Chapter 67 Wu Sheng Yue Fei, Wen Chen Cartilage, Song Huang Dog Leg!!

Yue Fei couldn’t help Da Song, who could help him. You know, that’s Yue Fei.

Among the famous generals of various dynasties and generations, it is also among the best. If it weren’t for the splashing black water of the black-skinned pig in later generations, it is estimated that Yue Fei’s ranking would be higher.

After all, Yue Fei, Yue Wumu, who can be known as a martial saint. Even if he dies, he is feared by the Dajin family. He also used many methods to cover up Yue Fei’s achievements. The most typical example is that the black-skinned pig stripped Guan Yu of the title of ‘Martial Saint’.

In terms of merit, leading troops, and battle achievements, Guan Yuzhen was not qualified to compare with Yue Fei, nor was he qualified to receive the title of Martial Saint.

Now, looking at the Southern Song Emperor who was ready to beg for mercy again, Ye Qianren didn’t even think: “Want to surrender?” I don’t promise, I don’t allow. Tell your family emperor, since the Han family, there is only the emperor of the dog country, and there is no emperor who surrendered. Tell him too. ”

I came here this time only to kill Wen Chen. Do not kill him, this emperor.

Ye Qianren said so, imposing and raising the halberd to kill.

With the arrival of Ye Qianren in Lin’an City, the city gate has been watered with iron juice, blocking the city gate.

You don’t care what iron juice you have. Ye Yanren waved the halberd, even though it fell.


It was as if two iron mountains collided, and the roar came from it, which made this gate mourn.

However, under such a blow, this city gate was not smashed. Ye Qianren suspected that his strength had declined.

“Soldier Word!”

Ye Qianren shouted again and killed again.

The explosion of “boom” and the huge city wall all faintly shook.

The huge gate shattered, and those who supported the gate also exploded with the force.

Ye Yanren entered it, only to know that with the big long gate, he was poured a foot thick molten iron. No wonder Ye Yanren didn’t smash the city gate once.

In an instant, the iron door shattered. Ye Yanren entered it.

The iron horse also followed Ye Qianren into it.

“Old rules. Only kill Wenchen! ”

“However, who dares to intercept it, there is no amnesty for killing!”

Ye Qianren shouted and the order was given. The iron horse followed and killed into it.

They have long been looking for intelligence, know what to do, know who to kill.

For a time, countless iron horses entered Wen Chen’s home. Countless Wen Chen disciples wailed.

The military generals stationed in the garrison have no intention of intercepting them now. After all, Ye Yanren is too strong, and so is the Iron Rider.

Each one is a hundred enemies. Secondly, the martial emperor who can’t kill and can dominate the world, they can’t afford to provoke.

What’s more, this time he killed Wen Chen. It is good for these generals.

The military generals turned a blind eye, and Wen Chen was slaughtered.

Mourning spread to Lin’an City, and I don’t know how many people raised chaos.

Today, Ye Yanren is entering the palace.

Today, the Southern Song Emperor stayed with many ministers.

Ye Qianren entered it like this, and countless Wen Chen looked at it, trembling one by one.

“Emperor Wu, you promiscuous thief, I…”

A Wen Chen shouted.

“Who is this. Find his family and kill his Nine Tribes. By the way, dig up his ancestors, burn them and raise ashes! ”

Ye Qianren said this, raised his hand and slapped this Wen Chen to death.

Sunflower Wei also knew what to do. The operation of taking orders in an instant and killing this person’s Nine Clan Ye Qianren also made many Wen Chen dumbfounded. They had never seen such a careful person, nor had they seen such a lawless, and unscrupulous person who was just a little insulting to Ye Qianren. As a result, Ye Qianren entered the Southern Song Dynasty and strangled their Wen Chen. You know, the number of Wen Chens of the Southern Song Dynasty is at least hundreds of thousands.

But now, Ye Yanren has slaughtered more than 100,000 people. Such a quantity simply completely cut off the Southern Song Dynasty.

“I, I” Many civil servants were silent, not daring to say more…

“Why don’t you say it? Why don’t you scold? ”

“What about your wind bones? What about your arrogance? A bunch of cartilage. I’m still thinking about trying, is it your mouth hard, or my knife sharp? ”

“It’s not interesting, it’s really not interesting. A group of cartilage bones, it seems disgusting. Come, take these civil servants down, and kill them all for me.” ”

Ye Yanren also didn’t want to talk nonsense with them, and directly killed people.

Seeing Ye Qianren being so cruel, they were completely dumbfounded.

“Emperor Wu. It’s all my fault, we don’t dare. Don’t kill us! ”

“We beg for mercy, we surrender, we”

Many civil servants couldn’t stay at all. They really didn’t expect that Ye Qianren would be so domineering, saying that if he killed them, he would kill them.

They can only beg for mercy. It’s a pity that their pleas for mercy, Ye Qianren can not care, for a while, the wailing is continuous, and the blood does not stop.

The huge palace also only had the emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty, as well as a few eunuchs and palace maidens.

The current emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty was paralyzed by fright and gasped: “Don’t kill me.”

Ye Qianren shook his head: “Don’t worry, I said that if I don’t kill you, I won’t kill you.” However, you, the emperor, are also too wasteful. ”

Ye Qianren also shook his head. In contrast, the late Yuan emperor in the sky has iron blood. On the contrary, this Southern Song emperor is really a soft-footed shrimp.

The emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty did not dare to refute, and could only look at Ye Qianren quietly.

Ye Qianren was also bored, looking at the huge palace, and slowly said: “Although I don’t kill you, I also wasted a lot of my time this time.” In this way, give me all the books in your palace. In addition, you cooperate with my order and issue the order to repair martial arts. Let all the people practice martial arts, and then rule the country with martial arts…”

“Good, good… As long as you don’t kill me, I’ll do it all. ”

The emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty was also frightened and agreed instantly.

Moreover, now the Wen Chen has been killed. He can only rely on martial artists.

Ye Qianren nodded, but looked at him appreciatively: “Not bad, although it is a little weak, you can be a dogleg, you are really good.” Be obedient! ”

Ye Yanren said so, and then toured the palace.

The Song Dynasty is in the same vein and likes Taoism. There are many treasured Taoist classics.

After Ye Qianren flipped through it, he asked people to pack it and take it back.

After months of tossing and turning, I finally went back with a big bag and a small bag.

Ye Qianren just left, and the emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty was excited, tearful and sent Ye Qianren away.

But Ye Qianren left. The experience of the Southern Song Dynasty also made the world look at it.

Up and down the Southern Song Dynasty, hundreds of thousands of civil servants were killed. A little left, all hidden. But now that he jumped out, he couldn’t become a climate, and he didn’t dare to say nonsense, nor did he dare to admit the identity of Wen Chen. I was afraid that Ye Qianren would slaughter again.

After that, the Southern Song Dynasty was the same. Govern the country with martial arts, inherit the method of cultivation, and make the people of the world cultivate.

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