“Form Meaning Fist, Form Meaning Fist….. Evolve from the five-bird play, imitate the beast, and temper yourself. The more beasts this method incorporates, the more powerful it becomes. However, everything pays attention to balance, and I evolved with Taijiquan, and the inner family fist I created can also quench qi and blood. Zhang Laodao flicked his beard, looking at the perfect boxing technique, his heart was also emotional.

“It’s worthy of Zhang Zhenren. It has only been a few months since I came into contact with Shape-Meaning Fist. Just create your own inner fist. Such martial arts wisdom is really admirable. Ye Yanren looked at Zhang Sanfeng’s inner family fist and felt the rolling qi and blood surge.

“It is also that Emperor Wu has too many books in his collection, which makes me understand a lot from them. However, not cultivating True Qi in this way, but only refining the method of qi and blood, is also opening up a new path. ”

“The cultivation of the inner family fist is to the extreme, and it is not inferior to the current Qi training vein.”

“Especially for cultivating the inner family boxing, there are no requirements for qualifications. On the contrary, with cultivation, it can improve the root bone and qualifications, which makes people better practice qi. ”

Zhang Sanfeng sighed with emotion, and he couldn’t have imagined that Ye Qianren had so many books in his hands. He benefited greatly from the numerous texts.

Zhang Sanfeng sighed, Ye Qianren was the one who sighed the most.

On martial wisdom and understanding, Zhang Sanfeng absolutely crushed Ye Qianren.


Although Ye Qianren was well-informed, the methods he could cultivate were all created by others. Although the ‘innate yin and yang determination’ can also be regarded as Ye Qianren’s own creation, it is ultimately deduced by the panel.

Zhang Sanfeng has no panel and relies only on his own wisdom. In just a few years, many classics were created.

Especially after obtaining the ‘innate skill’, practice this method and wash the flesh. Extremely fast time, reaching the innate realm.

Then, with many texts, combined with the Nine Yin True Sutra, he created the innate pure Yin Gong. This Dharma level has a level of half a step and five turns. It is extremely suitable for women’s cultivation and has the effect of youth and eternity.

After that, it was combined with the Nine Yang True Sutra to create the innate pure Yang Gong. The level is also half a step and five turns, suitable for men to cultivate, the highest to the yang, the most pure to the pure.

After that, I realized the Zixia Divine Skill, the Mixed Yuan Gong… It has successively created congenital Zixia Gong, innate mixed yuan gong, innate taijigong…

Many martial arts methods were created. It’s basically four turns.

In addition, there are many kinds of moves. Especially combined with the shape and meaning boxing, it creates Neijia Taijiquan, which also has the effect of quenching qi and blood. After that, perfect the inner family boxing.

Later, as Ye Qianren described a little of the concept of national art. Zhang Laodao actually perfected the inner family fist, and it was really divided according to the level of national art.

Ye Qianren was stunned. This martial arts wisdom is really not covered.

Such a talent is really what Ye Qianren longs for. No way, talent is really hard to explain.

After that, Zhang Sanfeng combined the three forms of farmer to create the 13 styles of Tai Chi.

Good guys, kids can hit a dozen.

“Zhang Zhenren… Neijia Fist you can also be considered perfect. The sword technique, fist technique and the like I gave you before, can you fuse it? Ye Qianren didn’t just ask.

“Every method of boxing contains the creator’s idea. A little fitting boxing technique can be perfected. However, different concepts of boxing are difficult to integrate. ”

“However, the Dugu Nine Sword you gave me is very interesting. It feels like this sword technique is all-encompassing, it seems to be a sword technique, but it is actually a concept. ”

“It seems that you can crack all the moves, and it seems that you can integrate all the moves. No matter the boxing move, no matter the palm move, it can be integrated. All can be traced from the sword technique. If you think about it, you may be able to create Dugu Eighteen Swords, or even more swords. ”

Zhang Sanfeng said with great interest. During this time, he learned too many interesting martial arts, and looking at the many ideas in it, his heart was also extremely excited.

“Then please Zhang Zhenren and continue to understand. Many martial arts classics, as well as martial arts wisdom, will be sent to you. Ye Yanren said so, looking forward to Zhang Sanfeng having more creations.

Ye Yanren left, and Zhang Sanfeng also plunged into the endless martial arts classics.

Over the past few years, Zhang Sanfeng has been like this. Silence in it, the outside world does not pay attention to it. This is also what Ye Yanren is looking forward to.

Otherwise, with Zhang Sanfeng’s sad and compassionate mentality, watching Ye Qianren mess around the world, he may not be able to act as a tool man.


In the blink of an eye, another year passed.

Today, the world is in chaos. People die tragically every moment.

The Jingguan, cast from the head of the Tatar, piled up outside the city and turned into a hill.

But even so, there are still many Tatar heads sent. After all, under such chaos, improving yourself is the core.

For this, they need more cheats. So take the tartar head and exchange.

Even Tatar himself, nothing to do, with a head exchange.

It also creates a kind of martial arts competition. Many of the cheats created by Zhang Sanfeng were also taken out by Ye Qianren to exchange.

Nowadays, the rivers and lakes have gradually formed, and the situation of one emperor, one emperor, one religion and one alliance has also taken shape.

The first emperor is Ye Qianren, the Martial Emperor. The status is extraordinary, the strength is extremely high, and no one dares to act rashly.

The first emperor is the emperor of today’s Tatar. He was also considered a last emperor. Nowadays, with the spread of many martial arts, it seems to be enlightened, and there are some ZTE looks.

One religion is Mingjiao. There are many rebels under its banner, and the same Tatars are all killing you and me.

One alliance is the righteous path alliance. Various factions united to form an alliance, and supported many rebels.

No way, with the spread of the star-absorbing Dafa. All factions were targeted, so that they could not huddle.

Secondly, the Ming Sect and the Tatars both rely on the Star Absorbing Dafa to grow. Then, relying on the large number of people, as well as the iron horse, took the lead in distributing difficulties to each sect.

I don’t know how many sects were breached, and then swallowed by the Star Absorbing Dafa.

The tragic deaths of many sects forced them to huddle and become this alliance. Then support some rebels against the Mingjiao and Tatars.

But even so, all factions are also panicked. I am afraid that one will accidentally fall behind, and then be caught to devour the power.

However, the source of such chaos in the world is a small star-absorbing method.

And the Martial Emperor who spread the Star Absorbing Dafa is known as the demon of the devil!


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