Chapter 66 The Confucius Family of the Southern Song Dynasty, Crushing the Statue of Confucius, Slaughtering the Wenchen of the Southern Song Dynasty!!

“Soldier Word, break it for me…”

Ye Yanren held the halberd, like a demon god, and waved at the city gate.

The power of the fear cloth made the whole body rely on the halberd cast by Xuan Iron to turn into a full moon.

With the explosion of “boom”, the city gate instantly turned into pieces, and the city wall also crumbled.

Ye Yanren directly entered the city, and many soldiers on the city wall were now also terrified.

This is Xiangyang City, which has intercepted Dajin for many years and is difficult to be shaken. But now, it was actually smashed into the city gate and killed in it.

Who is this? How can it have such divine power.

But as Ye Yanren entered the city, he shouted: “Wu Nai Wudi, today I will kill the Southern Song Dynasty, do not kill civilians, do not kill military generals, only kill the Southern Song martial arts, and the voice of Ye Yanren, a minister of the Southern Song Dynasty, with the qi, turned into a sound wave and entered the city.” ”

In an instant, half of the people in the huge Xiangyang City knew about it.

But after I knew it, I became more and more frightened. After all, in the territory of the Southern Song Dynasty, Ye Qianren was insulted by Wen Chen and has become a demon who likes to kill and eat people.

They are afraid. But the cavalry descended and entered the city. There was no killing of the people, nor of the generals. Just kill Wen Chen.

A few generals resisted and were killed. More are subdued.

On the contrary, all the people in the Wen Chen’s family, or those related to the Wen Chen, were all slaughtered.

In just a few days, everything related to Wen Chen in Xiangyang City was wiped out by Ye Qianren.

After Ye Qianren wiped out all the civil servants in Xiangyang City, he turned to the rest of the city.

Ye Yanren entered one city after another. There is no city that can resist Ye Qianren’s halberd more.

Joke, Ye Qianren’s power is terrifying. Especially after the system of Neijia Fist was perfected by Zhang Sanfeng. Ye Qianren practiced this method, which made the flesh qi and blood reach the extreme, and also raised the strength of the flesh to the level of fear.

Match the method of refining. Now the power is terrifying and terrifying.

One punch kills, it seems to be able to turn over the mountain.

Kill all the way, where you go. The Southern Song martial arts were destroyed. All sects and factions were devastated by Ye Qianren. Exhausted by the sucking of strength, exhausted by martial arts classics.

A few even became eunuchs and sunflower guards. If you refuse to surrender, there are endless means to target.

The Southern Song Dynasty was also miserable. How ruthless they scolded before, how much they regret it now, they didn’t expect that Ye Qianren was such a ruthless person. Say kill them, really kill them.

Before reaching a city, all the people and things related to them were wiped out. Their industries were also plundered.

Now, Ye Qianren entered a mansion and looked at the Confucius enshrined in it: “Your Confucius family is interesting.” During the Northern Song Dynasty, there was only one vein. In the Southern Song Dynasty, it turned into two veins. One pulse turned to Dajin, and the other vein to the Southern Song Dynasty. Is it another Mongolia, and you still have to separate the lineage? ”

“Your Confucius family enjoys prosperity and wealth and occupies the benefits of the world. When the dynasty changed, they surrendered directly one by one. What about the backbone of your literati? What about the arrogance of your literati? ”

“Emperor Wu spares his life. My Kong family is willing to serve you, may you become your servant, willing to “the people of the Kong family of the Southern Song Dynasty cried out, kneeling down and begging for mercy.

Ye Qianren looked at the statue of Confucius, looked at the kneeling Kong family, and the luxury here, and the countless civilians starving to death outside the same door, he really felt a great irony.

“At the end of the Han Dynasty, I was persecuted by Confucianism and families. I once swore that one day when I gained power, I would slaughter all the families of the world and burn all Confucianism. ”

“But after several crossings, the family has declined, Confucianism has not jumped out to shout, and I have gradually forgotten hatred. But I didn’t expect to come to the Southern Song Dynasty and meet you wallheads. In addition, I think of the past and present. So you guys are damn it! ”

Ye Qianren’s merciless inclination of killing intent enveloped the Kong family disciples in front of him. Many people from the Kong family here couldn’t hear what Ye Qianren said.

But Yang Bing, who followed Ye Qianren through, knew very well why Ye Qianren was so angry.

You know, Ye Yanren crossed from the earth. The first world to traverse was the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty. At that time, it was definitely the pinnacle of Confucianism and families.

Anyone who goes against Confucianism, or the family, is a rebellion.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, Ye Qianren couldn’t wait to slaughter all the families, as well as foreign races. After passing through Xiaoao, relying on the sky, Ye Qianren gradually forgot.

Who knows, through the Condor Shooting. These Confucian scholars, as well as the Kong family, reminded Ye Qianren.

Nothing to say, absolute revenge.

“Kill me… Slaughter the old and young of the Kong family. ”

Ye Qianren ordered, brandished his sword, and killed the disciples of the Kong family who knelt in front of him and begged for mercy.

In an instant, there were wails in front of him, and everyone in the Kong family was slaughtered.

Ye Qianren turned to look at the statue of Confucius, carved from the finest mutton fat jade, which was worth enough to buy a city. Ye Qianren raised his hand, and the halberd streaked through and fell to the stone statue: “Hmph…”

With a “bang”, Confucius’s jade carving was shattered. It turned into numerous fragments and fell to the ground, staining the blood of Kong’s family.

After one night, all the Kong families of the Southern Song Dynasty were slaughtered. Not even a single side branch remained.

“After killing the Kong family, it’s time to go to Lin’an City.”

Ye Yanren said this, looking at the land of the Southern Song Dynasty, faintly disdainful.

From Ye Qianren entering the land of the Southern Song Dynasty to slaughtering the Kong family. There has been a small period of half a year and a small half a year, the entire Southern Song Dynasty is boiling, and the whole world is boiling.

No way, Ye Yanren, this Martial Emperor, is too ruthless. At the end of Nanshan, he slaughtered Quanzhen and abolished two statues and five abolitions.

After entering the Southern Song Dynasty, it was even more lawless. Everywhere he passed, the civil servants died.

On the contrary, the military generals did not suffer much loss.

The emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty was terrified. Countless civil servants of the Southern Song Dynasty, that is called a panic. They were all going crazy, and ordered all the armies to kill Ye Qianren.

However, how many armies came, it was difficult to target Ye Qianren.

On the contrary, with Ye Qianren’s slaughter, countless armies were defeated.

Now, Ye Qianren has killed in Sichuan Lin’an City.

In Lin’an City, people were panicked. The emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty was already thinking of escaping, but it was a pity that Ye Qianren came too quickly and had no chance to walk out of the city gate.

“Emperor Wu… The miscellaneous family came on behalf of the emperor and begged you to retire. As long as you retire, everything is good to say. ”

The eunuch spoke softly, with a sense of pity.

“The emperor of the Great Song, how is it a gang, thinking of begging for mercy. The faces of the Han people have all been lost by you. ”

Ye Qianren is also disdainful, and he really has nothing to say about the Song Dynasty. From beginning to end, Da Song never stood up once.

Finally, I met a Yue Fei. As a result, a pit came to kill loyal ministers.

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