The world is chaotic, and many people put the responsibility on Ye Yanren.

Ye Qianren didn’t care about this either. Besides, Ye Qianren just wanted them to be chaotic.

No matter how much everyone hated Ye Qianren, they didn’t dare to mess around. After all, the major forces are deadlocked with each other, and if Ye Yanren is brought in, it will affect the current situation.

However, a secret letter was transmitted to the major forces.

After receiving the letter, the major forces all stopped and quietly sent people to one place.


Somewhere along the Yellow River, it can also be regarded as a neutral zone.

Today, in a small compound. A few people gather.

“When you receive invitations, you come voluntarily. It seems that they are all suffering from the Martial Emperor. Determined to resist. A heroic woman said.

“We know each other. In today’s chaos, nine out of ten are the work of Emperor Wu. It is rumored that the reason why Emperor Wudi caused me and others to be chaotic was that he hoped to rely on life and death and chaos, squeeze my wisdom, and create more martial arts classics. The representative of the sect, who is also the current Shaolin abbot, said.

“I’ve heard this rumor too. Although it is ridiculous, if it is true, then Emperor Wu is even more terrifying. Wantonly provoking strife in the world, just to seek martial arts. It’s weirder than the devil’s head. “The Mingjiao representative is also heavy.

Speaking of which, Ye Qianren only provoked the news of the world’s strife for the sake of martial arts classics. Many people don’t believe it.

After all, although martial arts classics are precious, they are not the only ones. For the sake of a martial arts classic, provoking the whole world to strife is simply more crazy than a madman.

“It doesn’t matter what Emperor Wu’s purpose is. But now he is our common enemy. So I propose to put aside hatred for the time being and eliminate Emperor Wu first. The woman said.

“Deal with Emperor Wu? Naturally. Although Emperor Wu had a deed of slaughtering 10,000 iron horses before. But Emperor Wu is a person after all, no matter how high the martial arts are, it is difficult to resist countless armies. “The Mingjiao representative is also very confident.

“I approve. Under Emperor Ranwu, there are sunflower guards, as well as star absorbing guards. These two are not easy to deal with. The sect representative said slowly.

“No matter how difficult it is. Together we sent troops to strangle them. This time, my Dayuan is willing to send 60,000 iron horses. In one fell swoop, the South Mountain was leveled. “A heroic woman, with a kind of ruthlessness.

“My Ming Sect also dispatched 60,000 iron horses.” Mingjiao representatives also made commitments.

“We don’t have so many iron horses in our various sects, so we can only send core disciples from all sects.” The sect representatives are also fine. The rebels they had just supported simply could not take out so many iron horses.

With that said, they looked at each other and made a decision.


One emperor, one religion and one alliance, secretly united with each other.

The news of their cooperation also reached Ye Qianren’s ears.

“Gongzi, what should I do next? They united, sent 120,000 iron horsemen, and sent disciples from each to kill. Dongfang Bai said, his heart was also solemn.

“As expected. I thought they would come earlier, who knew they would come so late. We have 30,000 Sunflower Guards and 40,000 Star Absorbing Guards under our command, which is enough to torture and kill disciples of various factions. ”

“What’s more, now that the people of Ultimate Nan, everyone cultivates the Form and Meaning Fist, which has more than 100,000 Blood Coagulation Realm peaks and hundreds of thousands of Quenching Body Realm peaks. So many Blood Coagulation Realms and Quenching Body Realms, the army formed was enough to crush them. ”

“I have to say that these people, after all, underestimate Ling and the people of Lingnan.”

Ye Qianren was very calm, and he could anticipate the various sects and their choices.

But Ye Qianren laid out a long time ago. Over the years, the southern realm has been very safe, attracting countless displaced people. In particular, Ye Qianren also sent people to find the displaced people.

In the end, millions of people gathered in the southern realm. With Ye Qianren from the world of Xiao Ao, brought countless grain and grass to feed. Then let them cultivate themselves. Rely on high-yield sweet potatoes, potatoes, and all kinds of new agricultural tools. Let them live and work in peace.

After that, they were taught the three forms of farming. As well as making them cultivate Form and Meaning Fist and quench their bodies and coagulate blood.

Today, gathering more than 100,000 blood coagulation realms is also simple.

In addition, Ye Yanren brought a lot of steel and a lot of army equipment from Xiaoao. And, over the years, many horses have been purchased.

Overnight, it was easy to gather 200,000 iron horses.

Therefore, when the enemy killed, Ye Qianren was not afraid, but looked forward to it.

Dongfang also nodded: “Gongzi has been preparing for many years, but there is no need to scruple.” But to what extent do you want to do this time? Kill them and continue with the status quo. Or a change of dynasty? ”

“It’s not about changing the dynasty, it’s about changing the world.” Ye Qianren said, as if he sensed something in his heart.


In the blink of an eye, the color of heaven and earth changed, and the sun and moon alternated.

The great earthquake shook, causing the huge Southern Realm to faintly feel a kind of ominousness, a kind of slaughter.

The people of the Southern Realm knew that the enemy was coming to deal with the Martial Emperor in their hearts.

No matter how chaotic the outside world was, the Southern Realm was protected by Emperor Wu, allowing them to live and work in peace.

Now, when the enemy kills, they naturally do not want to destroy their comfort.

For this reason, many of them have become armies. 120,000 Blood Coagulation Realm, cultivating Form and Meaning Fist all year round. and being deliberately guided by Ye Qianren to hunt, as well as training. Now it has become an army, and there is no sense of discord.

One by one, they wore Daming-style armor, held Daming-style long knives in their hands, rode on horseback, and followed Ye Qiren to guard the Southern Realm.

On the outskirts of the southern periphery, a mighty army arrived.

Looking at the more than 100,000 iron horses crisscrossing in front of him, his expression changed and he was extremely surprised.

“This, what’s going on? Never heard that Emperor Wu also created the Iron Horse? And in such a number? Ming Sect Yang Xiao was stunned and looked at the scene in front of him incredulously. Now he is the leader of the Ming Sect and sits in a stable position.

“Impossible! Over the years, we have monitored the flow of steel into the Southern Realm, and we have also monitored the blacksmiths in the Southern Realm. There are no traces of cast armor at all, as well as weapons. How did this suddenly appear more than 100,000 iron horses? The general of the Tatar Iron Horse was also dumbfounded.

“What to do?” The sect representative was stunned.

“What can I do? At this point, I can only give it a shot. Yang Xiao said so, staring viciously into the distance, the armored Ye Yanren.

Ye Qianren was wearing dark gold armor, riding a Wuya horse, holding a long knife: “There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. For the sake of profit, you who kill the Tatars actually unite with the Tatars? ”


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