【Ding, a gift pack for beginners 1: a must-have knife for a big banquet! Pig slaughtering knife × 1, bone cutting knife × 1, meat cleaver × 1, large spoon × 3, meat hook × 1......】

【Newbie Gift Pack 2: Grandmaster-level rural mat-making skills!】

【Novice Gift Pack 3: Physical Fitness Upgrade Pill × 1! 】

When the two gift packs were given, Lin Dong was stunned for a moment, and then he understood in his heart.

The chef's set of knives must be more than these few, and even the butcher knife is not included in it, but the system took Lin Dong's specific situation into consideration and gave him an extra one.

As for rural chefs cooking, there are basically only two knives, one for cutting vegetables and one for chopping bones, and no other fancy things!

Some other tools are only needed in some situations.

For example, when frying fish or meat, tools such as meat claws will be used.

Moreover, these knives have special effects. If you use a vegetable knife to cut meat, as long as you rinse it with water or wipe it clean, there will be no smell!

The bone-chopping knife can easily cut bones without curling the blade.

As for the master-level barbecue skills, it is just a literal meaning.

This is not the level of chefs rated outside, but in terms of making rural barbecue, Lin Dong is absolutely invincible in this area.

Of course, if Lin Dong were asked to cook some high-end restaurant dishes now, his cooking might not be bad, but it would definitely not be considered a master class.

In other words, Lin Dong is now able to dominate the countryside.

After getting Lin Dong's answer, Lin Dejiang was relieved and a smile appeared on his face.

"Hey, I feel relieved when you say this. If you don't agree, I really have no other choice."

"Uncle, you are too polite. We are from the same village. I have the ability, so can I not help?"

"However, I still want to make one thing clear: I have agreed, but I am not sure whether others believe in my ability."

"So, after I help you kill the pig, will I be the one to prepare the pig-killing meal? Then you can let everyone taste it. If you think it's reliable, I'll take over the cooking job."

"If you think this isn't feasible, then I won't cause you any more trouble. You can just find someone else right away. How about that?"

""Okay, uncle has no objection."

The two of them settled the matter, and Lin Dong was relieved.

In the countryside here, when villagers invite people to cook and prepare banquets, whether to pay or not usually depends on the situation of the host. Even if they pay, it will not be too much, at most a few hundred yuan.

In most cases, the host will give cigarettes, wine, etc.

Later, they may also give a lot of meat, several kilograms or more than ten kilograms.

Because this is considered to be helping, as for doing things for people from other villages, the explanation is different.

"Haha, you are just like your grandfather, both are kind-hearted people, this book is not read in vain"

"Dongzi, are you free now? Can you go and kill my big fat pig? Otherwise, we are in a hurry!"

"Uncle, no problem, I'll go get a set of tools. I can't always kill pigs with a knife!"

Seeing that Lin Dong didn't have any other reaction, Lin Dejiang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It's hard not to feel a little embarrassed to ask someone to work right away.

""Okay, I'll wait for you to go together."

Lin Dong went upstairs, and with a thought, a whole set of tools appeared on the ground in front of him.

There was also a chef's special clothes in it, which had special effects such as cleaning and automatic temperature adjustment.

The system also thoughtfully equipped a basket for tools, which was convenient for him to take out.

By the way, he integrated the master-level cooking skills of the big banquet into his body, and then ate the physical fitness upgrade pills given by the system.

Lin Dong immediately felt like his Ren and Du meridians were opened, and many different rural banquet dishes and methods were integrated into his mind.

Some places on his body that he felt were wrong before, now there is no problem at all, he even feels that he is now strong enough to kill a cow!!

Many of his previous ways and understandings of cooking have been completely overturned.

The same rural banquet dish may have multiple methods, and the seasonings, the time to put it in the pot, the heat, etc. are all clear in his mind.

"I understand!"

Lin Dong's understanding of rural banquets has completely changed. This is a qualitative change!

"Is this the power of a hanger-on?"

Lin Dong complained silently in his heart. Was he going to go from being a college student to being a chef at a banquet in the countryside?

If his old classmates knew that he was going to be a chef in the countryside after graduation, they would probably be shocked.

"If those people dare to laugh at me, I will give them a banquet in the future and let them never eat eight dishes in their lifetime."

Lin Dong picked up the basket and walked out.

"You're quite professional, huh? These knives are quite new. When did you buy them?"

"My grandfather bought things before, but he didn’t have time to use them.

Lin Dong began to use his dead grandfather as a shield.

"It turned out that the old man had prepared it before, but it was not wasted, and you can use it now!"

Lin Dejiang said some unfunny jokes, and a moment later, the two arrived at Lin Dejiang's house.

Lin Dejiang's house is a small brick house with two floors and three storeys. The courtyard is flattened with cement, very flat. The mourning hall has been set up in the main hall on the first floor, and a coffin is placed in the middle.

There are already"masters" chanting scriptures and so on, and there are several middle-aged women covering their faces and crying. This is mourning.

Lin Dong didn't care about these, and didn't go over to say hello.

"Come on, some helpers, let's kill the pig later."

"This is Lin Dong. You should all know him. He is the grandson of Mr. Lin Jiadong. He was the one who followed Mr. Jiadong around to organize banquets."

Lin Dong grew up in the village and knew most of the people. He greeted some elders honestly, and called them uncles and aunts honestly.

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