Lin Dong actually agreed with Lin Jiang's proposal. The whole business of holding a big banquet depends on word of mouth!

How many guests would there be for a banquet?

There must be hundreds of people, and they would then hand out business cards to these hundreds of people.

After people have tasted the flavor of his big banquets, would they give them priority when they hold banquets at home? They would definitely consider it!

Then, the work would come naturally!

What's more, if the operations on Douyin and Kuaishou platforms are effective, they would not be short of work at all.

Not to mention, they can easily take on ten big banquets in a month.

At that time, they will choose the host and the specifications of the banquet. I'm afraid they can't be invited to small events.

"The issue of profit sharing is still to be discussed. After all, we have to consider the whole team. Let me ask you one more question: do you really want to work with me?"

Lin Dong roughly calculated in his mind.

If he takes 60% and the other members take 40%, the distribution is still a bit unreasonable after a banquet.

For example, for a banquet with 50 tables, once Lin Dong's reputation rises, he can probably stabilize it to about 500 per table.

Fifty tables will be 25,000. Excluding the cost of dishes and materials, the cost is less than 10,000. Tables and chairs are prepared in the early stage, including labor, which is not included for the time being. The net profit is about 15,000.

This 15,000 only needs to cook for about two days.

Lin Dong takes 60%, which is 9,000 yuan, and the remaining 40% is 6,000 yuan. There are ten people in the team. If the remaining people share this 6,000 yuan, each person will actually get about 700 yuan.

If it is just ordinary people There are about twenty tables, so the money is not much, the total amount is only about ten thousand yuan. Excluding other miscellaneous things, the profit is only about six or seven thousand. Excluding Lin Dong's 60%, it is about four thousand yuan.

As for the other nine people, each of them will get more than three hundred yuan.

Of course, even if it is calculated in this way, if it works for two days, each person will get about one hundred and fifty yuan a day, and the basic income is about three thousand yuan a month.

In addition, when cooking a big banquet in the countryside, the host still provides meals, so they don’t need to spend much on food, which is actually a hidden income.

On average, it is still much more cost-effective than working outside.

If the share is more relaxed, the other people in the team will naturally earn more.

As he spoke, Lin Dong had already put himself in a leading position.

"Dongzi, I'll be frank with you. I've been working in society for many years and have learned a lot."

"But it is because of this that I know that being cunning is useless. In many cases, you need strength to do things. In this society, making money is the bottom line. Do you know that you only cooked two meals, and many people in the village thought about it and asked you to host a banquet. This is strength."

Lin Jiang looked at Lin Dong, who had little expression on his face, and explained honestly

"Actually, I had this idea after I ate the food you cooked yesterday morning."

"When you were cooking in the afternoon, I ran over to watch how you cooked a few of the dishes. When I got home last night, I followed your steps and cooked them several times myself. But even though the steps were exactly the same, the dishes I cooked still tasted different from yours. I am not as good as you in cooking."

"At that time, I understood that cooking requires talent in addition to hard work. Since I couldn't earn that much money, I thought about making some extra money, which is why I came to you today."

Lin Dong recalled that it seemed that Lin Jiang was indeed burning a fire next to the stove yesterday. It turned out that this kid wanted to steal my skills!

"Dongzi, I really think this is feasible. It's not worse than going to work. You can make a lot of money. Consider it."Lin Jiang said calmly

"Aren't you afraid that after you told me about this, I would do it without you?" Lin Dong asked without commenting.

"If you don't take me with you, it means you look down on me, and there's nothing to blame."Lin Jiang's expression was very calm.

"OK, I'll think about it. I'll get back to you after the banquet at Uncle Dejiang's house."

"Okay, then you go to the kitchen and get busy. If you need any help, call me anytime. This is my phone number. Let's remember each other's numbers."

The two exchanged phone numbers, and Lin Jiang waved at him.

"I'm going back to sleep first. I've been playing mahjong all night and I'm a bit exhausted. See you later."

After watching Lin Jiang leave, Lin Dong turned and walked towards the kitchen, and the system's voice rang in his head.

【Ding, triggering task 2: Establish a team (10 people) to prepare for the banquet and successfully accept the task. Reminder: If you do not accept the task within five minutes, it will be regarded as giving up.】

【Reward 1: 50,000 yuan】

【Reward 2: Imperial Palace Dishes, Buddha Jumps Over the Wall】

【Reward 3: Grandmaster-level spicy crayfish cooking skills. 】

The rewards given by the system made Lin Dong's heart skip a beat.

He did acquire the grandmaster-level cooking skills of banquets.

But it was limited to banquets.

Although many things can be mastered once, they can be mastered in many ways.

But no matter how well you know something, you can never really reach the highest level if you have never touched it.

It's like you have studied mathematics and attended high school, but you just can't do advanced mathematics!

Some of the masters of banquets, if you ask them to cook dishes for a big hotel, they will definitely not be able to do it.

"I accept it."

Lin Dong also likes cooking, and there are so many benefits.

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