The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 375 The pain of bone erosion

In front of Hai Xiaotang, he was so ridiculous and undignified.

He himself wants to kill himself like this...

Thinking of this, Dongfang Yu hated it again.

"Hai Xiaotang, do you know the feeling of bone-eroding pain?" He stared at her and asked word by word.

Hai Xiaotang was stunned.

Dongfang Yu sneered, but the darkness in his eyes couldn't be cleared away, "I've experienced it before, because you——"

"..." Hai Xiaotang was shocked again.

Then, Dongfang Yu narrowed the corners of his mouth, and his expression suddenly turned sinister: "But it's all over! Everything is over!"


"It's just a pity that I left the sequelae of stomach pain. But fortunately, everything is over!"

Hai Xiaotang looked at him blankly, speechless.

The feeling in my heart is very complicated and a little uncomfortable...

Looking at Dongfang Yu's back as he stood up and left, Hai Xiaotang murmured in his heart.

Dongfang Yu, how do you know I haven’t experienced the pain of bone erosion?

But I died once before I passed.

Have you really passed...

Dongfang Yu left, maybe he didn't want to see her, so he left.

Hai Xiaotang stayed alone in the hospital and did not leave until he drank Chinese medicine.

When she walked out of the hospital, the driver who had been waiting for a long time hurriedly came to her and said, "Young lady, the young master has asked me to take you back. You can get in the car."

Hai Xiaotang was stunned, and his mood became complicated again.

Dongfang Yu, since you have chosen to forget, why not be more ruthless?

Yes, Hai Xiaotang is not a fool.

She knew very well that Dongfang Yu still loved her, but she also knew that he really wanted to forget her.

Now he is very contradictory. He is trying hard to forget her, but he can't help but want to be good to her.

She saw all this, but she could only pretend to be stupid. Because she couldn't do anything, and she didn't want to give him any response, because she was not the savior.

And the love given out of emotion and compassion is an insult to Dongfang Yu.

Just like what the lady said, if you don't love him, don't love him enough, then don't give him any response.

If their love is still hesitant, they must not be together.

Because neither of them can bear to have their feelings hurt again...

Moreover, she really hasn't figured out her feelings for him yet.

So, just let it be... time will give them the answer.

Hai Xiaotang did not go back immediately, choosing to go back to the Hai family's old house first.

Zhang Ma was very happy to see her back.

She pulled her to check her carefully, and then said with red eyes: "Miss, fortunately you are fine. What if something happens to you too?"

Zhang Ma has worked in the Hai family for many years, and her focus has always been on taking care of Hai Xiaotang.

She also took care of Hai Xiaotang when he grew up, so she has deep feelings for Hai Xiaotang.

On the day of Hai Xiaotang's accident, she stayed up all night and was very frightened.

She didn't feel at ease until yesterday when it was confirmed that she was fine. But she was still very uneasy when she didn't see her.

Now, she can finally feel at ease.

Hai Xiaotang looked at Zhang Ma's hair, which seemed to be graying again, and hugged her body, "Zhang Ma, I have made you worry, but don't worry, I will be fine. Grandpa will be fine, and neither of us will." Something’s wrong!”

Zhang Ma smiled and nodded: "Yes, yes, nothing will happen to you. The old man will come back safely sooner or later. But Miss, are you not injured?"

Hai Xiaotang shook his head: "No."


Let’s go, prodigal~

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