Although Lin Dong accepted the system's task, he had to wait until the Shao Da Xi team was fully established before the system's reward would be issued.

"But at that time, some funds will definitely be needed in the early stage, and even a car, such as a pickup truck that is necessary for transporting goods."

Lin Dong thought about these things in his mind, and prepared to ask his parents for support.

Or, after the reward for the system's"household name" task comes out, see if there will be any bonus subsidies or something like that. It would be best if he could give himself a few cars, but this idea is probably a bit unreliable.

The system only gives 50,000 yuan for the second task.

The reward for the"household name" achievement of the first task should not be too much.

I still have to fleece my parents.

I will just make more money to be filial to them in the future.

There were more people coming to Lin Dejiang's house this morning, and there were probably seven or eight tables of people eating in the morning alone.

However, after the previous two meals, Lin Dong already had an idea in his mind, and he should cook according to the number of dishes.

Even Lin Dejiang's family had anticipated this situation.

He asked the purchase to go out early this morning to replenish some ingredients for the dishes that could be added today.

This is also because they were worried that there would not be enough dishes for the big banquet this afternoon.

""Dongzi, you'll have to work hard today. If you need anything from us, feel free to ask your aunts to help."

Lin Dejiang came over and said something.

The aunts he mentioned were naturally his own wife and his brother's wife.

Generally speaking, whether it was a wedding or a funeral, the host family rarely did anything personally.

"Don't worry, uncle, it's just a few dozen tables of food. I'm in good health and can handle it at my age. It won't delay anything."

"Hey, uncle is not worried about you getting into trouble, but worried that you are too busy. Okay, I am also busy receiving guests today, so I won’t say more to you. The dishes in the morning can be less, but the portions must be sufficient."

Lin Dong nodded and agreed, and began to prepare the morning meal.

Because there will be a big banquet in the afternoon, it is estimated that the lunch and afternoon will be very busy, so the lunch must be solved early.

It must be done before ten o'clock, and Lin Dong does not have much time left.

"We definitely need meat, but we can’t mess with the main dishes, so we can only have some simple stir-fried dishes."

Lin Dong thought about it and decided to prepare seven or eight dishes in the morning. If the portions are larger, no one will be dissatisfied. There are eight or nine dishes, such as fried pork belly, twice-cooked pork, stir-fried pork with green peppers, stir-fried green vegetables, braised pork, watercress mixed with kelp, cabbage and tofu, and roasted chicken with potatoes.

In view of the fact that the silky apples yesterday received unanimous praise from the children and guests, Lin Dong prepared a silky sweet potato today.

"Uncle Da Kui, we are very busy today. We should make breakfast."

"Okay, I'll wash the rice and cook right away."

Lin Da Kui started to get busy.

Lin Dong also gave instructions on the dishes to be cooked in the morning and the corresponding quantities.

Aunt Guihua and Aunt Juhua, who helped in the kitchen, also started to wash vegetables and cut meat, and got busy.

Occasionally, everyone told some jokes, which made everyone smile, and then they worked silently.

At eight o'clock, all the side dishes were ready, the meat was almost cut, and the rice had been scooped out of the excess rice soup, and it was starting to simmer.

Among the dishes prepared, the only slightly troublesome ones were the braised pork and the roast chicken with potatoes, but this was nothing for Lin Dong.

"Aunt Juhua, start boiling the pot. It's time to cook."

"Okay, Dongzi, now I see you cooking every day, and my appetite has been aroused."

The pork belly has been cut into suitable pieces.

Lin Dong first blanched it, then put it into a container to drain the water.

Then it was time to make the braised pork.

Warm the pan with cold oil, put in the blanched pork belly and stir-fry. When the temperature rises, the meat aroma begins to burst out. When the meat is slightly yellow but not mushy.

Lin Dong puts some spices such as bay leaves, star anise, cinnamon, etc. into the pot, and uses the high oil temperature to stir-fry the aroma.

Then instantly pour in an appropriate amount of braised soy sauce to color it, and the speed is very fast.

When the color is almost the same, pour in boiling water and boil over high heat.

Add soy sauce, ginger slices, scallion segments, etc.

Boil over high heat for a while, then simmer over low heat, and wait. When the soup is cooked to a certain thickness and the braised pork is soft and glutinous, it is almost successful.

However, salt must be added before serving.

While the cooking time is on, Lin Dong starts to make roast chicken with potatoes and several other dishes.

If these dishes are prepared in advance, they can also be placed in large iron basins with lids.

It is summer now, so there is no need to worry about the dishes getting cold in a short time.

If it is winter, some small stoves will be built next to it with cement bricks.

Some charcoal fires that are almost burned out in the kitchen are placed underneath to keep the temperature of the dishes in the iron basin.

The kitchen is in full swing, and the fragrance is overflowing, tempting the gluttons in the stomachs of everyone nearby.

"Grandma, it smells so good. What delicious food is Uncle Dongzi making? Will there be the shredded apple today?"

According to the seniority, Hu Zi, who is four or five years old, should indeed call Lin Dong uncle.

Of course, Lin Dong, who is in his twenties, will also call some little brats uncle in the village.

This is because the ancestors of each family had children at different times, which leads to some normal problems over time.

"No matter what dish it is, your uncle Dongzi can cook it deliciously."

The old lady looked around.

"You better be more alert today, you know that you can't eat too much in the morning, otherwise you won't be able to eat much during the banquet in the afternoon, right?"

"Knowing that, I will definitely save some space for the big feast in the afternoon."

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