointed, their mouths had stretched out, their limbs had grown larger, their nails had grown longer.

"The first and third forms."

Diana stuttered for the first time. Girls are naturally afraid of such weird people.

"Bones to pieces!"

Moriarty raised the snow cedar wand, fired two shattering spells, and hit the strange man. The strange man felt no pain, and his running speed became faster.

The situation was still developing in an unfavorable direction. After a few "swipes", three wizards turned into walking dead and stood up!

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