In the blink of an eye, more than a year has passed.

Today’s world, seemingly chaotic, is actually in a good form.

Since the ‘killing order’ was enforced, it is unknown how many Tatars have been brutally killed. I don’t know how many people have obtained cultivation cheats and exchanged them for advanced cheats.

Many scattered people in the rivers and lakes, or small sects, now have a lot of profound martial arts inheritance. Based on this, everyone practices martial arts and creates many masters.

This is true of the quacks. The same is true of the various sects, relying on their own heritage, accompanied by various advanced secrets exchanged, their own strength is also gradually improving.

Even if it was abolished by Ye Yanren. But with the inheritance of the ‘I Ching Forging Bone Chapter’, many more geniuses have emerged from each sect, and their strength has improved one by one.

Even the Emei faction is now a frequent master.

The birth of so many masters also created the misery of Tatar. Today, the southern Tatars have been completely cleared.

The Tatars could only garrison the north, using iron horses as their base to deal with the attacks and killings of many people in the rivers and lakes.

In addition, many rebel armies of the Ming Church. Now, with the blessing of many martial arts, the Tatar army has been defeated one after another.

Of course, with the improvement of martial arts, many careerists have also emerged.

But in any case, now Hanmin is promoted, and Tatar is weak.

Under such circumstances, Ye Yanren, who brought about all changes, became a big hero in the hearts of countless people. The title of Emperor Wu is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Especially the southern realm where Ye Qianren is located, it is peaceful and extremely safe. No one is here to make trouble.

Ye Yanren looked at Sunflower Wei, collected many new cheats, and perfect moves, and faintly shook his head: “Old clichés, nothing new.” It seems that with the weakening of the Tatars, as well as the promotion of the various sects. The pace of progress in martial arts slowed down. ”

“When the Killing Order was first born. No matter how killing accompanies each other, countless jianghu people wander between life and death. The pursuit of martial arts, as well as the desire for martial arts, naturally created the explosion of martial wisdom. Various martial arts moves were perfected and various martial arts were created. ”

“Today, the form is great. All sects and factions also stabilized and formed a new martial arts class. It makes there be less fighting and the spirit of struggle slows down. Then the speed of martial arts wisdom reproduction slowed down. ”

Dongfang Bai knows very well that war and danger are the catalysts of civilization and the outbreak period of martial arts.

Throughout history, there has been a change of dynasty. Famous generals and ministers are frequent, but in the prosperous time, famous generals are scarce and civil ministers are scarce.

At its core, it is a stable environment that solidifies the class and becomes a barrier. Motivated people gradually lose the spirit of struggle.

Secondly, it is a stable environment, which can make people degenerate, and people lose their motivation and gradually stick to established rules.

Ye Qianren’s expression was indifferent, and his eyes flashed: “They want to be lazy and want to be comfortable, but I don’t give them comfort.” Send the Star Absorbing Dafa into the exchange list, and then the price of Yi Jian Jing will be reduced. ”

“Gongzi doing this, it is bound to make the stable world chaotic again. After all, today’s stability is based on martial arts. And the particularity of the Star Absorbing Dafa is bound to be able to disrupt the world’s martial arts. “Dongfang Bai knows very well what Ye Yanren will bring by doing this.

“If you say, under the prosperous world, it is difficult to get out of the cold door! Then I will give the Hanmen an environment suitable for coming out, and give the disciples of the Hanmen a chance to change their lives against the sky. Ye Qianren was very confident and indifferent, and did not care at all. Doing this yourself will have a lot of impact on the whole world.

In troubled times, the cold door has a bright day. Ye Yanren gave them the Star Absorbing Dafa, which was to give the disciples of the Han Sect the possibility of changing their lives against the sky.


In the blink of an eye, half a year passed.

Today’s world, just as Ye Yanren expected, has become chaotic.

The emergence of the Star Absorbing Dafa has given many people at the bottom of the martial arts the opportunity to change their lives against the sky. As long as the ambition is enough, attack the disciples of the big sect, absorb the power, then you can go further.

Secondly, the Yi Ji Sutra can solve the problem of internal strength conflicts.

In this way, many masters emerged in a short time. Break the current martial arts pattern. What had been stable was once again being challenged.

They want to stabilize their position, in addition to continuing to slaughter Tatars and exchange all kinds of secrets to become stronger. It is to surround and kill these newly rising masters.

But with them slaughter. Amazingly discovered, the tartar turned out to be stronger.

Yes, after all, it is an imperial dynasty, even if it declines, it has enough heritage. Although it is difficult for Tatar to exchange all kinds of cheats from Ye Qianren. But they can also coerce those who have already exchanged to obtain martial arts secrets from them. Although such people are discovered, they will be taken back by Sunflower Wei.

It is inevitable that some will flow into Tatar. In addition, the Yuan Dynasty also has a martial arts heritage. They inherit the ‘dragon-elephant-like skill’, which does not require qualifications and has very simple martial arts. Let all Tatars cultivate.

Not to mention how many layers are cultivated, only the first three layers need to be cultivated. It is enough to make the hunting of many people in the rivers and lakes difficult.

Especially with the spread of the Star Absorbing Dafa, after a few Tatars were obtained. With the combination of star absorbing Dafa and dragon-elephant-like skills, it has also created many masters in a short time.

For a time, the entire pattern of rivers and lakes was rewritten.

The Tatars are ready to fight back. Many rebels were also gradually chaotic.

Under such chaos, many martial arts wisdom also bloomed again.

Under such a model, it is also what Ye Qianren is looking forward to.


Just maintain the chaos and rush through two years.

For two years, the Mingjiao, the rebels, all sects and factions, the Tatars ….. Stalemate, kill each other, chaos.

They are evenly matched with each other, and neither of them can take the other.

However, the particularity of the Star Absorbing Dafa forced them to go to war and devour the power of others.

Therefore, continuous killing has created countless moments of life and death. During this period, many strong people were born, and a lot of wisdom was born.

However, these wisdoms were all needed by Ye Qianren. Countless innovative classics were sent to Ye Yiren. was enlightened by Ye Yanren.

But Ye Qianren did this, and all sects were not fools. It is very clear that the source of today’s calamity is the star-absorbing method sent by Ye Yanren.

One by one, it was determined that today’s chaos was caused by Ye Yanren.

Many new schools have risen because of the martial arts taught by Ye Qianren. Now he is also secretly scolding Ye Qianren.

Previously, Ye Qianren was called a great hero, called Emperor Wu. Now he is called the big devil, and he can’t wait to kill Ye Qianren.

However, these changes were expected by Ye Qianren. The human heart is the hardest thing to satisfy. In particular, these new sects and new forces that incarnate classes are naturally hostile to Ye Yanren when they see Ye Qianren helping others break their own class.

Ye Qianren didn’t care about this, but talked to Zhang Sanfeng instead.



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