The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 374 Missing her crazily

"No need!" The next second, she turned over uncomfortably and lay down, pulling the quilt to cover her body.

My face seems a little hot again...

But she tried hard to look calm and calm so as not to let Dongfang Yu see any problems.

Dongfang Yu dimmed his eyes, thinking that her actions were repelling him.

He pulled up a chair and sat down, introducing the medicines prescribed by the doctor to her one by one.

"Take these medicines twice a day. After a week, if the pressure is still very high, come back for a review."

Hai Xiaotang said strangely: "I'm not stressed..."

Dongfang Yu raised his eyes, his eyes dark and deep, "How did you sleep at night recently?"

"..." It's not good, she always can't sleep.

In the past, she could fall asleep whenever she fell on the bed, but now she often suffers from insomnia.

When Dongfang Yu saw her like this, he knew that she hadn't slept well.

"Even if you can fall asleep, it doesn't mean you're not stressed. Sometimes you don't even feel that you're under a lot of pressure." He explained in a low voice, "The doctor said your condition is a bit serious. You must relax and take a good rest. "

Hai Xiaotang leaned against the bedside and whispered, "Maybe I'm too worried about grandpa."

"He's fine!"

Hearing his firm tone, Hai Xiaotang suddenly felt much better.

Grandpa is fine, which is her greatest psychological comfort.

"Remember to take these medicines on time when you go back." Dongfang Yu warned again, unconsciously expressing concern, "If you feel uncomfortable in your stomach, you have to tell me..."

"Why do you have stomach problems?" Hai Xiaotang asked suddenly.

Dongfang Yu was suddenly startled——

Hai Xiaotang's eyes flashed, "I'm just asking. After all, you haven't had stomach problems before. But that time, you were in severe pain..."

Thinking of that time, Dongfang Yu thought of the cruel words he said to her at that time.

She also thought that the worst side of him was seen by her.

He didn't want her to know how he missed her crazily like a fool during her absence.

Because she doesn't love, she has long been heartbroken rather than silent.

But he still fell deeper and deeper...

I look ridiculous and pathetic like this!

Dongfang Yu really hated himself for being so worthless.

His face also darkened, and his eyes were cold, "Why do you think I have stomach trouble?" he asked.

Hai Xiaotang was startled, "How do I know?"

Yes, how could she know that for a while he felt so uncomfortable that he felt like he was going to die.

He couldn't eat and even had to rely on nutrient solution to stay alive.

At one point he thought he was going to die.

As a result, he was going to die, and he still couldn't forget her. He tried his best to forget her.

But she is more powerful than drugs, and I can’t quit no matter what...

He hated why he loved her so much, and why she was so cruel and heartless.

Then he began to hate her. The more you love, the more you hate. The more you hate, the more you love.

Until it took all his energy to get back on his feet.

Just when he thought he was about to forget her, she came back again...

Then the pain he experienced in the past six months was like a joke and had no effect on him.

All his efforts turned into a joke.

It's all wasted effort...

Therefore, when she saw his ugly side in the apartment, he was so angry and said those cruel words.

But the fact is that he made another joke, because after saying it, he regretted it...

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